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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Me? I know who I am. Who are you?

  2. I don't really see her talk much. Mabye that's why. Mabye I should go say hi once and a while.
  3. I ment to post it on Cynthia's.. Ooops.. XD

  4. Go look if you want... If he reads it, That wont...be good...

  5. How many times has someone said that Des was kinda alot like Cym..? Anyway nice list! *trying to resist fad*
  6. I had a little accident on "lord ike's" profile... XD

  7. Hmm.... Hmmmmm....

    Nope! Drawin a blank here.

  8. For what you told "lord ike" on his profile, about him being a cool guy by getting the last word ans stuff. High fives* bout time someone told him a thing or two.

  9. For what you told "lord ike" on his profile, like he thinks he is a cool guy by getting the last word and stuff. *high fives* bout time someone told him a thing or two.

  10. l l




    Lol, fail flag.

  11. Well, Princess is going to get back on now. I'll see ya in about an hour.

  12. TAG! YOUR IT! *runs off laughing* xD

  13. *gasp* Special powaz? :O

  14. Ok, anything else I should know before hand? :)

  15. Al'right. If we get disconnected, we will stay in wi-fi and wait for you to reconnect.

  16. *high five* For what you said on Suzaku/lord Ike's porfile. :D

  17. Oh, sorry bout that. xD But sure, we can brawl in an hour.

  18. Aww, Or just.. eh, I give up. You change it to whatever you want. :D

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