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Status Replies posted by badatfireemblem

  1. i wanted to stalk you but then i remembered your profile is boring af right now so

    do something fun and worthy of my stalking mister

  2. Hey, I sent you a friend request on Heroes.  I'm Rezzy with the Titania lead.

    1. badatfireemblem


      Ahh sorry Rezzy! I haven't been on Heroes for awhile. Will accept when I have time.

  3. meap do something fun

    1. badatfireemblem


      ur not interesting to stalk

      i want juicy gossip mister

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. hi honey i'm stalking you again

    regards (because i'm feeling that savage)


  5. hi honey i'm stalking you again

    regards (because i'm feeling that savage)


  6. Happy birthday Natalie! Now you are at the legal age where you can get drunk over here in the states!

    Anyway, hope you have a great birthday!

    1. badatfireemblem


      Yay! Thank you so much Rex~

  7. Hey everybody. Due to some IRL issues, I'm going to be taking an extended leave of absence from these forums and online communities in general. I won't be back until about mid-March. Please rest assured that all of my ongoing projects are not being cancelled. They are simply being postponed. Finally, to all of you who, over the past year and a half, have befriended me, critiqued me, debated with me, put up with me, and made memories with me: thank you very much for making my experience here so far so great. I hope to see you all again in 8 weeks. 


    1. badatfireemblem


      Miss you already! Come back with lots of stories about girls with soft hands and cows!!!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Merry Christmas Natalie! I hope your Christmas gets better from being woken up to a newly summoned Chrom!

    1. badatfireemblem


      Aww thanks Anime! I hope you have a lovely time too!

  9. Hello Natalie, stereotypical tea-drinking Englishwoman. I just wanted to note that I sent you a friend request in Heroes. I should be Rex Glacies with Olwen as a lead.

    1. badatfireemblem


      Hello Rex, Prince of Procrastination #1. I have accepted your kind request and would like to inform you that you are now the first of my Heroes friends that isn't some random stranger I met in the arena. I actually have no idea who my lead currently is as it changes frequently (though I have a feeling it is either Ike or Nowi).

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