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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. So, when are ya going to post it...?

  2. Princess wants to be a party member. As for me, I don't know.
  3. Lol, we'll see about that young grasshopper. Remember, I have been working on the 1st one alot, trying to get all my data back. Besides, I'm fighting for Lyle too, I'm not going to lose to the likes of you..
  4. YES! Thank goodness I own a demo of the first one! *fanfare*
  5. Lol, cool! Am I going to be a Gengar eventually?

  6. Was it from that game you found recently? Is it the guy from Splinter Cell?
  7. Aww, I was close.. Looks great.
  8. She is going to make you Lucario, that ok?

  9. Wow, cool! Looks like Nightmare from soul calibar.
  10. 1) Oh, Well I don't get on often... 2) STALKERS! XD
  11. Lol, but which Pokemon..? xD

  12. Thing is, I don't know if I know anything about the game Serene is talking about.. There are alot of 50 year old video game characters who aren't laguz like..
  13. Ooooh! Sounds fun!

  14. Is this about your current sig? The "Tokko" throws me off..
  15. Um.. Lets see... a person.. video game character..and is not from Tokko... Hmm... *thinks*
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