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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Sweet dreams to you! :D

  2. Hehe.. Cym Broke your wall! *Tos fanfare*

  3. Lol, I see. Well, I'm think I'll get off for now. Good night! ^_^

  4. I'm off now, Bye!

  5. Lol, I'm off now! BYE!

  6. l------l

    l l



    l < flag


  7. Muhaha! I have a wall of comments! *Places flag on top of Princess' comments*

  8. -_- Hmmm... *Throws a rope down the trap door* *loops around Princess' arm* Zero pulls Princess out, throws Fireman's ninja bomb down the trap door and closes the door* XD Hehe..
  9. *pulls lever to open a trap door under Masu's feet* Hehehe...Good...good..
  10. So, What are you doing?

  11. What do ya mean what do I mean?? Lyle is going to beat up pit?

  12. What's going on in here..?

  13. Lol, ok. Well I revived the hug war. But other than that, I'm talking to Masu, Lyle and Princess. =]

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