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Everything posted by YingofDarkness

  1. I choose no to having an Avatar but I wouldn't mind if they were there. It can be a fun mechanic, and the only actual problem I have is when the other characters start singing praises about them like in Fates. If they do it more like Awakening then I'd be perfectly fine with it. As for S-supports, I want them there just so that everybody can get more then just 1 A support. In Echoes taking it out worked only because it didn't matter who got an A support with who because there were already pre-established relationships in the game. I think only Forsyth, Saber, and Genny were the only other ones to marry that don't have some romantic subplot in the game. I don't like the kids mechanic though and am hoping they shelve the idea for the next game.
  2. I kind of hope not. I don't mind most of them, but the roster is already being stretched to its limits trying to get in characters from 3 games. The child units aren't as popular as their parents. Although I can see one or two others getting in for the same reason that Agitha got in (developer liked her), I'd like it if we got someone else to represent their group.
  3. Ugh I know I am going to get hate for this, but I'm actually kind of happy this is becoming a thing. If a series like Xenoblade can get a worldwide release then that means FE Switch might have a similar worldwide release, and if the only thing lost in the localization/development process is some more sexual costumes and such then I'm cool with it. The fact of the matter is that different countries have different rules in regards to what will cause them to up the rating on a video game. Then you have different companies wanting different franchises to stay within certain ratings so they have to change or remove some stuff in development to hit that rating. Nintendo seems to want Fire Emblem to stay within a T-rating worldwide. I think this holds the series back somewhat but that is a topic for another time. This need to keep it to a T-rating is probably the reason why the blood in SoV was made white, and the reason why Treehouse took out the boob slider and Lyn's bikini in XCX. The fact is that different markets and cultures like different things and it isn't as easy as just bringing over the original and subtitling it because that will definitely lead to some lost sales in a series that has broken out of its niche and entered the mainstream attention of the public. A big benefit I can see from this applying to the FE Switch localization is how we are probably going to get the same scripts and characters from the Japanese version without any drastic differences. I'm talking no more Henry's, Hisame's, or that BerukaxSaizo convo that everybody always talks about. Because most of the localization has already been done before the game has finished developing everybody will get the same thing with very minor differences, and that is if there are any at all. I think people are overreacting to how much the localization can actually affect the finished product. At most we might eventually get an artbook where we see that someone's costume has changed in development, or a developer interview where they mention something specific but that is it. The original story, the original characters, the original developers actual vision is not going to be harmed and honestly rarely when it comes to these types of changes made. People just want to get the same exact game as the original one, and I completely understand that. The thing is, what Monolith is doing with the localizers is the best way that it will happen because anything that would cause "controversy" is being changed during development. Well that is my 2 cents on the matter.
  4. I've seen a lot of people talk about how they would like main female lord, and as much as I'd like that as well I don't think IS can deliver a strong female lord anymore. I just finished Echoes, and the way Celica and Alm got treated towards the end completely destroys any confidence I have in them creating a good female lord that won't be overshadowed by their male counterpart. I've seen others say this before, but Alm really is perfect while Celica makes all of the mistakes and apparently this isn't even the only time it happens in the series. Since I've only played the 3DS games I can only talk about the female lords in those, and there aren't any good examples in any of them. In Awakening there aren't any except technically Flavia who we need to help get the throne because her male counterpart has always won the tournament before. I don't really count Lucina because she isn't actually a princess of that world, and she disappears in the end anyway. In Fates you have the sisters, and all of them are overshadowed by their brothers as lords. The guys get the special weapons and story importance while one of the sisters was completely ignored (Hinoka), the other was Miss Fanservice, and the Sakura is only there because Corrin needs an imotou on the Hoshidan side. Elise is the only one that actually has any story importance, but not only does that only apply to one game (Birthright), it also is only to be the cute sister we feel sad about towards the end. She never does or accomplishes anything because Xander retcons her previous actions immediately. Then we have Echoes. I know the reasons why Celica made the decisions she made but that doesn't stop them from being stupid, and then there is how Mathilda just becomes a housewife in her ending instead of staying in the new Order of Heroes as a knight alongside her husband or something like that. Does anyone else feel this way or am I overreacting? Oh also, I posted this here because we are talking about what lords we would like to see and I thought they were related. If it isn't then let me know and I will delete this post and maybe make a new topic about it or something.
  5. I don't have a Twitter account but I'd vote for ChromxRyoma. I'm not surprised to see ChromxMarth winning though since it is basically a conversation between Chrom and a younger version of his 1000 year old Grandpapa
  6. A mix between the two. For the supports and any base conversations (hopefully they have them anyway) the portraits should be used as I am expecting the larger cast and supports from Awakening and Fates. However for any important story scenes (or just in general) a 3D model could work. My only problem with 3D models is that they often end up look much worse then if they had just stuck with portraits, and the lip-syncing being off is a pet peeve of mine.
  7. Except that is not how business works. If people stop buying a localized version of a game, but they see that the Japanese one is doing strong they will just stop localizing the games entirely. There is no point in wasting all that money if nobody is going to buy it after all. Also, FE may be making them large amounts of money now but they are hardly the biggest money makers for them. Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon are. So them not localizing the games will just put FE back into a niche category and right back on its deathbed.
  8. It's amazing the amount of work they put into this. From everything I've heard this was just a lower budget side project while they also work on the Switch version, and it has so much love put into it. Not just with this stuff, but with the extra quotes that other characters have if another one they are close to dies. It all does so much to flesh out the other characters and their relationships. Hopefully they do something similar with the Switch game.
  9. Toned down isn't the correct way to word it, but I can't think of any other way to say it. Yes the "Nohrian scum" is part of it, but if you go with Nohr apparently Corrin doesn't whine as much, and some of the wording was changed a bit so they aren't 100% angels...just 99.99%. Mind you this is all stuff I've heard from when Fates first got localized, and I can now only find people on forums talking about it along with some other localization changes. I've been trying to find the Japanese and American scripts to compare, but can't locate them. Also, yeah the Hoshidans are completely justified in hating the Nohrians and calling them scum, but that wasn't in the original even though it humanizes them a bit. I mean we all do this were we paint a particular faction a certain way so why shouldn't the Hoshidans who have been getting attacked by monsters and soldiers from a neighboring kingdom. This is getting off topic though. This does not make any sense to me. If you don't like a game then don't buy it. The company won't see your money either way, but if you play it then you don't have anything to get upset over. Pirating doesn't do anything except make things worse for those of us who are legitimately buying the games. Your frustrations over the changes in localization won't get heard, and nothing changes...
  10. Okay but that is different. You were being a jerk there, and they had every right to block you. The only bad thing about Xenoblade Chronicles X was the removal of the boob slider and some of Lin's outfits which aren't that bad and might not even have been their decision but NoA. The story was kept the same without any major changes. SmtxFE was done by Atlus themselves it was just NoA that told them to change some stuff, and it is important to remember Treehouse and NoA aren't exactly the same thing. Yes Treehouse works for NoA, but NoA has the final say on what can be changed and not on the stuff using their licenses. I don't play Pokemon anymore so I wouldn't know what they changed there though.
  11. They seem like lazy writing at times. With Kamui it does fit, and we know from his base conversation that he already up and disappeared on his family after all. With Kliff I wish that they had at least had his kid mention something about what happened to him. I mean Kliff just disappears, and then his "kid" comes back but mentions nothing about what happened to his dad? It feels incomplete to me at least. Sonya's ending is a good example of what they should have done with Kliff. She disappears as well but rumors start up about what may have happened to her. Deen's ending also has him disappear but I think it also fits his personality. His Gaiden ending did it better though: "After the war, he unexpectedly disappeared along with the Brave Sword.Rumors say that he crossed over to a continent to the south in search of new conflicts."
  12. Echoing some others here, tomes are probably enchanted so that the spellcaster can cast that specific spell and it just fades away with each use until you touch it up again. The way I see it, everybody has the potential to cast magic but some people just have more a knack for it then others. As you cast more and more magic however you get better at it like as if you were training a muscle. The tomes enchantment is created to help those that have a knack for magic do the spells faster then if they just use their life force while allowing those that don't find it so simple to do it easier.
  13. I don't buy DLC in video games because most of them aren't worth the price to me personally or are more cosmetic. There are times I want to and I'll probably eventually cave if I have the spare cash, but it has never been that big a deal to me. The only thing that really tempts me is the story related stuff though. Like in Awakening that was the only thing I wanted, in Fates it was the same, and now after finishing Echoes I want to buy the Deliverance pack. I just like knowing as much about a games world and characters that I can, but since I can also find this stuff online I just eventually get over it. Maybe the Switch game will have a world I like so much to buy DLC for.
  14. These are pretty much my thoughts on this issue as well. I think people are being way to hard on the Treehouse especially since Fates doesn't seem to be the only FE game that they translated. They just made some bad decisions that got overblown in the fandom, and now everybody hates them. The issue with Fates writing is on NoJ and whoever butchered the writer's original script, and made it the hot mess it became. Treehouse did do some things better like toning down the obvious Hoshido bias which was a complaint I remember when the Japanese version came out. The only bad things I can really get on them are the decision to block Kana from marrying certain candidates (when you can literally marry everyone), and the infamous Saizo and Beruka support. Effie got changes just like Henry was changed by 8-4 in Awakening so it isn't fair to pin that only on Treehouse since 8-4 has shown that they will do the same. I say they be given another shot just to see if they learned anything from the whole Fates controversy. There is also the chance that Treehouse is working on the new game already actually. If what the developers meant when they said that they would be "breathing life into the characters like never before", was that all the characters would get more dialogue then that all needs to be translated. With Echoes they have shortened the possible amount of time that a FE game can come out between Japan and other regions to just a month. I doubt that they are going to want to increase that, and would instead want to shorten it or just keep it at a month. If this post is anything to go by (https://nintendotreehouse.tumblr.com/post/158748439077/welcome-to-the-jungle) translating a game can take years depending on when the localization process actually started. Considering the whole fiasco with the petting minigame Nintendo might be letting in the localizers sooner to give them an idea of what wouldn't fly over here. Yes FE isn't one of Nintendo's big hitters so it might not want to put as much effort into the localization as all this, but it still makes them a good amount of money now. Enough that they felt that they could release three games in one year. To fit that timeframe, or one similar, they would have to start translating ahead of time and 8-4 is hardly waiting around twiddling their thumbs for more projects to just drop on their lap. They probably have multiple teams that have schedules to work on different games as soon as they finish one project so they can keep the money coming in. Now could Nintendo have just told them that as soon as they finish with Echoes they can start on the Switch game? Yep. We don't know when the Switch version will come out after all, and Echoes finished up pretty early in the year. Do they have to include the localizers early on in development? No, and they probably don't since the developers don't seem to care much about what the non-Japanese market wants from what I've seen (correct me I'm wrong though). I'm just getting annoyed at how bad the Treehouse keeps getting bashed because of the Fates games. They aren't perfect, and I've read every reply on this thread so I know they have taken out features and left out script in the Tellius games. However, 8-4 has hardly had a perfect record with all of their games either and even Awakening and Echoes weren't a word for word translation (although I love the small changes they made in Echoes script). I just say give them a second chance to see if they've learned. Sorry for the massive wall of text.
  15. As much as I would love that, it would still be too much work to do for a cast the size of Awakening and Fates. Awakening had 54 characters, and that would be 162 different portraits in total. This isn't counting having to also do this for all the different facial expressions. We also know IS is a bit lazy when it comes to class changes because of how they have been using one standard model for most classes in Awakening and Fates.
  16. I'm sure it will have voice acting for all the story scenes, but for everything else I'm not so sure. Voice acting is expensive especially for the good talent, and if there are as many characters as Fates it may be too expensive to do full voice acting.
  17. Isn't the Nintendo Direct for E3 only for games releasing in 2017? If so I doubt we are going to get anything. Most of the FE attention will be on Warriors.
  18. Enemy summoners are annoying to fight. The only thing they are good for is grinding and even then it takes so long for just one unit to get a level up (because of how little experience they give). They make the maps more tedious and less fun to play. Don't even talk to me about the final map and the witch and mogall spam that happened in my playthrough because I was terrified of that one dude's Medusa. Invoke was the opposite were it was such a broken mechanic that it makes maps much easier to deal with because the enemy AI will target only them. I remember that same final map where I just started invoke spamming with Tatiana to get close enough to the other to kill everybody and distract Duma. Made that level a lot more fun by simply making it less tedious. Both should get nerfed though going into the future. Summoners should either have cooldown times where they won't just be spamming summons every other turn, or have a cap on how many summons can be on the map at one time. Invoke shouldn't always draw the enemy's attention away, or if it does at least make it so that the bosses won't get so easily distracted and will go after any unit they can do the most damage too/kill.
  19. I'd like multiple lords with one being the generic sword lord, and the rest wielding something different. They should all be from different countries though, and there should be at least one of each gender for representation. Hopefully whoever designs the armor gets to do it like in Echoes instead of Fates. Seriously Mathilda looks amazing and like she would actually be threatening on the battlefield. Then there are Fates female armor designs... This I like since it makes the main lord trusting the Avatar on everything (which is probably going to happen) make actual in game sense. It is easier to trust someone you have known a long time then some random schmo you met unconscious on a field. This I do not like at all. If they are going to make an Avatar they should not take away the choice of who they should marry, and especially not based on gender. If you are going to put a canon lover into the game for the main lord just make it another character that you can't S-rank with like Alm and Celica. If that game had an Avatar you wouldn't be able to S-rank with either of them for political reasons (combining Rigel and Zofia into one country). You shouldn't be able to S-rank Clive, Mathilda, Zeke, and Tatiana either because they are established couples. If they want to make that couple the "canon" couple like Corrin and Azura then they should just imply it is like how they did with those two and maybe give them a special cutscene at the end of the game if they marry like in Revelation. They should also make that lord bi so that it could truly be "canon" for both genders, and not just the one of the opposite sex from them (again Corrin and Azura). I highly doubt they would make the main lord bi though. I also don't like being able to support with every unit after Fates but know they are probably going to include it so I've just resigned myself to it.
  20. I think I prefer third tiers more although I would like both in the Switch games. They could make all the first tier units be like the villagers in Echoes where they each have 1 to 3 (or 1 to 2) different promotions they can get as second tiers, and then the third tier would be locked to that class. I just feel like the Switch game will be longer then any of the 3DS games, and so it would make more sense for their to be third tiers.
  21. Thank you both for the welcome!
  22. Sounds like PR talk to me. A lot of devs say these things before anything has been revealed to drum up hype for their new games. For the sake of conversation though I'm going to assume they are talking about the way the characters are presented. I doubt the game will be fully voice acted if the cast is like Fates. Voice acting is expensive and if every character is able to support each other with a cast that huge it would become a bit too much I think. I do believe all the story related scenes will be voice acted as well as base conversations if they come back (hopefully they do). The cutscenes are going to be amazing with some animated ones mixed in with better in-game engine cutscenes then what we had on the 3DS. I doubt there are going to be anymore of the still images with characters talking. Maybe the characters will move while they talk as well instead of just staying static and then switching poses. Something funny about Echoes I've noticed is that if there are two characters on screen and something bad happened the one not currently talking will appear smiling until they say something and it switched to their sad/serious pose. They will probably show something at E3 if the game is going to come out early 2018, if not we might not get anything until much later in the year.
  23. Um, hello. I've been lurking on this forum for a couple of years now, and finally got around to making an account although I'm not too sure how often I'll actually be posting. This is the first forum I've ever really signed up for because I have a tendency to be as quiet online as I am irl (trying to fix that though). My name is something I came up with in highschool and I use for everything even though it is kind of stupid haha. I've only really played the 3DS games and Heroes, but I've seen/read let's play of the older ones so I know a bit about them story-wise. My favorite game is Awakening, but I'm really liking Echoes right now and it might bump that one to second depending on how bad Celica's late-game maps actually are. I hope to get along with everybody here, bye.
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