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Chad Radwell

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About Chad Radwell

  • Birthday 12/02/1996


  • Member Title
    Cakesniffer Supreme

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Girl. Let me tell you how much I LOVE homemade jams, salsas and preserves.
  • Location
    Cottage Country, Ontario

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. Are you following me because you are my lisp??? LOL

    1. Chad Radwell

      Chad Radwell

      MAYBE :) actually, I just wanted to try out the follow feature and you seemed like a bro. Hello!

    2. Hawk King

      Hawk King

      Haha, ok. I was really confused because I have never had anyone follow me before, (I didn't even know that was a thing) and we have never even posted in the same topic before so I was wondering why you even decided to follow me in the first place. Plus I found it really strange that our user names were related to each other.

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