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Posts posted by ChoocoboYao

  1. Just a random thought I wanted to get off my mind, it's that I would love for Severa, Owain, and Inigo to keep reappearing in future FE titles like they did in Fates.

    Progressionally though, while they've grown a bit since Awakening, I think it would be absolutely terrific to see them reach later ages. That and their jobs slowly reflecting their changes.

    I love the idea that Inigo/Laslow turned into an actual dancer class, or be turn the meme of him being a rally bot into a rallying dancer for the future. He's still great with a sword but with strengthened confidence and some serious dance moves, it'd be hilarious to have that canon. All that practice has gotta turn into something!

    Or with Owain/Odin delving his into all of the jobs, he's lowered his sword hand, he's rested his magical mind, but what if he turned into an eagle eye too? I'm bad at making up quotes but boy does it make me laugh to hear his crazy lines yelled at from afar as he stylishly shoots an arrow. Who knows when he will ever feel sated?

    I've also been wondering when the hell Severa/Selena will ever be ready to get on a pegasus, and how she would deal with either reaching her own self as a warrior, or to keep trying to uphold Cordelia's image. She'll become related classes in her tsundere spirit to learn how to ride a horse but never the damn pegasus. (Get in the fucking mech, Shinji)

    Thanks for reading a spill of my mind, just wanted to just show up with it for fun.

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