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Posts posted by GoD

  1. "I honestly haven't been avoiding you. I've just been... stressed out about a lot of things. But enough of those things. We completed our mission, we got payed, and we're at the festival. This time I'll be sure to participate, and you as well. So come along then, we have games to play and time to waste~"- Chelsea told Shadrak as she walked around the festival grounds, eagerly looking at so much that fascinated her.

  2. As Chelsea was too busy eating the wonderfully delicious salad, she did not register most of Ucollas' words, she simply nodded and continued eating. When he made plans to leave, which he did, it was only 5 minutes after the dark mage left that she realized he wasn't speaking to her anymore. Cursing the delicious salad, the troubadour quickly ran after him, and rode to the festival.

  3. After all that happened, what with the reveal of the client, Shadrak's outburst and everyone scurrying off to either do stuff or go and have some fun at the Festival, Chelsea would like to have gone out and wander about. However, she knew she hadn't eaten in some time, so she quickly ordered her lunch... which comprised of Salad with an extra serving of tomatoes. When the food arrived, the troubadour was sitting all quiet-like before this, Chelsea immediately began devouring her food, however she did so in a calm and orderly manner.... which she failed to keep at times.

  4. *15 minutes later*

    Chelsea sighed as she sat on the chair. She managed to clean, or rather absorb the runes so that the room wouldn't look like a cultist was staying there. Feeling quite famished, she decided to leave the room and head off to the dining hall. As she exited the room, she noticed that no one was currently in the hallway. She continued walking until she saw Raquel and.... some woman, who was presumably the scary lady. And Shadrak... who just left running. Approaching her employer she asked "Yo Raqui, did something happen with Ucollas?"

  5. "If it concerns you, I shall remove the runes..."- Chelsea began telling Raquel, as she touched a rune. Within seconds, 15 to be exact, the rune disappeared slowly and Chelsea fingertip began to glow. "...like so. There are over 30 of them so I should probably-" Chelsea was cut off by someone, a woman, screaming Raquel's name. It sounded quite angry, and made Chelsea shiver.

    "So um... I'll be here cleaning this room, which you won't take too long, while you go meet with the scary lady. After that I'll be in the cafeteria, eating a lot. So um... See you soon."- she told Raquel as the troub. waved at her with a nervous smile.

  6. "Mmm... Oh Raquel? It's nothing... Nothing at all. I just decided to read and experiment for awhile, so don't worry yourself about the runes. They'll be gone momentarily, so just go to sleep."- Chelsea told Raquel without looking up from her book.

    "But still, maybe I should guard the door. After all it's not like the presence left..."- Chelsea mumbled.

  7. Suddenly a shiver went up Chelsea's spine. "Something wicked this way comes"- Chelsea thought as she sensed an aura of foreboding. To pass the time, she thought of singing a little song. If anything it would help Raquel drift further into sleep and not notice the aura of malcontent. Coughing a bit, she managed to remember the lyrics and sang, whilist flipping through the pages of the tome.

    Once there were trees full of birds.

    Meadowlands vibrant with flowers.

    Carefree the songs our children once sang.

    Gilding our minutes and hours.

    Clouds came and covered the sun.

    The breath of a baleful unease.

    Turning to ashes flowers in the fields.

    Silenced the birds in their trees.

    Hidden so deep in veils of deceit.

    Imprisoned in twisting spells - Are we the plaything of fiends?

    or merely the dreams?

    That we're telling ourselves.

    Telling ourselves

  8. The events back to Ursium were certainly delightfull to everyone else. She noticed their previous somber faces, lit up with joy. But for Chelsea? Only anger and sadness seemed to dwell in her heart.

    Back at the festival, she decided not to go and make a wish. She didn't believe in wishes, and even so, it's not like wishing would do anything. Not for her, not for anyone; you had to work hard to earn the right to that wish. But try as I might, I'll never have my wish granted. Chelsea had always believed in that.

    In the days were there wasn't that much hustle 'n bustle, she did manage to initiate long conversations with the charming fellow Zelatus. She even got a conversation going with Synthia and Valter, hell she got one with Miss Wolf, as the troub learned the hard way to not call Wolfy by her real name. It was kinda fun, she admited honestly. But her mood instantly darkened when the battle came. The troubador would have loved to make an grand entrance, showing those other troubs who's boss. She would have loved to be Awesome. But she had a problem. Said problem being another panic attack.

    Now, she was in Ursium, but she refused to talk with anybody. She was moody and wished to be left alone. Now she was in Weyland's Estate, handing the young fallen girl to the him. She would have tried to get her out, is she wasn't part of the job. Now she was in Raquel's room, making runes all over the room, as the young lady was asleep, tired of the events from before. After she was done she merely sat on a random chair and began reading more and more of her light tome, while really she was thinking of ways she could use her light magic to benefit the party.

  9. "Ah that's kind of you.....But I think I'll be staying alone here and trying to patch him up a good deal more. Just so that when he wakes up, he'll be able to go right back to sleep again without any problems. Anyways I don't think we've actually introduced ourselves, did we?"- Chelsea replied to the soldier.

  10. "All right, let's get to work with you.....Once you're awake you're gonna pay us back big time. How should you make it up to us? Perhaps you could start wielding a carrot in battle as your weapon? Go on a shopping spree and make you carry everything.... Hehehe.. The more you sleep, the worse the punishment soldier....."- Chelsea smirked as she healed the young man.

  11. As Axel was being relocated, Chelsea momentarily stopped healing the soldier and looked up at the clouds, shielding her eyes from the rain.

    When the group was managing to get Axel down the stairs, she followed, quietly mumbling a little song and blocking out the rest of the world..

    "On a rainy day, with my eyes closed, I listen to the voice of waterdrops falling from the sky~

    and inwardly feel, the sparkling melodies, gathering in my ear~

    above the world, the soft hands are softly hanging the canopy with the clear rainbow~"

    When Veronika and Zelatus had finished putting Axel unto the hammock, Chelsea decided to speak up.

    "I don't think we should just leave him to wake up, we should judt try and heal him more...that said, his armor is quite annoying and is blocking most of my attempts to heal his skin....I'm afraid to say that we need to...undress Sir Axel in order to closely examine his wounds."

  12. "A pulse!?, how is that even possible...after all the damage he has taken, it should be impossible....truly this is the work of a miracle. But is it a miracle of the gods? Or is it through sheer willpower"- Chelsea shook her head and walked over to Sir Axel's side and began healing him.

    "Hey, isn't there like a bed, or someplace comfortable here on the ship? You think we can put Sir Axel there?"- Chelsea asked the group she was currently in.

  13. "Really? You have a man who's in critical condition, who needs immediate medical attention, and yet you ask me to go first!?......I kinda like you, Zel."- Chelsea replied as she swiftly got on board the ship. When she did, she quickly got off of Nesha, reached for her heal staff, and called out to Zelatus. "Okay, now bring Mister Axel over here! He needs some patching up, and no first aid kit will help here."

  14. Name: Cordelia

    Gender: Female

    Age: 15

    Class: Caster

    Affinity: Thunder

    Weapon: Grimoire Jeiss

    Appearance: victorique.jpg

    Nation of Origin: Miyako, Natskio

    Personality: Cocky, Arrogant, loves to talk about a lot of things. Likes sweets.

    Backstory: Originally from high nobility, Cordelia's mother sought to get away from all of the hustle and bustle that was the upper class life and resigned from her position as one of the army's most powerful mages and tactical advisors, in order to raise her daughter without much fuss from work-related issues. This was the story told to Cordelia, when she once asked why she quit her previous job. As a great mage and intellectual, Cordelia's mother raised her daughter well, having taught her magic with the help of her grimoire, called Grimoire Jeiss, and giving her daughter the mind of a genius. Although Cordelia never spent much time outside the village, actually no time at all, she was always fascinated by the stories her mother told her about it, even though half the time her mother would not look at her directly in the eye.

    Years later, on Cordelia's 15th Birthday, her mother was stricken ill with a disease. The village did not posess the medication required to alleviate said malady and as such mother and daughter spent their last together talking about many things. One of these things was about Cordelia's father, Simon, and the adventures he and her mother had taken across the nations. As a final request, she bade her daughter to take Grimoire Jeiss as her own, and search out for her father. A few days later, her mother perished.

    Armed with supplies and her quirky companion, Grimoire Jeiss, she now heads for nations other than Miyako to search for her father.

  15. Chelsea got the message, the lady apparently did not wish to talk. She could understand the situation going on right now, and it was certainly not a place to engage in small talk, so the troubador remained silent. That is until that new guy called Zelatus, told her to follow Mister John which she did post-haste.

  16. "Yes!!"- Was Chelsea's response to Zel as she told Nesha to start running away from the fires and the fallen and back to the vessel called "Ship".

    Nesha's speed was amazing, he was running without many dificulties, due to the fact he was used to there being more than one person on his back a few times.

    As they kept galloping out the forest and through the plains, Chelsea turned to Veronika, and asked with a wry smile. "Hey....we're gonna be okay....right?"

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