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Posts posted by GoD

  1. So who should I revive? Gytha or Veronika? Or should I heal? Won't be on IRC because I'll be on a plane a lot of the time, so please tell me what I should do?

    Should you need Chelsea for healing or doing something then I nominate Phoenix as a temporary stand-in.

    Sorry in advance.

  2. ..... We. need to recruit a buttload of people.

    I swear if we lose, we are hitting the retry button and making all inactives participate. Seriously, Phoenix and Cyncyn should just control the inactives.

    In the meantime i'll see if I can get people from a different forum to see if they are interested in a FE RP. Everyone else should try and convince people on this forum who are active to join us. That and we need sidequests to level up like a mad lady. Huggles

  3. "Just leave now... we are not in the mood to fight and kill you all, so if you value your lives then get out of here. Otherwise we shall paint this desert red!"- Chelsea attempted to threaten the bandits as she hopped on Nesha and began flipping through the pages of her Light Tome. She did not know why, but she suddenly felt like fighting these guys... after all, even if they did not have Amon, they could still beat some bandits with some ease... right?

    "Raquel are you gonna help? Well just try and not get yourself killed, and if you get in trouble just call on me. I'll get you out of trouble... probably~"- the troubador told her leader with a playful tone, though her eyes told others that she was serious... maybe~

  4. Wait Hold up. I'm a bit lost at what's happening.

    I stopped posting around the time the commander punished Malik and Bert, then I decided to read to find out that Aisha isn't gonna let us have our bishie-boy... I mean Amon.

    Now we are getting ready to leave. What is everyone doing... because I'd like to talk with Raquel for a moment.I need to do something too.

  5. "Oh Mercy, you are on Amon's bad side. Best of luck to you, Bert, you'll need it to survive."- Chelsea whispered to the pegasus knight's other ear. Although the recent turn of events, such as the young Rexian and the assasin lady were willing to assist them, the troubadour still felt uneasy and kept hiding behind Veronika.... it wasn't because the swordswoman's back was actually really comfortable- never mind that.

    "Gytha, Bert please don't antagonize them any further. Please~"

  6. "C-calm down everyone! We can't resolve things with violence all of the time, as much as we want to beat each other into a bloody pulp, we have to control ourselves. We're adults, we can be calm about the situation and work things out."- Chelsea told everyone in other to try and quell the violence. As she said this she made a mad dash to go behind Veronika and hide.

  7. Yes, her action was noble. Yes I respect her as a character and love her. YES I FREAKIN RESPECT YOU MERC. Because now you are my super-special-awesome friend. She just needed to... think better. That's it.

    ON another note: Omake of Gytha and Synthia: In Sanctuary.

    Gytha: Ey Synthia, you'll never guess what happen to me when I was trying to leave Sanc-

    Synthia: Wait you tried to leave the city.

    Gytha: Ay!!! To rescue Amon!!

    Synthia: *eye twitch* Without supplies

    Gytha: Aye!!!!

    Synthia: both eyes are twitching* Did you cause trouble for the local militia...?

    Gytha: *Kitty face* Maybe~.

    Synthia: *Table Flip* *Rage*

    Gytha: *Laughs all awesome like*

    Synthia: * Blows up the palace in sheer rage*

    Gytha: *Standing there unfazed*

    Synthia: *Ragequit, on the floor*

    Gytha: Would you like something to eat Synthia?

    Synthia: Whatever.

    XD No sand was harmed in the making of this Omake. The only that got hurt was Amon, who had a leg cramp.

  8. I don't like sand ... It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

    Then you probably don't appreciate sand. XD.

    I'm only joking.

    Hey here's a talk topic: Clouds. They are fluffy and white. They make different shapes. I also like clouds. :)

  9. Isn't the problem not that she could reach a port city, but that she has no supplies, no idea where she's going, and it's still not clear whether or not she could ever get through the storms back into regular desert? Why would she even go to a port city when she's looking for Amon?

    I would label this a death sentence. She's on foot after all.


    Hey Roy let Syn and Valt talk about sand. Sand is a very interesting topic.

    I like sand, if you couldn't tell. :)

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