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Stephen the Great

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Posts posted by Stephen the Great

  1.  5a0c539870f2f_Danilo_Kalafatovi.jpg.833d9682d197afaa62a4f68b8b103c1d.jpg

    ... this general, who looked even edgier and angrier at that time than he does in this picture. The General called in the Thracian knights under Arion, who took all the screaming characters back to their parents to get a spanking. Now when Dame Riceload (Caeldori) was brought back to Subaki, and his wife (insert female FE character here) by a Thracian dragomaster bearing the list of charges, the couple's reaction was...

  2. ... a passing Gharnef came by and pacified Validar by giving him five bottles of Finlandia and three glasses of Stolichnaya and telling him to prove this set of equations:


    Validar started shouting about how math equations and being drunk were his two favorite things in life and got to work. Now when Jamke read about this in the Marpha Times-Observer (headline: LOCAL DARK CULTIST PACIFIED BY CALCULUS), his reaction was...

    @Shoblongoo*CTHULHU - all hail grammar! 

  3. Amazing! 100%.

    The year is 1955. In Leningrad, a man walks into a store. He asks the cashier, "You wouldn't happen to have meat, would you?" The cashier replies, "I'm afraid not, sir. We're a dairy store - we wouldn't happen to have milk. Across the street is the butchers' - there they wouldn't happen to have meat!"

  4. Should we put this stuff on FFnet or AO3?

    - Prince Lyon, who used his skills - gained from beating Fomortiis, Grima, and then Niime into a pulp and drinking the resulting "screwed-over darkness smoothie" - to resurrect all the victims, including himself. When Ryoma and Ishtar were resurrected, they finished their fun time and got married. Their decision regarding Travant and Mikoto was to...

  5. Bozhe moi... 10/10.

    It is the year 1928. A father and his son are observing the changing of the guard at the tomb of Vladimir Lenin. The son asks, "Papa, why are there so many soldiers in front of Comrade Lenin's tomb?"
    The father replies, "Don't you remember what they say all the time - 'Lenin lived, Lenin lives now, Lenin will live forever' and all that? What if - God forbid - Lenin actually is alive and decides to walk out of the tomb?"

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