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Stephen the Great

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Posts posted by Stephen the Great

  1. Monkey 919 was later hanged as part of a government purge against hangmen. The monkey who initiated the purge, 918, was himself executed by a new government led by monkey 917, who was defenestrated to his death when he was accused of embezzlement. The defenstrator, monkey 916, was made to drink alcohol until he died of cirrhosis of the liver.

    915 monkeys remaining.

  2. 11 hours ago, KnightOfNohr said:

    Hmm...that reminded me of a conversation I had with my younger brother once. It happened like this:

    "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!"

    "Actually, I scream for frozen yogurt-"

    "What?! Frozen yogurt?! You're insane!"

    @KnightOfNohr A degree in Grammar National Socialism? Would you like to join the Alt-Write Society?

    But in all seriousness: dear God, this is a terrible topic for me.

    For six out of my eight years in primary school (ages 5 - 12), I was bullied by older students and left out by my classmates. My classmates were all too willing to make use of my knowledge to prop them up but they were somewhat more reticent when it came to including me. (This might have been because I was pretty judgmental and reactionary back then.) I only came out of that alive because I involuntarily deluded myself into believing that I had many friends.

    In my first year of high school, age 13, I ran for Student Council. Things started off well and then went bad. My classmates questioned my leadership at every turn, the voices of us younger kids were never heard during meetings, and the stress of it all made me procrastinate. In January of that year (school starts in September), I went mad. Seeing this, all but a few classmates left me to hang. I had lots of support from outside of the school, but none within; the staff took until late that month to act, and their only action was to force my resignation.

    As a result of this, my naive and happy-go-lucky nature was replaced with a Machiavellian siege mentality. By the end of high school, I was moving my classmates around like pawns for my benefit, out of a desire to get my own back.

    To the OP (@Flee Fleet!), the only thing I can offer is my sympathy. If you ever see the need, please feel free to PM me with your concerns.


  3. On 11/11/2017 at 3:40 PM, Clarine said:

    Might one ask, how would one describe your biorhythm?

    Never heard of it. Let's see...

    bi·o·rhythm noun a recurring cycle in the physiology or functioning of an organism, such as the daily cycle of sleeping and waking;
    OR a cyclic pattern of physical, emotional, or mental activity said to occur in the life of a person.

    ... no comment.

    Have you ever dealt with trigonometry?

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