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Chad Radwell

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About Chad Radwell

  • Birthday 12/02/1996


  • Member Title
    Cakesniffer Supreme

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  • Interests
    Girl. Let me tell you how much I LOVE homemade jams, salsas and preserves.
  • Location
    Cottage Country, Ontario

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buttmuncher.ops


      art threads on SF can be anything you draw, doesn't have to be FE related

      the outfit and pose of the b&w are great ! amazing attention to detail, and reminds me of the second coming of betty boop. does the character have a name?

      looking forward to more art :^)

    3. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      Hmmmm tru :0 well I suppose I do have enough to start a thread tonight, I'm gonna do then when I get back to my tablet I guess !! Thanks my man

      OMG thank you c: I'm very into fashion illustration and weird runway concepts and like to draw inspo from that. Her name is Beneventi, & she's a character im working on for a small rpgmaker project - she's a medium who reads people's shadows to make predictions about them. (She's also a criminal on probation so no one knows how accurate those predictions actually are.) I'm super flattered that you enjoy this style so much, I'm excited to do more with it!! ♡♡

    4. buttmuncher.ops


      fashion illustration and runway concepts? i read your post about shirts in soul's thread

      do you have an etsy or anything that showcases your designs too

      in a similar vein i used to buy shirts from t-shirt hell, but those designs are more memey and texty

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