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Posts posted by GoD

  1. When Gytha tried to make a break for it, for some reason or other, Chelsea attempted to follow the mariner. She overheard from the argument that Gytha was trying to 'save' Amon, who had left on some mission for the Priestess. However, Gytha was worried about Amon, which was quite understandable. But the mariner wanted to follow Amon into the desert, without knowing what direction she was going. without alerting the group and without the neccesary suplies. It was a suicide trip.

    Thankfully once the High Priestess mentioned the word "arrested", Gytha run slowed to a crawl. It seemed as though she did not like breaking the law, so she stopped before she could do something that would warrant an arrest. Once she calmed down, the troubdour approached Gytha and suggested "Gytha, perhaps Miss High Priestess is correct. Let's just go to the palace, eat something refreshing and wait for Amon. Don't worry, he'll be fine."


    Name: Thoma Suzakuin

    Nickname: Trauma

    Gender: Male

    Age: 28

    Class: Fighter

    Affinity: Water

    Weapon Profiency: Axes

    Weapon of Choice: Steel Axe

    Inventory: Steel Axe

    Raw Stats:

    HP:5 STR:5 MAG:0 SKL:2 SPD:3 LCK:2 DEF:2 RES:1

    Simplified Stats:

    HP:15 MT:5 HIT: 3 Evade:5 DEF:2 RES:1

    Occupation: Traveling Bodyguard for Hire. (May do it for free if he gets to travel with beautiful woman.)


    Eye Color: Green

    Hair: Short but it reaches down to his neck. His hair color is Black.

    Body: His skin color is pretty much creamish and healthy. He's kinda slim, but he's muscular.

    Clothes: In battle he wears a silver chainmail undearneath his black jacket. His pants are quite formal and white, in stark contrats to pretty much to his upper body wear and what he usually wears. When he's not in a battle he usually wears a black shirt with black jeans.... this guy loves black and I'm not very descriptive.

    Connections: Some Clans within Kigen. He probably has one or two connections within the greater clans, but he's not that high on the monarchy, so people should not get their hopes up.

    Backstory: TBA

  3. Once Chelsea woke up she changed into a batch of fresh newly washed clothes, then got of bed, out of her room, and went to the cafeteria to eat a lot. Once she was done, she decided that a good view of the city was in order, so after grabbing her stuff she left the palace to check out the city.

    "My, it truly is a lovely place, even if it is in the middle of a scorching desert, it's like a paradise... or is that too strong a compliment to describe this place. I don't want to sound rude, but not overly gushy about it. I'm not a fangirl or anything."- as she was contemplating about something completely random, she noticed that Gytha was speaking to the guards, about something and then there was that High Priestess lady... Lou was it? No it was probably Lulu. It seemed as though Gytha was causing trouble for the authorities... but Synthia wasn't here to rear her in. And she thought Amon had some errand to do....

    Approaching Gytha, the troubador asked. "Miss Gytha.... is there some sort of problem?"

  4. And walk did the maiden need no further, because a few minutes later Chelsea motioned to Sophia to follow the troubadour to their room.

    And a few minutes later the young maiden could rest, because they arrived in their glorious room, with their glorious beds, which were indeed filled with gloriousness....ness.

    Anyways it was time to rest their weary bodies..... because damnit they needed some good-sleep, not the crap-sleep they had on the wagon. Raquel had to upgrade the wagon to a portable mansion.... with beds. Lots and lots of beds.

    In any case Chelsea went to sleep in her bed and dreamt about beds.... and flying on beds, because sure why not.

  5. Ehehe.... You have a very good point, all three of you.

    All right my bad. I didn't mean any harm by it. Sorry guys. Also Sis mentally whacked me up the head for causing this tiny problem. Owies.

    Hehe.... But Chelsea DOES have a musical instrument..... Shadrak, when he's not being played by Z.


  6. Why would you be worried? The spasms are perfectly normal for someone who's nervous system got scrambled up thanks to magic being pumped into your body in excessive amounts. Said magic mixes with yours, explodes... and it's just not pretty man.


    Chelsea followed the group everywhere they went, however she could not participate in battle due to her wounds received after the fight at Weyland's mansion. However she was not left out of the loop entirely, until after the battle against Naomi. After that, contact from the group was diminished until they arrived at their present location.. which she didn't know where she was. Anyways, she decided to tag along with Gytha for the time being.

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