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Everything posted by YotsuMaboroshi

  1. Servants don't usually get strengthened skills or NPs when they're bosses though? Only ones I can remember are third skills that were added by Strengthens.
  2. I know what it's based on (never said that the Legendary was based on the Brave). That doesn't change the fact that the two outfits are visually very similar. It seems likely that IS used Lyn's Blade Lord outfit as the basis for her "father's" outfit that was used for the Brave alt, with changes like keeping her first dress and using a fur half-cape instead of a full cape. AFAIK, Hassar never showed up in any art after all.
  3. Micaiah getting Light Priestess (+Yune) for her Brave alt in no way reduces her chances of getting a legendary, especially given that it doesn't change that she's the most prominent candidate for being a Tellius legendary. IS has already proven that they'll take liberties if needed, or simply reuse an outfit. Lucina's Great Lord outfit was used for both her Brave and her Legendary alts, with the only difference being that she's missing her shield on her Legendary alt. Azura is wearing a white version of her mother's outfit, which never appeared in Fates at all. Lyn's Legendary outfit is basically the same as her Brave, with a different cape and trim. It seems really short-sighted to think them using this for Micaiah's Brave version is a sign that she won't get a Legendary.
  4. In a surprising turn of events, Medb got her animation update on NA, about half a year earlier than expected. I guess DW didn't want to pull out the old Warden costume sprite for NA to use for 6 months.
  5. TBF, the weapon was localized as Selena's Blade back in Fates. So they're at least being consistent there.
  6. Linhardt was expecting Leonie to have an allowance from a noble house that was sponsoring her, not from her school house.
  7. It's definitely a reference thrown in by the localizers, because the item is just a bear doll in the JP text, with no mention of armor. Which makes sense, because the JP text wouldn't reference something from the English localization of Awakening (Frederick's nickname in the F!Robin A support was a a different pun that had nothing to do with bears in the JP script).
  8. NPs are unaffected by card order and first card bonuses. The first card bonus can be determined by an NP, but it doesn't affect it. @DehNutCaseAFAIK, the first card benefits from the first card bonus, unless its an NP. Second and third card bonuses only apply to their respective card, but first card bonus affects the entire chain, including the first card and the Extra card, if applicable.
  9. The repeat doesn't bother me honestly, I just haven't used Gilgamesh much since rolling Ishtar. It's better than getting a Servant I don't like (Raikou or Schez), and much better than getting a repeat of a Servant I have at NP5 (Ishtar, Illya, Melt, or Okita). Repeats are kind of par for the course given that I'm a whale.
  10. Yes. Non-interlude Buster NP goes from 300% to 400% damage when going from NP1 to NP2. My GSSR got Gilgamesh to NP2, which means he probably hits as hard or harder than my NP5 Ishtar now. I should probably use him more anyways, given that he was one of my first SSRs...
  11. Technically speaking, Nobu never had Self-Modification, she has Demon King (which lorewise has similar effects to SM, but isn't quite as versatile). Her third skill in every version she's had has been a variant of it: Archer has Demon King, Zerker has Demon King of the Beach, and now Avenger has Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. Avenger got the worst one, but the lore for the skill didn't change, just the game effect and name. So if she had Archer Nobu's version, it would replace Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, not her second skill (at least, if they stick to lore).
  12. The starter summon originally was the 4* servants available at FGO launch, IIRC. Atalante and Zerkerlot were not technically launch units, they were first summonable when Gil's first banner hit (though I think their data was in the game before that).
  13. I wasn't actually contradicting you, I was mostly agreeing with you. As a general rule, the banner features the event welfare. If the event doesn't have a welfare, like Tokugawa, Setsubun, Journey to the West, White Day, Valentine's or any other non-welfare event, then it doesn't (for obvious reasons). I did not give any examples of a welfare event that didn't feature the welfare on the banner, just an example of an event where the featured Servant wasn't a welfare. I think it's unlikely that any GudaGuda event would not have a welfare Servant. As you mentioned, they have a lot of of potential Servants here (you missed Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and at this point I'm pretty certain most potential servants from the Sengoku or Bakumatsu periods can be considered potential GudaGuda Servants), and every GudaGuda event prior has has a welfare. There is still a small possibility that there's no welfare though, in which case the banner would obviously not feature a welfare servant.
  14. I think that's correct as a general rule, but it's possible there is no welfare (like Tokugawa). It's unlikely that a GudaGuda would have no welfare, but still possible.
  15. Niime gave Raigh a tome to study in their support conversations in FE6. Presumably the Hermit's Tome is supposed to be that tome.
  16. Aside from the possibility of there being a trainer gacha they haven't mentioned yet, it's also possible that you'd be able to get every trainer for free through story and events, but then they have an equipment gacha that can alter a trainer's abilities or Pokemon, a la FF Dissidia mobile. So just because the trainers might not be obtained through gacha doesn't mean there won't be a gacha.
  17. Addendum to my previous post:
  18. One, strictly speaking we don't know for certain who wrote most of the story chapters after Solomon. This is supposition based on the fact that the scenario writer for the four featured characters for Agartha was Hazuki Minase. Two, Minase is one of the script writers for the Prillya anime, not the original creator of the Prillya manga, which is Hiroyama Hiroshi. The manga does not play up the fan service scenes the way the anime does.
  19. My paid gacha wishlist is 'something that doesn't give me a USO', so I'll pretty much be fine with any servant other than Okita, Ishtar, Illya, or Melt showing up. Though I'd prefer not to get Scherazade or another Raikou, as I don't particularly care for either of them.
  20. In a surprising turn of events, NA is actually getting 30 SQ on the real anniversary (6/25). They haven't announced anything else yet, except to say that this isn't the only part of the anniversary celebration.
  21. Super heroes is the generic JP term for seasonals.
  22. NA stream was apparently as expected: Agartha news and animation update preview, with no sign of anniversary info. Most likely they're planning to keep 'anniversary' to AX (probably to emulate FGO Fes without actually hosting their own con).
  23. Hans is fairly regularly compared with 5 star servants, because his kit is pretty well put together. From what it looks like, the new Caster is more of a defensive support, with heals, debuff cleanse, and party charge. I think his second skill is also NP seal, though I'm not entirely sure. At the very least, he's has enough different utility from Hans that he isn't overshadowed completely, like a lot of the lower rarity support Casters are, and a decent chunk of his utility hasn't been available at the lower rarities before, so hopefully he doesn't end up limited.
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