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Posts posted by YingofDarkness

  1. The fact that they named the three main lords, but just keep Bayleth and Teacher screams Avatar to me. At least it seems like they are going to be taking a backseat this time, and just instructing the lords. As to whether or not they could be a Jeigan, they could be but they could also just start out at level 1 like the others have. After all being a teacher does not mean that they have actual combat experience. They could have just come out fresh from military school and are teaching the lords about how tactics work. They might have even taken the job specifically because it would give them the combat training they sorely lack. It would be cool to have them be a Jeigan though, and it would fit more with the idea of the Avatar taking a backseat to what is going on.

  2. I'm going to be at work during the Nintendo Direct but hopefully I should still be able to catch it on my lunch break if the internet doesn't decide to act up. I'm kind of excited for it, but it isn't too the point where I would be disappointed or mad if it doesn't get revealed or if it is delayed. I just want to see something already!

  3. On 5/27/2018 at 4:04 PM, ElectiveToast said:

    Industrial semi-steampunk setting with the protagonist’s country based loosely on America. Less emphasis on supernaturalism, and more emphasis on politics and class warfare. Magic is replaced by technology, and bows with some sort of gun. (I’ll get on that later if people are interested.) My suggested setting would be a politically torn Republic on the brink of a civil war, caused by a division between two economical groups - the Urbanites who live in large metropolises and work industrial factory line jobs for relatively decent wages, and the Ruralites who live in countryside hamlets and work agricultural occupations for subsistence. 


    The Urbanites view themselves as the “true” workers of society, and look down upon the Ruralites as country bumpkins. The Ruralites view themselves as the cornerstone of of the economy,, and look down upon the Urbanites as privileged snobs with bad attitudes. The Urbanites blame the corporate sphere for thier woes as they believe the greedy few have enslaved the economy with the wage factory system, and stand for the abolishment of Capitalism and the institution of “Community-run” economies. The Ruralites blame thier woes on the government and thier strict economic policies. They believe in the preservation and expansion of Capitalism and oppose the Urbanite’s socialism. 


    What do you guys think so far? 

    I think it would make a great Advance Wars game. I'm not being completely sarcastic it is a good story, and having a FE game that actually tackles classism (not just kind of mentions it here are there like Echoes) and the resulting civil war would be interesting. Not to mention a nice reprieve from all the evil cults/dragons. However, I've always associated Fire Emblem with fantasy, and I feel that shifting the focus from that to a more realistic steampunk setting would be way too jarring. It wouldn't really feel like a Fire Emblem game, and would be better off under a different name as its own series where the developers can really go all out, or under the Advance War series.

  4. I'd prefer to have a more armored lord just because it is pretty rare, and I'd like a reason to use an armored unit. Preferably they do take a cue from Fates on the difference classes their main lords can promote into. All the games have multiple lords, but most end up as either infantry or cavalry upon promotion (barring Hector) until Fates where we got Hinoka and Camilla. If in the new game we get four 3 - 4 lords giving each of them a mix of two of those classes would be ideal. One can stay infantry or get a horse, one can choose between a flying unit or cavalry, etc...

  5. 2 hours ago, Collindew16 said:

    Optimistically, there could be the chance that its a global release, but the only proof is the fact that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 managed to pull out a global release last year. Considering that smash switch and Pokemon are probably going to be the games of October and November, it looks like we would be getting the game in September (which is unlikely), December or maybe early 2019.

    Actually, like TheLostWhisperer said, a lot of the games being released for the Switch are getting global releases so there is a reason to believe that FE16 is going to be the same way. That having been said, Smash doesn't have a release date yet and if it does get one everyone is betting on September because that is when the online service is going to be rolled out. So we have July, August, October, and December.

  6. 3 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

    I'm starting to bet that Japan will get it in 2018, and we'll probably see it in February 2019

    It was still listed as coming for everybody in 2018 in the financial reports so we will probably get it the same year. The question is whether we are going to get it at the same time Japan gets it, or a month or two later. We got FE Echoes only one month after Japan did after all. If they don't have a global release then it is all going to come down to when they release it Japan. If they release it from Jun to Sep we can realistically get it this year if they have already started localizing it. October is pushing it, November is REALLY pushing it (and stupid considering Pokemon), and December makes it almost impossible unless they just delayed it by a week.

  7. 1 hour ago, The Radiant Hero said:

    The leaker strikes again!

    if this Fire Emblem title turn out to be Fire Emblem Awakening sequel or Remake, I'm going to be pissed!

    It can't be a remake as it is too early for that, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out it is a port of Awakening as the Switch has been getting a lot of ports. That actually makes me wonder if they started having a harder time making a new game on the Switch then they thought, and are pulling a Pokemon. Port/remake this year and the actual new game next year sort of thing. That having been said I don't think I would buy it. As much as I loved Awakening, I have way too big a backlog to add one more game I've already beat to the list. Plus this kind of pisses me off...

  8. The arena lineup for this week made me so conflicted. I built an M!Kana specifically to use him in this arena season since I figured I wouldn't have someone to use except Anna (who isn't built). This is the first time in months that I build up a unit just to use them in arena only to see that my fully built Klein and fully built F!Robin both count this week...I'm happy because it means I can now use my main team without substituting anybody, or switch to my current favorite team (Awakening family team). At that the same time I'm so mad I put those feathers into an M!Kana I'm probably not going to use.

  9. Fire Emblem Memories sounds interesting even if the name is a little bland. That having been said this seems pretty fake to me. Super Smash Bros FOR Switch means that the title of the Switch game will only be Super Smash Bros, and that has only been the case with the first one (for obvious reasons). Yoshi's Flipping Island sounds so wrong personally. I use flipping in place of f***ing when I remember to tone down my cursing, so to me it reads entirely different and not something that a Yoshi's game would be called haha. Metroid not having the 4 is also weird to me unless they are doing a God of War on it...

  10. If we get a direct on the 7th it is definitely going to be a mini direct only used to describe the only service and maybe talk about Smash or the Virtual console to give people a reason to actually want it. It is way too late notice at this point since they haven't even announced it yet...

  11. 1 hour ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    I don't know.....I feel we're getting a date and it'll be sooner than people expect minimum being October.

    I think my problem with it being earlier is that Smash has a pretty good chance of coming out in September or late August. So that automatically moves FE to the latter part of the year in my mind, and I can see FE being the XC2 of this year and releasing during the holidays. Plus if it was coming August or September I feel we would have gotten some news by now. Even Fates and Echoes had a couple months of buffer before releasing so unless we start getting news in May I don't really see it happening. I would be very happy if it releases earlier though!

  12. 3 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Thinking about it some more, the report says the launch schedule of games are still subject to change at the bottom. A delay is still possible, these dates aren't set in stone. But I still think that since we're edging further into the year 2018, confirmations of a 2018 release become considerably more credible. 

    It's also still plain ridiculous we have no name for the game. Pre-E3 Direct when?

    I think that if FE was going to be delayed they would have instead reported it the way they did with Pokemon where they said it was going to be released "2018 or later". The later tells us that Pokemon's development still isn't far along enough to nail down a release date for 2018. FE still being slated only for 2018 tells us that both development and localization (if it is going to release simultaneously) are going according to schedule so there isn't much reason to be pessimistic. The silence also makes sense if we go by their past marketing efforts with FE. They will not say anything until we get closer to the release date. E3 just so happens to come before that so that is when it will be revealed. I stand by my opinion that the only reason we even know it exists is because they were trying to hype up the Switch's lineup. Even though I really want info now...

  13. The game is probably going to come out October to December. I don't think Nintendo will give us a release date come E3 instead we will get a generic "coming Fall/Winter 2018" because they might save it as the big holiday title in case they can't finish Pokemon in time. That "2018 or later" for them is worrisome, and hints that it is meant to be the holiday title, but isn't, at this time, close to being finished yet. The only other big game they can put on there is Smash, and that might be a late August/early September title to coincide with the launch of their online service.


  14. No probably not. The lack of news isn't surprising either if it is coming out during Fall or early Winter 2018. Fates and Echoes both had similar marketing where it wasn't until a couple of months before that they actually started announcing things for it. The only reason I can think of for them to announce it early was to give the Switch hype. It is the same reason Metroid 4 was announced early, and was most likely just a last minute edition. Now if FE16 isn't shown at E3 or it doesn't show up in their financial reports as being slated for this year then that would confirm that it is being delayed to 2019. Otherwise, I think people are just being impatient and the "leaks" aren't helping matters...

  15. 1 hour ago, JustLah said:

    Now is that good news for FE? You tell me. Seems like Big N believes it can compete with the likes of Pokémon and Smash, which I don't personally believe. 

    Except Pokemon and Smash is all they really need to be honest. Pokemon especially moves consoles like crazy and ends up charting multiple times in the top highest games sold for the week/month of every country for a while.

    All of that aside I'm hopeful that we will get some new information, but at the same time I'm just going to reel in the hype. I'd rather not be disappointed again...

  16. I doubt the new heroes are going to be from FE16. That is just how IS has been naming the banners so people don't spoil it for themselves because of what happened with Lyon. As for development I doubt IS wasn't one of the first ones with a Switch development kit. It would make no sense as too why it wouldn't get one since they are a first party development studio that has a number of good selling franchises under its belt. Fire Emblem itself showed that it will sell a lot and Nintendo's strategy for the Switch has been to have a constant stream of game releases with some big ones in between the smaller ones. That is why Mario Odyssey got pushed back into October when it was done much earlier. The latter half of this year is pretty barren for them outside of Smash, and unless that is releasing near December they should have one more big title to announce during the holiday season.

  17. 1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    TThe side stories idea was explored in Berwick Saga. Four characters: Faye the Myrmidon (with not-Astra), Kramer the young Mercenary, Sylvis the Sniper, and Ruby the Cavalier all got EX chapters unlocked by meeting certain conditions with them, the game is still being translated, but it sounds like it was a good idea.

    I was thinking of just having it as paralouges aside of main story missions that open up as you go through the story, or playable memory fragments though. I really don't like it when character information gets locked based on not knowing I was supposed to do something making a guide necessary at some points...

  18. 4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Just realized a problem with Kozaki's Awakening artwork that I don't think has been mentioned.

    Many of his ladies have the same pose!

    Maribelle, Olivia, Lissa, Sully, Tiki, Cherche, Tharja, and Flavia all use a left-facing standing pose, often showing off a lot of back, in their official art. Nowi, Panne, and Aversa loosely share a different one as well. 

    For Fates, the back-heavy pose is gone, but Sakura, Felicia, Hinoka, and Elise share a similar dynamic pose. Azura and Female Corrin share their own dynamic pose, which you may or may not argue is a variant of the one I described before for Fates females.

    Admittedly there is only so many ways you can contort the human body and it is only the official art, but it seems lazy here. I might be biased though.

    The reason for that probably isn't Kozaki so much as the art director telling Kozaki to draw the ladies in more static poses so their full body is viewed. So for the sake of fanservice, and Kozaki worked with it the best he could. You can tell the difference in that same link you posted if you compare the female poses to the male ones, where the males have much more dynamic poses and aren't just facing the same way. All of the portraits show the units personality to an extent, but yeah there is an obvious bias.

  19. 1 minute ago, Dreamyboi said:

    Welp, for the sake of keeping this near dead thread going. What do you guys think they meant by "breath life into characters like never before"?

    insert predictable "lul it means jiggle physics and HD rumble" joke here

    Updated graphics and better models are a given, but I think we call also expect more voice acting (if not full voice acting). Presentation aside we might get base conversations and more story involvement for most of the cast (if only as side stories) to flesh them out more. That could be another way of "breathing" more life into the characters, but that is more a wish to be honest.

    21 minutes ago, MyBoyHector said:

    You know what would be funny if they having a Team A vs Team B Conflict? Having them sort it out in some kind of video game match, be a Strategy game, or a FPS team game like Battlefield. Winner gets to break the deadlock.

    I would watch that

  20. 30 minutes ago, Dreamyboi said:

    I'm just hoping this silence isn't because of dev team conflict again, more "Team A vs Team B" nonsense is the last thing we need.

    I doubt it. If a Team A vs Team B conflict had happened it would have been resolved by now since the game is going to be released this year at least for Japan. They should be in the final parts of bug testing and such at this point for the Japanese release. As well as any last minute localization touches if it does release worldwide or a month or two behind.

  21. 7 hours ago, Altrosa said:

    The only thing now is if IS is going to push for a worldwide release, or at least within a few weeks again like with Echoes. I didn't take much issue with the localization of Fates (and sales numbers clearly show I'm not alone in that sentiment), but holy jeez. Those that did hate the official English version, thanks mostly to the fan translation having ample time to progress and spread before we could buy the official, were very loud in their disappointment. (Treehouse probably shouldn't be on that localization either...)

    I have a feeling they will push for a worldwide release after what happened with Fates and then Echoes was completely leaked as well. If not the timing is going to be much closer where they will get it a month or two ahead of us.

    It is also the internet. I rarely hear anything about the localization from anybody outside of the fandom. Most people won't look up that information before hand and even if they do unless it is a humongous change they don't care. Literally the only thing I ever really hear about localization wise is the voice acting which can be hit or miss depending on who the voice director is. Also, I stand by my belief that Treehouse would be our best bet for a faster localization being done because they work for Nintendo directly. Although I wouldn't mind 8-4 coming back.

  22. 5 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    To me, the fact that they even included a Smash teaser in the last Direct at all was their way of low-key telling us to keep waiting until E3 to hear anything more in terms of big reveals.

    To me that could be taken either way. Yes it could mean "just wait until E3" but it did also increase the chances for it to have its own  direct on its birthday in April. FE is a big game for them now especially with Heroes raking in 300 mil last year so it wouldn't be completely odd. 

  23. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    And of course, it could be a sign of laziness that a developer rushes out a flawed plot and then cheaply later goes back and fills it in via an artbook. You know what would be better than reading the tragedy of Nuibaba? Hearing her speak in-game "Alm is on his way, I look down the cliff, that cruel day remembered. I hope he should try to scale it, so that I may knock him down. Sister and my turncoat beloved, as you did to me, so I shall do to this boy." Of course, that would take effort to include.

    They wouldn't even have to do that much to be honest. Just have one of the npc's in there thank Alm and friends for saving her and offer her a book she found in one of Nuibaba's chambers when she almost escaped once. That book would be Nuibaba's diary and reading it will give you her backstory in a couple of pages all on screen but not voiced (like those pages you find of that boy who went into one of the dungeons). She was happily married, but suspected that the man was having an affair with the sister and she planned to confront them about it. Have her mention it might be too the scars on her face from the incident. Then have the next page be a warped retelling along the lines of "they tried to get rid of me, but little did they know that I made a new friend IN THAT DITCH THEY LEFT ME TO DIE IN!!". Obviously not that exactly, but just something similar to show that they tried to kill her, she met somebody or something that saved her, and that she was no longer in her right state of mind. One more page at least can be written to describe her obsession with immortality and beauty maybe in the form of jealousy towards all the young women in the village. But the words would be twisted and give off the hint of why she is collecting young girls. That's it. It doesn't have to be voiced so no money lost there just the work being put into writing the pages and putting them on screen for us to read.

    This is partly why I think laziness in this part of the writing department is a thing with them. World building doesn't have to be a long exposition explaining everything about a country. The best forms of it come in little bits like this. Just having some npcs, stone tablets or pieces, of paper scattered on the floor barely readable can say so much about the lore of a video game. I can understand why they didn't with Echoes since the budget was low and they were trying to go all out with the presentation and such but there is a part of me that can't help but get frustrated.

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