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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. IMPOSTER! L is 24-25! Not 17! XD Happy-b day!

  2. *assists dark sage in destroying Princess wall* MUHAHAHAHA! XD

  3. Anyways, yes! Gewd games to ya!

  4. ....What the hell?


  6. Well I see you either went back to work or went to bed. If you went back to work, then good luck. If you went to sleep, then good night, and sweet dreams. :D

  7. Oooooh! That's who he is! *charity bump*
  8. Wow, your always so busy. You ever take breaks? XD

  9. Ah, I've moved twice before. It's not fun.. So, what you up to? I see your mafia game is up and running.

  10. We sent you the video of that last match. GREAT AETHER THE AIR!

  11. Ok, me getting on.

  12. Lol, we going to continue?

  13. Me back. BTW, this your first time moving?

  14. Those basterds! We will show them! I'll go shut them up in a bit.
  15. Okie dokie! *gets on*

  16. Wow really? I know how that feels, its rough. But ok, another time then. ;D

  17. Al'right! Lets do this, lets kick some ass! Wait, we? Who's We?

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