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Posts posted by YingofDarkness

  1. Blue Lions. I always go for the blue team first, and Dmitri is my favorite of the three. I also really like the look of a lot of the characters in the Blue Lion group. The next playthrough would be going with the Golden Deer group, and then I'd go with the Black Eagles if I noticed that they there were enough significant story beats to justify a third playthrough. I'd like to play through all of the houses but I don't have enough free time nowadays, and Black Eagles just outright doesn't really interest me at all.

  2. Cheerful isn't a word I would associate with Dmitri looking at his art for the first time, but I can kind of see where they were going with him. He would be that seriously studious kid that is always eager to learn and prove himself to those around him. He would make reckless decisions based on his emotional reactions to what is going on around him. I can see this making him the butt monkey of the three where Claude picks on him, and Edelgard is just done with both of them. This would be the opposite of what they seem to be going with both Claude. Whereas Dmitri is always serious but emotional, Claude is always joking around on the outside while cooling assessing the situation around him. I can see Claude picking on Dmitri a lot if this is the case. Or I'm probably overthinking this because I'm going Blue Lion first and I'm a sucker for these types...

  3. Bylese actually looked pretty badass there until the camera zoomed out. The breastplate still looks stupid, as does the midriff, but it really does seem that it is the leggings that push her outfit from "mideval fantasy" to "female fanservice character" for me personally. I've pretty much accepted at this point that most female avatars will have more skin showing as part of their outfits, or weird bits for no reason other than to look cute/sexy. It is when so much of the outfit is put together to look cute/sexy that it crosses the line. That so many of the female students seem to be dressed better makes her stand out even more. I really hope the class change outfits are better.

    Anna looks like Anna. Her hair is pinker and she looks more innocent? Awakening and Fates Anna's look like they are ready to swindle you while she looks a bit more naive. Reminds me of Feh's Anna, but that might also be the eye shape. Bigger eyes always give a more innocent look.

    Edelgard sounds and acts like I expected she would. Polite noble lady. I do like the body language she uses here. Gives her a bit more personality, and hopefully all the playable characters have their own unique ways of expressing themselves.

  4. 23 hours ago, Tsak said:

    wait gamestop is cancelling preorders? heck they did that to be for SoV too.... they better not pull that bs again T_T

    If I remember correctly they do that all the time. The reason seems to be that they allow everybody to preorder without actually checking how many limited edition copies they are actually going to get, or something similar to that if I remember correctly.

  5. Is it bad that I don't even want Anna in this? I just don't really like her character all that much, and the whole "Legion of Anna's" thing they have going on is just so flipping weird too me. I know she is probably going to show up as the outrealm character at the very least, but just keep her there. I want an all original cast of characters to discover and form my own opinions on.

  6. On 4/3/2019 at 5:17 AM, Sushi_Cat said:

    I can honestly see them doing something like this. It would be a cool way to showcase each house and its members and would probably spark some rivalry in the fandom, which is always good at creating some hype and discussion.

    I hope they do actually put some more focus on the three houses and not just the Avatar in the next trailer. I'm going Corrin vibes from Byleth just because they are already a random nobody born with a special power that suddenly puts them into position of power they wouldn't have had otherwise. If they keep focusing on him, and only glancing over the houses I'm just going to get more and more worried about the focus of the story...

  7. Why does Japan like that whole one leg is covered while the other isn't look? It always looks weird to me, and bothers me a bit because I feel like it would be so uncomfortable if you wear it for too long...

    That aside, I like the confirmation that Byleth will be voiced and the zoom in and poses that the characters do when they are commanding their battalion to do something. It can add a little more too their personality if all of the characters get their own special pose. It does also look like the glow around Linhardt is coming from the tile he is standing on, but it is kind of hard too tell.

  8. For the next trailer I just want them to start introducing the characters and which houses they show up in. Give us a little more background on what each house's background is, and what kind of characters we can expect from that house. An explanation, or snippet about the gambit system would be appreciated as well. That is the part of the game that I am most worried about at the moment.

  9. 2 minutes ago, BZL8 said:

    One thing's for certain is that the concept art should be phenomenal. Apparently Kazuma Koda, NieR: Automata's concept artist, is doing work for this game (he did the steelbook and special edition box art for the Japanese release), and if his work on Automata is anything to go by, it will be something.

    Well yeah, but concept art is only pretty in the artbook. I wish they had gone with a different style for the actual game itself because it just bores me right now. What is the point of pretty art if the actual game you are going to spend hours looking at doesn't compare? Don't get me wrong, I love the art for the special edition in Japan. I wish they had gone for that instead, and am hoping it shows up as the startup screen in the game. However, concept art isn't enough to really excite me about the game. Sorry if I come off as rude.

  10. It's the Church. If any religion in a JRPG is prominently displayed they will be evil. Even if it isn't everybody in the church, it will still be either a separate faction within the church, or a separate religion all together. They made it even more obvious with how they portrayed that church lady with her face shadowed in a brightly lit room. She's evil.

  11. They couldn't have done a three Musketeers version of this box art? All five of them could be right side up that way. Just put one Byleth in between Dmitri and Claude, and the other in between Edelgard and Claude. It seems like they look like they are going to be friends anyway.

    That song makes me hope they release the full soundtrack on Itunes or something if they are all this good.

    The artwork of the locations doesn't really do anything for me though. Fates had pretty location art as well, but we never got to actually enjoy most of it in game except for the thrones that appeared in cutscenes.

  12. My main worry right now is Avatar worship. The fact that the second trailer centered around how we are so very special, and that is why we got a tutoring job at the most prestigious school in the continent is concerning. I'm hoping they were just using this trailer to highlight the Avatar, and the next three trailers focus on Edelgard, Dmitri, and Claude with very little Avatar worship involved.

  13. Marriage is going to be in. The students are going to be marriagable by anyone that wants to do so, and I've accepted that this is going to be the case. I still don't like it, but there is no way they are going to cut off such a large cast from the Avatar. Especially not with all the special attention they are giving Edelgard, Dmitri, and Claude.

    As for LGBT characters, there will definitely be at least two of them in there. Whether they are in any of the houses or separate characters you can recruit regardless of route will be the actual issue. It would be nice if we actually get both. One in each house is either gay/lesbian or just bi, and then there are two others that you will get regardless of route.

  14. I'm going to say that they aren't in the game because I can't really see where they would be. Unless they end up being one of the ruling noble groups in Leicester I just don't see how they would fit into the narrative. They could exist in one of the areas to the side, but that reminds me too much of what they did with Kaden and Keaton. They basically only existed as a token beast unit, and they may as well not exist.

  15. 7 hours ago, Cysx said:

    As I said somewhere else, I'm not too willing to assume that those two girls are part of the playable cast. They get bonus points for being confirmed Golden Deer, but unidentified students showing up back to the camera is just way too common in that trailer. And there's the matter of the other two behind Sylvain at 2:53. I'm not convinced they went ahead and created 3D models for unplayable characters, though that's obviously possible still. They could also be enemies.

    I'd find it a bit strange if we didn't have some 3D models for uplayable characters in the game actually. That school looks so big, and most RPG's have at least a couple of NPC's around to tell you something about the world. Fire Emblem was one of the few I knew that didn't really have that, but that changed in SoV. Every town had some NPC's to tell you a little bit extra about the current area you are in. I doubt they would go back to how it was prior. Making 3D models can be difficult, but they only need to make a couple and then just copy them. I know it isn't that easy, and it does create extra work for them. However it can be a pretty easy way to flesh out the world a bit more as well as fill up some of that empty space we see in the trailer. Everything looks so empty and boring as it is now.

  16. 10 hours ago, VincentASM said:

    Doh, I keep finding new things. Please stop me.

    It seems both of the teachers introduced appeared in the first trailer.

    Mustached man is here:


    This screenshot is actually pretty interesting since it is showing Ashe as being part of the Golden Deer team, and not Blue Lions like everyone has him pegged. It is probably either a last minute change, or maybe a character we had seen before for this group. He doesn't seem to match anyone else at any rate.

  17. 4 hours ago, Jingle Jangle said:


    Nintendo has added an Otome section to their Japanese site. I'll be shocked if 3 houses will be there.

    Yeah this game is going to have its own category. The Otomer/Harem genre of games on the Switch! (:P)

    I think that is just because the Switch is being touted as the next Vita in terms of visual novels. It already has a couple in the eshop anyway.

    3 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    I dunno if this has been brought up yet but the direct pretty much confirmed 3H has full voice acting, I heard Edelgard speak her lines with the rest of the Black Eagles and Ashe during his support with the blonde girl, and I'm almost positive Bernadetta had a voiced quote when she was selected on the map.

    I hope so! It really brought a lot of life to the characters in the game.

  18. I'm hoping that the story doesn't just center around the Church, or at least they aren't actually introduced as the big bad until the end part of the game. I'd like to see Edelgard, Dmitri, and Claude deal with some of the problems that would occur in their kingdoms. Even if those three are buddy buddy it doesn't mean everyone in the kindom is. By the sounds of the trailer, peace was only really obtained recently and maybe they are just the first, second, or third generation that has actually experienced it. This would leave room for some old grudges to pop up in the individual kingdoms (made worse by the big bad), and force the three heirs to learn what it means to actually rule over their kingdom. I expect at least one conflict in a border at the very least.

  19. 6 minutes ago, Chopper... said:

    You are right :c they look completely different, give off very distinct vibes. I honestly don't know what's their deal, they did great with F!Robin, I don't know why they keep doing this even after the complains.

    Between this and some of the stuff in Heroes I'm wondering if IS just kind of ignores their female audience to an extent. Not all the time but like we are of a lower priority. It's just my pessimistic nature though.

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