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Posts posted by Sturm

  1. 15 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    I don't really take exception to it and even if I did you shouldn't redo it for that reason, only if personally you are unsatisfied with it.

    Quite the opposite, I'm very satisfied with getting Lute promoted and saving the two turns :Lute:.

    15 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    For example, what about the chapter 5 Guiding Ring? If a team without Vanessa can complete the chapter in 5 turns without the Guiding Ring, and 6 turns with the Guiding Ring, but can finish AND collect the Ring in 5 turns if Vanessa is used, then should the rules allow Vanessa to visit houses?

    That's actually a very valid argument and more or less proves that my feeling on the subject is largely psychological considering that argument is applicable to my team. The difference between the two, as I see it, is that five turns is probably what I could expect from my team for chapter five, so visiting the houses didn't really cost me anything. Secondly visiting houses, at least those that give items, has never been allowed for undrafted units, at least not in any draft I've ever seen, whereas trading is usually an allowed action. For chapter eight on the other hand I've shown that my team can complete it in seven turns with both items under 'standard' draft rules so having to take lets say two extra turns to complete it without using undrafted units to move the Chest Key feels like I'm being 'cheated' out of the clear, so to speak. If I play through Ephraim's route I will probably do what you are suggesting, even though what I did the second time was 'technically' allowed, to see if my opinion on the matter changes. At the moment I view things like, to take an example from your clear of Living Legend of using NPC!Hawkeye to help rout the map as just being an additional tactic (indeed in this case there is a cost in the loss of experience though this is negligible in most cases especially in an experience rich game like FE7 so it's not absolutely free, though something like trade equipping a unit to a javelin, let's say, is completely free assuming you have an undrafted unit that is strong enough to not be prioritised by the AI) that one can utilise and similar such things, though as you say this is somewhat counter intuitive to the fundamental idea of using a predefined team, it's just standard fare.

    15 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    It's not inconsistent because two equal things are being treated differently, it's inconsistent because the exception for "something important" is being made for the less important thing and not the more important.

    I think we are seeing it from a different perspective, things like ability to fly/have high movement, use of Warp/Rescue Staves, killing enemies and the like are integral parts of the challenge of a draft, after all if these sort of things were all allowed it would just be standard LTC for all intents and purposes. On the other hand something like trading or shopping is more of a 'quality of life' feature and that would be my guess as to why these sort of things are the standard, though if you boil it down these are all fundamentally turn saving features at the end of the day. For example FE7 standard rules allows undrafted thieves to acquire 'necessary' promotion items, of course this is not something that needs to be there (indeed promoting is not 'necessary'), unless there's literally no way to get Chest Keys before a certain point or something similar but I don't think that's the case, it's there just as an enabler for players to promote their units in a timely manner. I wouldn't say either is intrinsically correct though, again, I would concede that what you're suggesting is more 'true' to the core concept of a draft.

    15 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    Well I would never say that and can't imagine a sensible ruleset that would cause promoting Tana before chapter 15 to be impossible. Tana would be promotable before chapter 15 on either route even if non team members were totally undeployable on chapter 8. The player could just, you know, use their actual team to move that key

    Sorry, I have a habit of speaking figuratively and not considering the fact other people can't read my mind, I wasn't trying to say that you could forbid me to promote a unit on my team, though that is literally what I said. What I was getting at here is that the rules (you) could make it very costly for (prevent) me (a participant) to promote a unit, especially so in the case of undrafted units being unable to trade. Let's say that there is an intrinsic cost of one turn to acquire the Elysian Whip, I'm fairly confident that that's correct and that you can't get the Elysian Whip in the minimum amount of turns it takes to complete the map (maybe in a full team run it is possible? I'm not 100% sure but for a draft almost certainly it's not) therefore Tana (and also Vanessa) cost a turn though they obviously pay that back and more, this sort of opportunity cost obvious to those familiar with drafts or LTC in general.

    However, in this style of draft where you don't know what unit's you're getting, this changes. Let's take the extreme example that you only have Eirika and using Ephraim is banned by the rules. In this case the cost associated with promoting Tana goes up to let's say eight turns for Eirika to get to the chest by herself and then backtrack to seize. So what I was saying here is that Tana's , and other units that are in a similar position's, 'value' is less by a certain amount than what they might be considered to be at 'face value' because you cannot know the additional cost of promoting them, which is something you would have to evaluate when bidding, but not something that occurred to me at the time.

    On a somewhat related note I realised something about my team, I was estimating how many turns I should realistically expect to be able to save and I'm 95% certain it's impossible for me to close the gap, though it's obvious it will shrink because I have access to Warp. It occurred to me though that actually I should expect to lose, at least I think this is logical. The reason being that if I go Eirika's route (maybe this just implies I should go Ephraim's though there are cons to that as well, harder to acquire Ocean Seal/Hero Crest/Guiding Ring and more difficult time raising Staff rank being the obvious ones) I won't recruit Cormag because it's fairly obvious, I would say, that he can't save the turns he takes to recruit and indeed would most likely be a net loss, however I'm still paying the price for him, so I'm just burning money so to speak. Now whether that means that I just overbid for him, or that some adjustment could/should be made to the rule set to cater for the route split, we touched on this before the draft though I don't think you took any measure to adjust for this, correct me if I'm wrong.

    I imagine that the truth is that it's a bit of both. I'm not sure what should be done here, the easiest though in my opinion least desirable, would be to simply fix the route in the rules therefore completely removing the need for any sort of adjustment but I think we would agree that is not a desirable solution, food for thought. Essentially certain teams, mine being a pretty good example i think, are at an intrinsic disadvantage under the current rules by being torn between which route preferable, the most extreme cases as I said before the draft being something like having Saleh and Cormag.



    Fuck Eirika route Chapter 9, that map is a bitch! :angry: It's way harder than it looks at first, I'm beginning to think people are bullshiting and Eirika's route is in fact harder! :Kappa: noKappa


  2. The Angelic Robe isn't the issue though, it's the Elysian Whip. I don't really see having the ability to bypass a bunch of terrain with warp or flight and killing enemies, etc. is the same as simply giving away your items, maybe that's just familiarity and it just feels odd to me. You say that exceptions have to be made for recruiting and promoting units, which I will agree with after all if you say to me that I can't promote Tana before Chapter 15 then obviously her value would decrease and maybe that is something to consider when bidding, I for one certainly didn't consider that sort of thing, though I suppose you could argue it's implicitly implied by units not being able to trade.

    To me the challenge has always been 'get to the seize point or 'kill all the enemies as fast as possible' not 'spend extra turns because you can't reach a chest', I suppose it just seems like a rather petty thing to me, again maybe that's just familiarity speaking. If anything I think that having to spend extra turns simply to trade an item takes away from the challenge of actually coming up with a strategy to clear a map as fast as possible with what you're given, that's where I stand on the issue though of course it's your draft so your rules.

    Anyway what I did was technically allowed under the rules as stated but if you really take exception to it I'll redo it, I don't want to create unnecessary friction.

    In regards to your clear of chapter 10 could you not have dropped Franz in the Forest below Beran on turn two for a turn three clear, or would he get blocked?

  3. On 18/08/2018 at 4:19 PM, Zihark72 said:

    This still a thing? I'd be interested 

    Yeah it's still a thing,  sorry I forgot to reply the other day. I'm pretty much just leaving it open on the off chance enough people join.

    On 18/08/2018 at 9:34 PM, Rape-ier said:

    I'd be interested too.

    (Would be my first draft tho) It'll be something I can tell you that much.

    On 18/08/2018 at 9:36 PM, Rape-ier said:

    Oh lol no nevermind thought this was path of radiance, my pc cant handle radiant dawn so umm oops. Im not in

    That's unfortunate.


  4. Ok, after a bit of procrastinating aka playing some Radiant Dawn, I decided to get back to redoing this. So first three maps were exactly the same seeing as Eirika is my only unit at that point, actually I found by chance that leaving Seth where he starts in Chapter 1 gives Eirika a Defence level instead of Resistance on the last turn which is better but that ended up meaning that the enemies attacked Garcia instead of her in Chapter 3 so I had to take the worse level anyway, c'est la vie.

    First of Chapter 3, I realised that I might actually be able to five turn because I wasn't using Garcia's good starting position. The strategy would be Ross and Neimi break the first Wall, Eirika kills the Brigand and Garcia attacks the second Wall, Eirika then finishes the Wall and Garcia runs to the other side while Ross rescues Eirika so he can pass her to Garcia after Niemi clears his way so the can drop her 5 spaces below the boss on turn 3 for her to kill turn 4 and seize on turn 5. I tried it and it did work, however the five turn gets a lot less experience on everyone bar Eirika and also gets much worse levels in this map and the next and Ross gets like no Speed which is especially bad so I ended up choosing to stick with the original strategy after all.

    Chapter 4, I tried seeing if I could make the Mogalls suicide on Niemi so she could get some extra experience but they prefer Garcia so this was the same. 

    Chapter 5 and hence begins operation focus all experience into Lute, there's really nothing I could change here without sacrificing the five turn and it actually gets pretty near the maximum experience Lute can realistically get anyway so this remained the same.

    Chapter 5x no change obviously.

    So Chapter 6 is where we rejoin our regular programme:

    Chapter 6: Victims of War.

    Turns - 4/38

    First of in theory this map could be three turned with my team I realised because if Ross were promoted he and Garcia could drop Artur on the Mountain on turn one and then he could be given Eirika to drop her next to the boss to kill on enemy phase three however the viability of this would be very limited because Artur would have to basically dodge everything and Eirika would need to somehow get to low HP when hardly any enemies can attack her on turn one so she could bait the Boss to attack her instead of Artur. In addition it would pretty much mandate taking at least one extra turn in previous maps to get Ross to level 10 anyway, so it's not really useful, just thought I'd point it out.

    The change I made here was to have Lute go on the fort and pretty much dodge tank stuff while on low HP so she could get most of the experience, she had to use the Dragonshield to allow her to survive turn two in an ideal world I would be able to save it for Tana but she'll just have to manage Chapter 9 without it, Garcia killed the boss the same as last turn. Lute ended the map two levels higher than last time with most of her experience being taken from Garcia, everyone else is more or less the same level.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        11.80  22  11  14  16  11  05  04  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     09.84  29  13  07  10  06  07  04  B Axes
    Ross    Journeyman  10.00  21  10  06  09  12  05  03  D Axes
    Neimi   Archer      04.62  19  06  07  08  07  04  04  D Bows
    Artur   Monk        05.55  20  09  09  11  03  02  07  D Light
    Lute    Mage        06.56  19  11  09  10  11  06  07  C Anima      Dragonshield

    Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall.

    Turns - 5/43

    I thought that I was being an idiot before and that the four turn was in fact doable by dropping Eirika to counter-kill the Soldiers on turn one enemy phase so she could be given Lute by Ross and she'd be able to drop her two spaces away to bait the boss into using the Javelin on turn three, however in order for Ross to give Lute to her he then ends up a space short of being able to get the kill with the Halberd. In theory he could drop Lute so that Eirika could pick her up but that would mean Eirika surviving two Soldiers, the Mage (twice), both Archers and the Ballista mostly while carrying Lute and I'm not about burning billions of RN's to make that happen, besides operation feed Lute all the experience is still in effect. Lute killed everything on the other side of the River with the exception of the Mage that Eirika needs to kill to clear a path, including the Boss kill which Ross managed to feed to her by hitting a 50% Hand Axe and then Steel Axe allowing her to finish off just barely, he could also have tried to hit a hatchet for a little extra damage then Eirika could trade equip him if I ended up a bit short on damage. Anyway the result of this was that Lute to my surprise managed to just barely reach level 10, I was hoping for high level 8 or level 9 so she could definitely be promoted for chapter 9 but having her be able to promote for next chapter was really nice.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        12.32  23  12  15  17  12  05  04  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     10.37  30  14  08  11  07  07  04  B Axes
    Ross    Pirate      01.29  23  12  06  10  12  06  03  C Axes
    Neimi   Archer      05.44  20  07  08  09  08  05  04  D Bows
    Artur   Monk        06.53  20  10  09  11  03  02  08  D Light
    Lute    Mage        10.09  21  13  12  12  12  07  10  B Anima      Dragonshield

    Chapter 8: It's a Trap!

    Tuns - 7/50

    Mage Knight!Lute the true carry of the team, Lute > Artur confirmed? I'm not sure I'd necessarily go that far but I do think that if you don't have Franz or Vanessa she could actually be preferable for her Horse and generally better combat capabilities in the mid game section, she saved two turns straight away here, I'm pretty certain a promoted Artur couldn't make any difference here. It also seems not too hard to get her to promote seeing as I have a bunch of early units so it's not like It's Eirika and Lute solo or something.

    Onto the map this one was a bit tricky needing a few tight rescue drops to pull off. Eirika full moved up the first two turns and then got rescued by Garcia so Ross could take her while opening the door the Lute moved above him to protect him from the Knights, Artur countered the Mercenary and Archer for Neimi to finish over turn two and three, and he also killed the Shaman with a crit, I didn't think about it at the time but the crit might have been important to clear the way but it occurred naturally so we take those, probably could have found a way around it if it came to it. Onto turn three Ross dropped Eirika to a space exactly three full moves away from Tirado and he then got rescued by Garcia so Lute could take him while using a Vulnererary and Canto down, Artur killed the two remaining Knights. Turn four Lute dropped Ross so they could both attack the wall on the next turn and Garcia rescued Artur so he could boost him forward two spaces so Artur could finish the Wall because Lute and Ross both need to advance for the chest. Rest of the map was Eirika owning Tirado and getting a perfect level of the thief I'm glad she got defence for once, I mean she probably does press ups with Garcia on her back at this point but she isn't exactly taking hits like a champ. Lute got three mends in here raising her and Artur up to A Staves will be a challenge, I think I'll go with Sage Artur my reasoning being that in order to one turn chapter 16 I need both of them with A Staves which would obviously be easier with Bishop!Artur however that means the one turn of chapter 20 is impossible because neither can reach 26 magic so the way I see it is Sage Artur either draws even or saves a turn. inb4 I fail at getting either of them to A Staves by Chapter 16, now that would be pretty funny.

    Now as for the Chest Key debacle, Ephraim fought his way through towards the right this time. Giving both Chest Keys to Kyle and Kyle then got rescue chained up, Neimi took one of the keys for the Angelic Robe and Kyle eventually ended up riding Lute's horse so that Ross was able to take the other Chest Key after she opened the door for the Elysian Whip, thereby meaning that only drafted units (free in the case of Ephraim) actually did any trading unlike last time. I suppose this is kind of a loop hole and maybe something you didn't consider but if I'm going to be honest I think it's unnecessarily restrictive to make it so it's not possible to get items to where they're needed. I can definitely understand making it so you cannot trade equip drafted units using undrafted units or similar things though it doesn't bother me too much personally. I think say allowing an undrafted unit to give items once on the map that they join (the main party) and then disallowing them to trade thereafter would be more fair, I just don't think you should be penalised turns potentially for something you don't really have much control over, especially if it's something important like a stat booster or promotion item. In side news left some Lances with Ephraim in case he needs them in the desert. 

    At this point Eirika is one level higher, Garcia two levels lower, Ross one level lower, Niemi one and a half levels lower, Artur one level higher and Lute two levels and a promotion higher. It's a shame about Neimi losing so much experience as the less time she spends as an Archer the better but sacrifices had to be made, she should be able to promote by chapter 11 for sure, having a third mount for next map would surely help but that's wishful thinking.

    Unit    Class       Level     HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level      Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        14.42     25  14  17  18  13  06  06  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     11.07     31  15  08  11  07  07  05  B Axes
    Ross    Pirate      04.36     24  13  09  11  13  07  03  C Axes
    Neimi   Archer      07.01     22  08  09  10  10  05  05  C Bows
    Artur   Monk        08.86     22  11  09  12  04  04  09  D Light
    Lute    Mage Knight 10/01.83  24  15  13  12  12  09  12  A Anima, D Staves Dragonshield


  5. Part 3 - Chapter 3: River Crossing

    Turns - 11/107

    This map is awful without any mounts, oh well, used Gatrie as free unit again to the surprise of no one. Ike and Soren C supported and Soren got Bonus Experience to 23 Speed (he already capped Mag, Skill and Res) so he can double the Generals and Halberdiers and I sold all the Bows I have to buy the Dracoshield which will most likely go to Sigrun. Gatrie and Ike both got Pass while Soren got Celerity and Counter to slightly increase his chances of killing stuff he doesn't naturally ORKO which is more or less just Swordmasters and the Boss, between Adept and Counter it's reasonably likely. Gatrie got the Blossom and the two lower Supplies. Ike went left got the centre Supply, then went up and got the Master Crown before finally getting the top right Supply. Soren made a bee line up the right and got the Hammerne as well as the two upper left Supplies, he had to either Adept or Elthunder crit (8% crit and around 20% Adept IIRC) one of the Swordmasters on his way so he wouldn't get blocked in the corridor by the right Horse pen, he also killed both of the Senator's for the Ashera Icon and White Gem.

    Unit   Class  Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                          Stat Boosters
    Ike    Hero   --/17.67  50  27  05  30  27  17  26  07  S Swords                   Shove, Pass, Provoke
    Soren  Sage   --/15.66  35  09  27  23  23  14  12  23  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Celerity, Counter

    Part 3 - Chapter 4: The General's Hand

    Turns - 6/113

    Couldn't do the same strategy as last time for the five turn as I don't have either Oscar or Titania to drop Ike forward on turn one, so six turns was the best I could do. I Bonus Experienced Soren to level 20 to raise his HP, Strength and Defence to help his bulk and the Strength means he can wield Siege tomes without losing AS, then Crowned him and gave him both Arms Scrolls for C Staves so he could use Physic straight away, Lyre also got a level with Speed so she could double the Halberdier. Ike with Celerity and Provoke went up along with Ranulf and Kyza both of who had Pass so Kyza would be able to kill the Mage above the Ledge and finish of Boss otherwise Ike needs an Ettard crit or something similar. Soren followed them while spamming Physic on Lyre who just fought stuff in the south while using Olivi Grasses every turn, gave her Blossom for a nice level and I also gave her Counter though afterwards I realised I probably shouldn't have done that because it reduces the number of attacks she needs to kill thereby reducing the amount of WEXP she gets, she still got like 20+ because she 5-8HKO's stuff. Only hard bit really was the second to last turn finding a position for Ike where he wouldn't get blocked, but thankfully he exactly ORKO'd the Swordmaster with the Wind Edge so he had a clear path and Soren killed the Generic General with the Meteor then Ike Brave Sword'd the Boss down to 4HP so Kyza could just about finish (IIRC he does exactly 4 damage at base though he did proc Strength on his level up).

    Unit   Class     Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                         Skills                                  Stat Boosters
    Ike    Hero      --/18.80     50  27  05  30  28  18  26  08  S Swords                             Shove, Provoke, Celerity
    Soren  Arch Sage --/20/02.07  44  16  30  25  25  18  19  26  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind, B Staves  Adept, Shove                            2 Arms Scrolls
    Kyza   Tiger     19.94        56  22  06  22  22  14  22  10  A Strike                             Quickclaw, Shove, Miracle, Cancel, Pass
    Lyre   Cat       19.31        49  16  12  26  26  17  16  16  A Strike                             Shove, Counter, Blossom

    Part 3 - Chapter 5: Retreat

    Turns - 1/114

    Gave Blossom to Soren so I could get a level with Speed and Defence then he got a perfect level on the second attempt so that was pretty cool. He just double Meteor'd the Boss with a Dance, I think I might end up having to Hammerne the Meteor, not sure though. 

    Unit   Class     Level        HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level                         Skills                                  Stat Boosters
    Ike    Hero      --/19.00     50  27  05  30  29  19  26  09  S Swords                             Shove, Provoke, Celerity
    Soren  Arch Sage --/20/03.28  45  17  31  26  26  19  20  27  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind, B Staves  Adept, Shove, Flare, Blossom            2 Arms Scrolls
    Kyza   Tiger     19.94        56  22  06  22  22  14  22  10  A Strike                             Quickclaw, Shove, Miracle, Cancel, Pass
    Lyre   Cat       19.31        49  16  12  26  26  17  16  16  A Strike                             Shove, Counter
    Reyson Heron     15.10        40  06  10  10  22  31  12  34  ---                                  Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto

    Part 3 - Chapter 6: A Reason to Fight

    Turns - 7/121

    I gave Sothe a level with Speed and Nolan a level with Strength, Sothe getting to 26 Speed and just having extra Speed in general is nice for later, the Strength for Nolan allowed him to 2HKO Cats and 3HKO Tigers with the Brave Axe rather than being 1-2 damage short which saves a bunch of uses, he used just under half of it, then switched to the Tarvos to save it's uses once he'd levelled up some. Sothe and Micaiah went up together, Micaiah is on bad Bio at the start but they still only have around 25 Display Hit on her with Resolve as she's always in Sothe's Support range until the last turn, so her chance of dying is rather low. Nolan went right and solo'd while the Allies killed a couple of untransformed Tigers, I ended up one kill short on turn seven so Jill carried one of the Ally Halberdiers to kill an untransformed Cat on the last turn. I sold pretty much everything I don't need and bought Storm Sword, Silver Axe, Short Axe, Silver Dagger, Beastkiller and the Physic from the Bargains. Zihark got given Storm Sword, Physic, Speedwing, Ashera Icon, Imbue, Wildheart and Howl to transfer over though I made a big mistake forgetting about Sothe's Adept I definitely should have transferred that over as Lyre, Kyza or Ulki would really appreciate that and I'd rather have Soren keeps his if possible seeing it's free for him. I did the trick where I had Micaiah Break her Tome on the last turn so she only has a Staff so I can train her Staff rank while she's an enemy next map though I'm not sure I'll have time while playing 'Strike Training Simulator 2018'.

    Unit         Class        Level      HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level         Skills                              Stat Boosters
    Micaiah      Light Sage   20/07.75   28  09  26  15  21  29  10  26  B Light, C Staves    Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Nolan        Warrior      20/15.19   46  28  05  26  27  25  20  13  S Axes               Nihil, Shove, Paragon               Dracoshield, Energy Drop
    Sothe        Rogue        --/12.20   40  22  06  26  26  23  15  13  S Knives             Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel, Adept
    Black Knight Black Knight -/-/20.00  70  38  18  40  30  20  35  25  SS Swords, S Lances  Shove, Eclipse, Imbue, Nihil


  6. 10 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    Technically speaking, staying out of combat isn't all they need to do:

    10 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    trade/merch mid-chapter,

    ...Fuck...OK to be honest I completely forgot about that extra rule as it's not very typical, nothing to do with it being ambiguous, I'm pretty sure I said agreeing to that would come back to bite me, guess I was right about something at least. I think I need the Robe to be honest, Lute has to more or less solo the bottom area of the next map as far as I can tell and I'm pretty sure she needs both the Robe and the Shield to do it with some semblance of reliability. Oh well, fair's fair, I'll just have to go back and get the one from chapter three hopefully it wont mess up the RNG for the maps after that but I suspect it will.



  7. Chapter 7: Waterside Renvall, old clear.

    Turns - 5/43

    If I could somehow make the boss equip his Javelin I think I could four turn this as Ross would be able to OHKO him with the Halberd but as it is I see no way to get a unit two spaces away from him on turn three so a five turn seems like the best I can do. Ross walked across the River and Eirika also got dropped onto the River by Artur and Garcia, Neimi rescued Lute so she could also be carried across the River so that I could distribute experience a bit better. Everyone is starting to look a bit more competent.


    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        13.15  24  12  14  17  12  05  06  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     11.63  31  14  08  10  07  08  04  B Axes
    Ross    Pirate      02.83  22  12  08  10  14  06  01  D Axes
    Neimi   Archer      06.26  20  08  08  10  09  05  05  D Bows
    Artur   Monk        06.29  20  10  10  11  03  03  07  D Light
    Lute    Mage        05.79  19  10  08  09  08  06  07  C Anima

    Chapter 8: It's a Trap!, old clear

    Turns - 9/52

    I decided to go Eirika's route because I did Ephraim's last time so I had to get the Elysian Whip which cost a lot of turns, I'm pretty far behind at this point hopefully I can make it up, I don't think there's any way I could get any faster than this when I have no one with more than five move. There's not really much to say on this one it was pretty much just walking forward as fast as possible, and then Artur, Garcia and Ross broke through the Wall while Eirika took on TIrado, Lute ended up finishing him off because Eirika left him on 1HP. Ephraim fought his way through so I could hand the Chest Keys over and to keep Kyle and Forde out of combat.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        13.51  24  12  14  17  12  05  06  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     13.26  32  15  10  11  08  10  05  B Axes
    Ross    Pirate      05.35  25  12  11  11  16  08  03  C Axes
    Neimi   Archer      08.66  21  10  10  12  10  05  06  C Bows
    Artur   Monk        07.23  21  11  10  12  03  04  08  D Light
    Lute    Mage        08.85  21  13  09  11  10  06  09  C Anima
    On 20/08/2018 at 12:21 AM, JudgeWargrave said:

    I'm actually contemplating Ephraim route myself. Would it really be so bad? Fort Rigwald is the only chapter that is significantly worse, and going to Grado has advantages. I can get an earlier 2nd Knight Crest after Chapter 10, get Cormag's Elysian Whip in Chapter 10 instead of the one in Chapter 8's chest, get a better main lord, and probably I can actually get Marisa, who might actually have time to contribute on a Warpless, small team.

    I expect you've already made your mind up at this point but I'd definitely consider it, I think the reputation Ephraim route has is worse than it actually is a bit like Sacae route in FE6 really. The only really bad thing about Ephraim's route is that it's a lot harder to train a staff user because Tethys shows up later and his later maps are quite short in comparison so you have less time to spam staves but that's irrelevant for your team so I think it would be pretty decent. I expect you'll probably draw about even but having Marisa will probably save a turn in Chapter 18 at the very least so you might come out on top overall.

  8. Part 3 - Prologue: The Great Advance

    Turns - 8/85

    This wasn't actually that bad, well it was mostly the Laguz just doing their own thing so not much I could do to affect that. Ike and Soren just worked their way up as fast as they could killing things as they went and Ike managed to just about beat the Laguz to Silvano and kill him with a Wo Dao crit after Skrimir killed one of the Generals in the way on turn 7 so Skrimir could seize on turn 8 otherwise they all pile up and it takes about 2 extra turns so that was nice.

    Unit   Class  Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                                  Stat Boosters
    Ike    Hero   --/12.92  45  24  02  28  24  15  22  07  S Swords                   Shove, Provoke
    Soren  Sage   --/06.99  28  09  24  22  18  11  10  22  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Miracle, Counter, Vantage

    Part 3 - Chapter 1: Laguz and Beorc

    Turns - 8/93

    I gave Ike and Soren a level each in the base for Strength and Magic so they could kill Halberdiers on Thickets and 2HKO Generals respectively. Gatrie was my free unit, he went to the Blue Gem house and then dealt with most of the enemies to the right before going to extinguish the Torch and then doubling back to deal with a Swordmaster reinforcement. Ike went up the left and dealt with enemies coming through the gap as best he could and then doubled back slightly to deal with the reinforcements. Soren took care of a few enemies at the Start and then went to get the Seraph Robe before heading up to the top right. The first turns were quite unreliable because Gatrie needed to get enough Killer Axe crits and Soren needed to activate Adept on either enemy that attacks him on turn one otherwise they get too numerous and it's impossible to keep the undrafted units out of the way but after that it was not so bad. Lethe and Lyre also managed to combine their efforts to kill the Sniper reinforcement, Lyre even doubled him, she got like 6 or so Strike experience so er that's something I guess.

    Unit   Class  Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                                   Stat Boosters
    Ike    Hero   --/15.61  48  26  04  30  25  16  24  07  S Swords                   Shove, Provoke
    Soren  Sage   --/08.56  29  09  26  23  19  12  10  23  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Miracle, Counter, Vantage

    Part 3 - Chapter 2: Stormclouds

    Turns - 3/96

    Celerity/Saviour Ike picked up Soren on turn two and dropped him at the edge of the bosses range on turn three and Soren killed him with a Wrath Elthunder crit. Bought some Steel Blades and Wind Edges with the Silver Card as well as the Wyrmslayer and the Arms Scroll.

    Unit   Class  Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level               Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Ike    Hero   --/16.07  49  27  05  30  26  16  25  07  S Swords                   Shove, Saviour, Celerity
    Soren  Sage   --/10.35  30  09  27  23  21  13  10  23  B Fire, B Thunder, A Wind  Adept, Shove, Provoke, Wrath


  9. Here, have some more chapters.

    Chapter 4: Ancient Horrors

    Turns - 4/22

    Pretty easy four turn for my team here thanks to having so many early units. Garcia made a bee line towards the boss and took care of the whole of the south east, this map is one of his best performances as he can easily one round all the Revenants at base. Artur took care of the Bone Walker reinforcements and most of the Mogalls while Eirika went south and broke the Snag to take care of a few enemies around Lute's Village whilst feeding a couple of kills to Neimi on her way. Vanessa triggered the Revenant reinforcements on turn one so Ross would have plenty of time to clean them up. Ross has got Speed five out of six levels, can't complain.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        08.90  19  10  11  13  09  04  03  C Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     07.79  28  11  07  08  05  06  03  C Axes
    Ross    Journeyman  07.21  18  08  06  08  10  05  01  D Axes
    Neimi   Archer      03.38  19  05  07  07  06  03  04  D Bows
    Artur   Monk        04.14  19  08  08  10  02  02  06  E Light

    Chapter 5: The Empire's Reach.

    Turns - 5/27

    By far the hardest map so far, I needed to get all the Villages for the Guiding Ring and I figured I have enough units to get them all in five turns but it was no easy task because everyone aside from Garcia is 2HKO'd even Eirika, and nobody except Eirika can really ORKO things so there was a lot of trial and error involved in this one. Ross made his way down and got the Dracoshield!Village and he also managed to kill the 'Bandit Boss' which was pretty nice, I just had him sit on top of the Village until the last turn because it gives +10 avoid before it's visited allowing him to pull off two dodges and counter kill him over three enemy phases. Artur headed up to the Torch!village with Niemi following to finish off enemies to clear his way, Lute helped out against the Mercenary from over the wall as the three of them had to gang up to kill him. Garcia led the way through the centre gap with Lute following to help Eirika with the middle area, Eirika made a dash towards the boss through the eastern area, had to burn some RN's so she would survive the Soldiers near the end. Lute and Garcia got the Secret Book and Armourslayer respectively on turn five,Seth helped Natasha to reach Joshua and I ended up routing the map except for two enemies. In an ideal world I would like to be able to give most of Eirika's experience to other units but it's really just not viable, and I can't really complain about this clear too loudly, except for Artur missing a Fighter and costing Neimi a kill that was kind of annoying :>_<:.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        11.12  22  11  14  16  11  05  04  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     08.91  28  12  07  09  05  07  04  C Axes
    Ross    Journeyman  08.30  19  09  06  08  11  05  01  D Axes
    Neimi   Archer      03.83  19  05  07  07  06  03  04  D Bows
    Artur   Monk        04.69  19  08  08  10  02  02  06  E Light
    Lute    Mage        03.07  17  08  08  08  08  04  05  C Anima

    Chapter 5x: Unbroken Heart

    Turns - 7/34

    Pretty standard Ephraim/Orson duo run, did a similar strategy to last time but I found a better place to drop Ephraim on the last turn that gives him a much better level up, might be irrelevant if I go Eirika's route but if I do go his route he's got a nice start. Have to burn some RN's for Orson to get the Chest Keys because he misses a ~90% hit Javelin and ruins it. I also messed up at the end, originally I couldn't take the Javelin because Ephraim's Inventory was full with Reginleif, Elixir, two Chest Keys and the Silver Sword but I realised I never actually used the Silver Sword so I had Forde take it at the beginning so Ephraim could take the Javelin as well but then I forgot to actually take it out of habit and couldn't be bothered to redo it, doubt it will make a difference in Chapter 8.

    Chapter 6: Victims of War, old clear.

    Turns - 4/38

    Managed to get Garcia the Boss kill instead of Eirika which was nice. He had to get one Strength and one Speed out of two levels on his way to the Boss in order to ORKO with a Hand Axe, he could also have theoretically killed over a player phase plus enemy phase but his chance of surviving would be very slim. The Strength is trivial but finding a sequence of moves that gave Speed was a bit tricky but I found one after a while,  it wouldn't have been the end of the world if I couldn't as Artur and Garcia could have easily dropped Eirika to get the kill if needed. Lute, Artur and Neimi got experience while standing on the mountains and Eirika helped feed some kills to Ross so he hits level ten because he needs to be promoted for next chapter.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        11.67  22  11  14  16  11  05  04  B Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     11.42  31  14  08  10  07  08  04  C Axes
    Ross    Journeyman  10.00  19  10  07  09  13  05  01  D Axes
    Neimi   Archer      04.87  19  06  07  08  07  04  04  D Bows
    Artur   Monk        05.38  20  09  09  10  02  02  06  D Light
    Lute    Mage        04.60  18  09  08  08  08  05  06  C Anima




    OK, got the first four chapters done.

    Prologue: The Fall of Renais.

    Turns - 2/2

    Eirika did it!

    Unit     Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	 Lord   02.45  16  05  08  10  06  03  01  E Swords  

    Chapter 1: Escape!

    Turns - 5/7

    Eirika rapier'd everything on her way to the boss, she used more Rapier uses than strictly necessary but that gave her the best level ups and I'll take a few less Rapier uses for two Strength levels any day.

    Unit     Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	 Lord   05.08  18  07  09  12  06  04  03  D Swords  

    Chapter 2: The Protected

    Turns - 5/12

    Anna be praised for this RNG, Eirika grabbed the Red Gem on turn one and then went down to take care of everything while Ross and Garcia took care of the enemies in the east. I had Vanessa block the spawn point of the left Bandit reinforcement meaning he spawns a space to the north instead so he can get off the mountain quicker. Eirika got a Rapier crit on Bone allowing for the five turn and also got Strength on both levels it was great. If anyone wants to copy these strategies you need to hard reset after each map fyi.

    Unit     Class  Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	 Lord   07.54  19  09  10  13  08  04  03  C Swords  

    Chapter 3: The Bandits of Borgo

    Turns - 6/18

    My three new recruits arrived just in time to help Eirika out here, I bought a selection of Axes for Garcia and Ross as well as a Slim Sword for Eirika to help out with feeding kills to my scrubs. Neimi and Garcia broke the first wall and Eirika brought the bandit to 1 HP for Ross to finish. Turn two Garcia attacked the second Wall while everyone else stayed back so the Hand Axe!Bandit would move out the way to attack Garcia. Turn three Ross gave the Hatchet to his dad so he could feed the Bandit to Neimi and Ross broke the Wall allowing Eirika to run through, Garcia didn't have anything to steal and Seth blocked Ross from getting attacked so the Thief attacked Eirika. Turn four Neimi finished the Thief and Eirika ran through, Eirika was one Speed too slow to double the Mercenary and just short of dealing enough damage with the Steel Sword to allow Niemi or Garcia to finish with the Iron Bow/Hatchet so Garcia had to hit a 39 displayed hit Hand Axe which he managed to do allowing Eirika to stand in front of the boss. The Boss has 26 displayed hit on her but he ended up hitting so she had to heal, Garcia came through again though and managed to kill him with another ~30 hit Hand Axe which is great because he gets the Boss Kill experience instead of Eirika, meanwhile Neimi and Ross finished some enemies for some experience. Neimi is a work in progress, she got a nice first level, hopefully her horse will prove to be worth it though with all these early game units I'm not sure how quickly she'll reach level 10, Ross is also off to a good start.

    Unit    Class       Level  HP  Atk Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Stat Boosters
    Eirika	Lord        08.19  19  10  11  13  09  04  03  C Swords  
    Garcia  Fighter     05.36  28  09  07  07  04  06  01  C Axes
    Ross    Journeyman  03.26  15  06  03  05  08  04  01  E Axes
    Neimi   Archer      02.40  18  05  06  06  05  03  03  D Bows
    14 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    But I can use Seth as much as necessary, and the penalty will still be the same, yes?

    Yes it doesn't matter if you have Ross chip one enemy of have Seth solo an entire map it's four turns no matter what you do.

    13 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Now my strategy here involved getting the Guiding Ring, as it is the only promotion item I need, and I need 3 of them.

    13 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Got 4000 gold (which I think I actually used instead of selling it, whoops)

    Yeah that's kind of a shame you need so many Guiding Rings, remember you also get a Master Seal in chapter 15 which might be easier to get, something to keep in mind. You aren't really desperate for Cash in Sacred Stones, it's not like FE6 where every bit of gold matters so in my opinion using it is probably the better choice though on the other hand you don't really have anyone that would appreciate it so it's whatever really.

    13 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    So I'm playing the map, when somehow, I manage to kill Seth

    Haha, that must be some sort of glitch :o:.

    13 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    I must say, I'm kinda disappointed with Natasha. I had assumed that she would at least be to level 3 by now, but as you can see, that didn't happen.

    Yeah training up healers is one of the most difficult things to manage, I rate them pretty low because of that.

    15 hours ago, JudgeWargrave said:

    Yeah it takes a long time to be able to recruit him doesn't it, you have to wait til turn 6. I'm not sure if he can save 4+ turns from that point since you already have Tana. The question is, which is faster, Eirika route without him or Ephraim route with him?

    The more I think on it the more difficult this choice seems, if I go Ephraim's route I could maybe skip the Chapter 8 Elysian Whip and promote whoever I don't promote out of Tana and Cormag with the Chapter 15 Master Seal, which will probably save ~3 turns on Chapter 8 though it might cost some turns before chapter 15 from having one flier unpromoted. On the other hand if I go Ephraim's route then I can't promote either Lute or Artur until later, meaning I'll probably have to go Sage!Lute and Bishop!Artur for the extra Staff Rank where as if I go Eirika's I can probably go Sage!Artur and Mage Knight!Lute which might be a bit better for rout maps, it's a tough choice.

  11. Part 2 - Chapter 3: Geoffrey's Charge

    Turns - 5/76

    Er, Geoffrey charged basically. He needs to gain two speed in order to double the Speedwing!Halberdier so I raised him to 16.99 in the base, Kieran followed along so he could trade him to the Short Spear after Geoffrey Brave Lanced the Door down and then he convoyed the Short Spear to switch back to the Brave Lance to kill the boss. The Allies distracted enemies away from Kieran.

    Unit      Class         Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills          Stat Boosters
    Geoffrey  Lance Paladin -/18.25  39  25  08  24  22  19  19  16  S Lances      Paragon, Canto  


    Part 2 - Endgame: Elincia's Gambit

    Turns - 1/77

    Bonus Experience Elincia to 3.99 so she reaches 22 Strength from killing a Halberdier so she can ORKO Ludveck.

    Unit     Class  Level      HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level        Skills                        Stat Boosters
    Elincia	 Queen  -/-/04.47  37  22  19  24  25  31  18  25  B Swords, S Staves  Renewal, Canto, Stun
    Leanne   Heron  05.31      25  00  06  02  12  27  04  22  ---                 Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto


    Time for 3-P with only Ike and Soren this should be fun.

  12. OK, I'm pretty happy with that team actually, though if I go Eirika's route I'll probably end up skipping Cormag so I'm effectively a unit down. Ephraim's route might also be a possibility though it'll be worse early especially the first map of the route split but better late seeing as I'll have two fliers. I'll probably keep a save and try out the route I don't choose at some point. Also I might be able to do some neat Warp/Rescue strategies seeing as I have both Artur and Lute, we'll have to see.

    Wargrave with the no Warp team again, well you managed to make it work last time but your Handicap is no where near as big, still you have the number one and two units so that should be good. It'll be interesting to see how well Vanessa and Franz work in unison, seeing as that would never ever happen normally.

    2 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    With that, the prologue (4/4)

    My strategy was to trade Seth's sword to Eirika, which she can't use (dangit), anyways, I put her in front of the first enemy, and wait. When the enemy's turn happens, I get hit by the first foe, but then get a crit and kill him, then the second brigand comes and Eirika

    For future reference, there's a well known two turn of the prologue using only Eirika, if you hard reset the game (as in go to file > reset not press A/B/Start/Select) then move Seth one up all the way left and then drag the cursor north across the river. After that move Eirika three right, she'll get three crits and kill both Bandits then on turn two move her onto the forest and end turn O'Neil will attack her and she'll kill him with another crit.

    2 hours ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Looking back at my gameplay, I can tell I'm playing pretty sub-optimally. Despite all of my failures, this was a ton of fun, and I'm super glad I signed up for it. I'll try to update later today, and if you guys have any tips I'd be glad to hear them!

    You're not doing too badly actually, I would say just be careful about when you use Seth as it's still four turns extra, you have to really make sure he makes a difference. For example I think you could do Chapter 2 in 6-8 turns with just Eirika which would be better than using Seth, still not bad so far.

    1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    So, those Seth penalties are added up how again?

    If you use a unit that you aren't assigned you simply add four to your turn count for each unassigned unit you use per chapter. So if you complete a map in five turns but use Seth it's as if you did it in nine turns instead and that's reflected in your running total, sometimes it's worth taking a penalty but typically you want to use it as little as possible, if at all, though it depends on how good your team is.

    @JudgeWargrave Maybe you pointed it out somewhere and I can't see it but I'm wondering what the asterisks on the graph are signifying.

  13. In, sent you my bids.

    Regarding some of the rules:

    I'm fine with not allowing unassigned units to trade and shop etc if only to see what sort of difference it makes, everyone's in the same boat so I don't see a problem though I know i'm gong to regret saying this because it will inevitably mess up some strategy, i can just tell.

    I'm pretty sure Ephraim and Myrrh are free simply to make the number of unit's divisible by the number of players and those are the most obvious candidates to make free because of their unique nature, otherwise you would just end up with Marisa and whatever other scrub nobody wants free for everyone but for this style I'd agree it's not necessary. 

    Even without tower Ewan is probably still better than Marisa.

    Seth free by Chapter 6 seems early to me, I mean it doesn't matter because you have to pay for him but I would have thought maybe Chapter 8/9 would make more sense?

    Regarding the route split that's the biggest difficulty I feel, as you say the only reason to go Epharim's route is Cormag and maybe Duessel if you get a lacklustre team which in itself is not a problem because you just take that route, it's fine as long as you have Cormag. The problem lies in if you get certain combinations of characters the most notable being Cormag and Saleh/Lute, because Eirka!Cormag sucks and Ephraim!Saleh sucks so you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Lute is in a bad position because Tethys doesn't show up till later on Ephraim's route and you also don't get a Guiding Ring until later unless you get the one by visiting all the houses in Joshua's join map, so it's harder, though not impossible, to reach A Staves in time, Artur has Bishop so it's less of a problem for him. Those are the big ones but even getting something like Cormag/Gerik or Duessel/Saleh is not good. Maybe you could add some kind of negative weighting that would reduce the chance of getting certain unit combinations though it's not a simple case of just looking at their promotion items or when they join so I don't know what sort of value to put on that.

    I'll read though the documents tomorrow, haven't slept in about 30 hours and it's 1am already.



  14. Nice, you finished and you managed to hold onto your lead without a flier, a Warper, or anyone to carry Hector, I'm impressed! Did you consider giving the Body Ring/Boots to Bartre to allow him to carry Hector?

    I originally thought you would need to rely on Nino reaching Warp but when I remembered that chapter 28 is considered a rout map that obviously puts pay to that idea, I'd say it's pretty doable if not for that rule. I think it's pretty notable that the only map where you really lost a lot of turns is VoD, other than that the lack of a Flier/Warp user didn't seem to matter that much, lack of flier would have made a big difference in Chapter 23 as well if not for NPC!Hawkeye special delivery. The fact you only lost one turn on Cog and drew even on Sands of Time with my team, which I think was pretty clearly the best late game team, isn't something I would have expected.

    On 05/08/2018 at 10:35 PM, JudgeWargrave said:

    Bartre (3.06) was actually fantastic. Like Matt, he helped immensely when he was 1/3 of the entire team, and he was no slouch in the late game either. It took some time to get his speed up, but soon enough he was doubling everything he needed to. I dare say he saved as many turns as Raven could have, if not more, after Raven's join time. Unlike Raven, he has 1-2 range before promotion, and can promote earlier for an extra move and even better combat. Plus, of course, he saves turns before Raven even exists. Considering Raven went for 6.2, I'm very satisfied with Bartre.

    I hadn't really considered how much Raven cost me, that was definitely a mistake on my part going anywhere near that high for him and probably cost me. I kind of just pulled numbers out of my head and went with my gut feeling because I wasn't sure what sort of values would make sense. The fact he cost me more than Oswin, Rath, Eliwood and Isadora is just stupid now I think about it. I will say that on a team that was less good he would probably have much more value, say on amg's team, but on my team he was nearly useless because of how many mounts I had, in fact the only time I can particularly remember him doing stuff was on Cog and even then I think I probably could have got around it somehow. A lot of the time I think I could get the same turn count even just working a unit down, so I agree Bartre/Dorcas would be worth more for sure, hindsight 20/20 I guess.

    I suppose the problem? (not really sure if necessarily a problem) feature i guess of this style, is that without knowing who you already have on your team there's no way to build synergy or more accurately to avoid redundancy. I think this is most notably a problem with Athena's team, most obviously having two potential Warp/Rescue users is superfluous, I don't think that ever saves turns, VoD is the only map I can think were it might save a turn, I guess you could look at in the sense that it means less Staff users for others whereas usually everyone will get a Staff user. The other thing though that I think is less obvious is having early Marcus makes Lowen a lot less useful imo, without Marcus Lowen will be the go to unit for early game so he's going to get very overlevelled but Marcus just does everything making him much weaker, in itself that's not a huge issue but it means you are a unit down after Marcus leaves which is were I think the difficulty lies. Maybe early/late Marcus needs some adjustment?

    On 05/08/2018 at 10:35 PM, JudgeWargrave said:

    Wil (0.37) was OK. Can't complain too much about virtually free. There are a few places in the game where the lack of 1-range is irrelevant, and the ability to use ballista is occasionally helpful. At least Wil has the courtesy to show up with 2/3 of the game remaining rather than 1/3 like Louise (2.01).

    At the very least Rebecca/Wil can one turn Lloyd so I guess that means they're worth at least one and Rebecca has near perfect availability, sometimes it's the little guy that makes the diffrence. :Amelia:

    On 05/08/2018 at 10:35 PM, JudgeWargrave said:

    Sain (5.05) was clearly important throughout the run. The fact that I got him at such a price exposes a bit of a flaw of the bidding system, but don't worry--I have a better system rolling out for the next one

    This certainly seems like a major problem, the fact you got Sain more than three points cheaper than Athena got Kent when everyone bid almost the same for them (makes sense seeing as they're basically the same unit), hopefully this new system fixes that.

    On 05/08/2018 at 10:35 PM, JudgeWargrave said:

    Dart (1.81), I also felt was undervalued. Absolutely everyone else rated him below Hawkeye, for instance, but that just makes no sense to me. There was never a point where having Hawkeye's stats instead of Dart's would have saved me any turns at all.

    I agree with you Dart is better in a draft context, I partly based my guesses on how they're valued in a ranked setting because I wasn't really sure what values to give people so I kind of used that as a measuring stick also because I'm not super familiar with FE7 which I think caused me to miss rate units like Raven (over) and Dart (under) as well as some others. For example I way overestimated how useful Raven's combat would be when it was completely unnecessary.

    On 05/08/2018 at 10:35 PM, JudgeWargrave said:

    Lacking Warp and Hector carriers lost me quite a bit in 30, 32, and 32x, but it wasn't enough to erase my lead. I'd like the final positions to get even closer, and hopefully my new auction system will succeed there. The basic idea of it is do determine how each player values their own team relative to the average of other players' teams, use that margin as the value of satisfaction, then set handicaps to exactly equalize satisfaction. In other words, the allocation will maximized net expected margin of victory, then the handicaps will equalize individual expected margin of victory. I've tested it on the data from the previous three auctions as well as randomly generated data and the results look really nice imo. I'll explain more when I actually make the post.

    That sounds very complex :Lute:, I'll give it a go though. I think also it should be kept in mind that final turn count should get closer once people get a better idea of how much units are worth, if I hadn't majorly overbid on Raven the gap between us would probably only be a turn or two.


  15. Part 2 - Prologue: On Drifting Clouds

    Turns - 8/61

    I had Marcia rescue Nealuchi to reduce her avoid so she would get hit consistently, don't know why I hadn't thought about that before, and Elincia used Mend twice per turn in the top corner with Leanne's help except once on turn one when she had to drop Leanne to a safe area so she wouldn't get captured.

    Unit     Class  Level      HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level        Skills                 Stat Boosters
    Elincia	 Queen  -/-/02.91  36  20  18  22  23  30  18  24  B Swords, S Staves  Renewal, Canto, Stun
    Leanne   Heron  05.21      25  00  06  02  12  27  04  22  ---                 Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto


    Part 2 - Chapter 1: Winds of Rebellion

    Turns - 6/67

    Five turns is too difficult without using Battle Saves, why is Neph like one Strength/Speed short of everything, so annoying. Brom shoved the Myrmidon out the way so Neph could get the Ashera Icon turn one because nothing better to do and then they tag teamed the Archer on turn two. Neph killed the Javelin!Armour blocking the Stairs with a Wrath crit on turn three enemy phase needing him to roll either low Speed so she can double or low HP/Def so she OHKO's, the latter happened. Brom shoved her on turn four so she could stand next to Yardley to start dealing some damage to him. Turn five she moved out of his range so he had to attack Brom, that way she can't die to him plus the Soldiers, Brom brings him low enough to be killed by a crit then finally Brom recruits Heather and Neph kills Yardley. I think this is about the most reliable you can get on this map with the only thing needed being Neph able to one round the Armour Knight on the Stairs, other than that it's just dealing with 70 display hits all the time.

    Something else I realised that I've never noticed before was that you can actually reach Yardley in five turns still if you go through the bottom which is better but because you avoid most of the enemies but you still need to kill the Myrmidon with a Wrath crit because she's like one damage short of a OHKO and then you'd have to kill Yardley with two crits and dodge both his attacks so it's still not good.

    Part 2 - Chapter 2: Tides of Intrigue

    Tuns - 4/71

    Lucia so good! Well sort of anyway, she saved a turn at least. i gave her a Bonus Experience level with Strength which allows her to ORKO the Warrior as well as the Boss with the Silver Sword and also gives her a possibility of ORKO'ing Archers with the Wind Edge, Mordecai was my free unit. Lucia killed the Armour above the start with a crit, had to rely on a couple of crits for this clear because some of the enemies are too bulky and she needs to kill stuff to clear a path and also to prevent Leanne from kicking the bucket. Mordecai used a Laguz Stone and Leanne refreshed them both he then shoved the Soldier so that Lucia could get past and she killed him with the Wind Edge (not necessary she kills but it was nice), nobody aside from Lucia can ORKO that Soldier which is why I used Mordecai as my free unit to shove him also Smite was useful, enemy phase she killed an Archer and Soldier as well as weakened the Halberdier and another Archer. Turn two Lucia finished the Halberdier and Mordecai killed the Archer then they got refreshed and Mordecai killed the Soldier so Lucia could move through and kill the Armour Knight again needing to kill him with a crit otherwise the priest would heal him and block the way. A Mage and the Warrior attacked Lucia at two range then everything else was forced to suicide at one range, she then killed the Warrior and Mordecai shoved Leanne to refresh her and Nephenee dropped Heather to give her vision of the General in front of the Boss so she could attack him on Player Phase for a 2RKO, then turn four she killed the Boss and Mordecai Smited Leanne to refresh her and she Arrived.

    Unit    Class       Level    HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level  Skills                         Stat Boosters
    Lucia   Swordmaster -/15.84  38  19  10  28  28  19  14  15  S Swords      Parity, Critical +10, Shove
    Leanne  Heron       06.21    26  00  06  02  12  28  04  24  ---           Blessing, Galdr, Shove, Canto


  16. Part 1 - Chapter 8: Glory Unwanted

    Turns - 4/44

    Pretty easy map, Nolan got BEXP'd to level 20 and promoted so he can double and ORKO the Bandits, he's trying to be Boyd and get a lot of Strength for some reason but not much Speed. Sothe got Celerity so he could get the Arms Scroll on turn three and then reach the Priest the next turn while Nolan took Paragon, Zihark got Saviour so he could rescue one of the Prisoners on the right while Nailah rescued the other so that the Dracoknight would suicide on Micaiah. Muarim, Volug and Aran rescued the three on the left so the Bandits would all go after Miccy and Nolan. Tormod got Shade so the Bandit just below the Centre wouldn't attack him it ended up not mattering because he rolled very low Speed and Micaiah doubled him but usually she wouldn't. Forged another +5 might, +15 crit Tome for Micaiah and a +5 might, +15 hit, +15 crit Knife for Sothe. Nolan went west with Rafiel's help, Miccy went south and Sothe east, only unreliable bit of the map was Sothe had to crit the Bandit on the last turn at around ~40% chance aside from that it was almost completely reliable.

    Unit     Class       Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Skills                                Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  18.18     22  06  20  13  17  23  04  20  C Light      Sacrifice, Shove, Reolve
    Nolan    Warrior     20/03.39  39  22  04  22  19  16  16  10  A Axes       Nihil, Shove, Paragon                 Dracoshield, Energy Drop
    Sothe    Rogue       --/07.93  37  22  06  25  23  21  15  12  S Knives     Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel, Celerity 
    Rafiel   Heron       12.40     31  02  12  02  12  31  06  26  ---          Blessing, Galdr, Shove


    Part 1 - Chapter 9: One Survives

    Turns - 3/47

    Gave Micaiah a level of Bonus Experience for Speed so she could double the 14 Speed enemies, standard clear with Pass.

    Unit         Class        Level      HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level         Skills                        Stat Boosters
    Micaiah      Light Mage   19.64      23  06  20  13  18  24  04  20  C Light              Sacrifice, Shove, Pass
    Black Knight Black Knight -/-/20.00  70  38  18  40  30  20  35  25  SS Swords, S Lances  Shove, Eclipse, Imbue, Nihil


    Part 1 - Endgame: Daein, Arise!

    Turns - 6/53

    This one was pretty tough, because I want to transfer Pass and Saviour otherwise Sothe could probably have just carried Miccy. I BEXP'd Rafiel to level 16 so that he could survive a Soldier plus a Mage on turn two if he dodged one of the Soldiers attacks because I didn't have enough units to protect him and he needed to refresh Sothe and BK. Micaiah went back to Resolve and Sothe got Adept as well as a Max everything Knife to maximise his chance of ORKOing the Wind Edge!Armour. Unequipped Skills from everyone that leaves and Ilyana got Brave Sword, Killing Edge, Pass, Celerity, Arms Scroll, Blue Gem, Seraph Robe and Saviour (as skill) to transfer. I almost transferred the Hammer out of habit until I realised Nolan is my only axe user.

    Sothe killed the Fighter on the Stairs and he and BK got refreshed, then BK killed the Archer above the Ledge while Sothe and Nolan dropped Rafiel a space forward so he could get up the ledge with another Shove from Nolan next turn. Turn two Sothe and BK went up the first ledge and Rafiel refreshed them, Sothe killed the Armour blocking the second Ledge so BK could get onto the centre area. Turn three Sothe killed a Thief so BK could move below the final Ledge and Micaiah got refreshed so she could get up both Ledges to catch up. Turn four Miccy healed up Sothe with Sacrifice and he rescued her then got refreshed to drop her on the top platform, Nolan protected Rafiel from the Fighter reinforcements along with the Pillar. Turn five Nolan got refreshed so he could break the Door with a Hand Axe which he had just enough move to do, Sothe and Micaiah killed an Archer each while BK killed an Armour and then Nailah helped blocked Micaiah off from the one range enemies to slightly increase her chance of surviving, the Hand Axe/Javelin Armours don't have very good hit but the Archers are pretty threatening because she's on bad Biorhythm, I would say the overall chance is around 10%. Finally BK killed Jarod, Nolan shoved Miccy so she could seize and Sothe got refreshed to get the Speedwing.

    Unit         Class       Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level           Skills                              Stat Boosters
    Micaiah      Light Sage  20/01.00  25  09  21  14  19  25  08  21  C Light, C Staves      Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Nolan        Warrior     20/04.61  39  22  05  23  19  16  17  10  A Axes                 Nihil, Shove, Paragon               Dracoshield, Energy Drop
    Sothe        Rogue       --/08.44  38  22  06  26  24  21  15  12  S Knives               Guard, Steal, Shove, Cancel, Adept
    Rafiel       Heron       16.62     35  02  12  02  12  35  06  34  ---                    Blessing, Galdr, Shove
    Black Knight Black Knight -/-/20.00  70  38  18  40  30  20  35  25  SS Swords, S Lances  Shove, Eclipse, Imbue, Nihil


  17. 13 hours ago, Sob99 said:

    I should be able to start mine soon but before I do, how do I make the chart to mark down my characters and stats?


    Click on that.

    Part 1 - Chapter 6: Raise the Standard

    Turns - 6/35

    Gave Miccy Resolve and Sothe Adept and forged a +5 might, +15 hit, +15 crit Knife for Sothe to maximise his chance to ORKO the two Armour Knights in the top left. Sothe led the way west with Nolan following behind, Nolan shoved him once on turn one so the mage could reach Sothe and suicide and then again on turn four so Sothe could reach the Priest after getting the Arms Scroll on turn three, Miccy solo'd the right side pretty easily. Sothe has ~18% crit and ~16% Adept needing either a crit or an Adept to kill the Armour Knights and Micaiah's chance of dying is pretty low with Resolve so overall chance is not that bad.

    Part 2 actually ended up being trickier because Sothe almost ran out of Knife uses just before engaging the boss so what should have been super easy ended up taking longer because Sothe needed to get some crits to conserve Knife uses. Other than that just standard Nolan shove on turn one so the boss can suicide on turn two, Nolan and Miccy just got experience.

    Unit     Class       Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Skills                      Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  15.95     20  05  19  12  16  20  03  18  C Light      Sacrifice, Shove, Resolve
    Nolan    Fighter     16.41     34  19  02  17  14  13  14  07  A Axes       Nihil, Shove, Cancel        Dracoshield, Energy Drop
    Sothe    Rogue       --/05.27  37  21  05  24  22  19  15  11  A Knives     Guard, Steal, Shove, Adept 


    Part 1 - Chapter 7: A Gathering Hope

    Turns - 5/40

    Gave Paragon and Shade to Sothe so he could get some more experience and Saviour to Nolan so he could carry Micaiah and also forged a +2 might Knife so Sothe could ORKO the Soldiers. I went through the top route so that Nolan could free two of the Prisoners on turn four and five for some bonus experience. Sothe moved ahead the first two turns and killed pretty much everything in front of him while Nolan dealt with leftover enemies and the two on the left. Nolan gave Miccy to Sothe on turn three and shoved him so he could drop her ten spaces from the seize, he had Shade equipped so that the Hand Axe Armour guarding the top cell would suicide on Miccy rather than Sothe having to rely on a crit to kill him. Sothe killed Djur with a Beastkiller crit +hit ~35% chance iirc, Nolan also had to dodge once I think but that's pretty likely. Brave Sword!Zihark also got deployed to make sure Volug didn't get attacked.


    Unit     Class       Level     HP  Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Weapon Level Skills                               Stat Boosters
    Micaiah  Light Mage  16.39     21  05  19  13  16  21  03  19  C Light      Sacrifice, Shove, Reolve
    Nolan    Fighter     17.90     35  19  02  17  15  14  14  07  A Axes       Nihil, Shove, Saviour                Dracoshield, Energy Drop
    Sothe    Rogue       --/06.99  37  22  06  24  22  20  15  12  S Knives     Guard, Steal, Shove, Shade, Paragon 


  18. Something Marcus has over Zealot is that he has about 10-15 extra hit because of his Skill and Luck leads which typically wouldn't be that much of a difference but combined with FE6's hit rates and when they're chucking maybe 10+ Javelins or Hand Axes on an enemy phase Zealot has a tendency to miss more than you might like, Marcus will also probably have the weapon rank lead as well which is useful considering how slowly that builds so he can probably use things like the Brave Axe earlier, so Marcus is better even though Zealot joins later.  I'd say it's like winning  $1,000,000 on the lottery or $900,000, one is clearly better but the other is not exactly something you'd turn down. It reminds me of Marcus vs Isadora in that somehow Isadora is strictly worse than Marcus is at base even though she joins like 10 chapters later but that still doesn't mean she's a bad unit.

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