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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. CUZ YOU HAVE AN EMULATOR! Lol, but that's ok. I have made up my mind on what I'll do next.

  2. Have you read that topic I made? It looks like your busy. Other than that DAMN PROBLEM! I'm good! ^_^

  3. Hi Cym! How it goin? :D


  5. Al'right. I think I'll do this. I'll clean my DS and the games. My DS is dusty inside.. Then, continue to play Bleach and Pokemon. Metal Arc said that Pokemon Pearl has another bank of data it can load if an error occures, and that's true. If these problem continues even after I clean it, then I think a replacement is in order. Thing is, Nintendo is in production of a new handheld and console like the Wii. It would feel odd buying a DS lite knowing this. But I don't know anything else about it other than Nintendo is working on it. I may not even like it. So if it keeps up, Looks like next month when I go to buy the 2nd Bleach and Naruto games. I might be buying a new DS as well. I thank all of you for replying to this and giving me your suggestions. Time to go look at which color DS lite I would like! ^_^
  6. 1) I don't know.. At this time I think it is the DS. 2) Yes, they are both bought in the US. 3) I don't know about that.
  7. *sigh of relief* That's good.. Pokemon is safe.. Bleach... not so much... That explains alot. Pokemon has done that to me alot.. "cannot read data"
  8. Gamestop gives you little to nothing for anything. I tried to sell a game there, but they were only willing to go as high as 16ยข. I would get satisfaction putting it a shoebox and burying it in the backyard with a tiny tombstone that says, "Here lies Zero's DS".
  9. They probably would. Is now a bad time to say that I have sent it in to Nintendo for "repairs"? Such as the two parts holding the top and bottem screen together, one fell off... But that still doesn't explain the lost data!
  10. You mean sell it? Then buy a DS lite? Will they take a handicapped DS?
  11. *sigh* maybe time for my DS to retire... I have kinda...
  12. Mabye, but that doesn't explain why the data was erased, does it?
  13. True. I have a ye old DS, not a DS lite. But replacing it is somthing I will do if nothing else works and the problem continues.
  14. Hello! *late* Sorry was busy making a topic.

  15. Ok.. as of lately, I have come across a problem. Yesterday, I picked up my DS and was going to play a Bleach game. But as I turned it on, an error had occurred and I lost ALL OF MY BLEACH DATA! It's not as bad as it could have been, I could of had Pokemon Pearl reset it's data.. I'm starting to think the problem is with my DS.. It has been acting weird for weeks now. Like, The L button sometimes doesn't work, when I close the DS to save power and open it the next time it just shuts off. And sometimes it won't even read the game. I thought these were all just little things untill it shut off by itself and my data had been deleted. I have thought about cleaning my DS and games, but other than that I'm as a loss. Before I did anything I wanted to get some opinions and suggestions. Princess and I won't be here most of the day, so please discuss. *DISCUSS* *typed on a Wii*
  16. There.. there.... >_> Run!! Serene is going to kil.. *is killed by New Serene*
  17. Well, I'm off to brawl again. Don't think I can get back on after. I'll go ahead and tell you good night know. Good night an sweet dreams! :D

  18. Ahh.. I don't go to the chat all that much, that explains why I didn't know. Thx
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