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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Hiya! How was your day? :D

  2. Oooh.. Well I wanted to apologize for yesterday.

  3. Hey Nightmare. Question, Your Avatar and signature, they from castlevania?

  4. Hello Des! How are ya?

  5. Today any better than yesterday?

  6. Well I'm off for now. Good night! ^_^

  7. Princess is concerned too. I'm tired of you saying somthing stupid and hurtful, then after they got upset make up the excuse that it was a joke. I'll just say, think before you post!

  8. You need to becareful on what you "joke" about. Even if your joking, people could take it the wrong way. Sure, tell us it was a joke AFTER WE GET UPSET!

  9. Yay! Grats on invading! *goes to read*

  10. Well, ok then. I'm done talking to you for now. I'm going to go practice.
  11. Lol, ok. Think about it, and let me know when you posted it. ^_^

  12. Probably because to bomb shell you dropped yesterday, about you and bianchi.

  13. Lol, well you might have been playing the 2nd for a long while, but I'm very good at the 1st. As long as none of the battle styles have changed, I think I can win. I know the spec. atts have changed alot.
  14. What's up with you.?

  15. Oh, well you could ask Zeph if you could.

  16. *has been playing Blade of fate nonstop for the past year* Besides, that doesn't matter how long you have been playing, just how good you are.
  17. Lol, why not make you own topic?

  18. Keeping an eye on ya. xD

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