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Posts posted by GoD

  1. Time to do Something Completely Dangerous and Stupid XD

    "........Understood. But you have to get out alright. Take care of Miss Robin. She'll need help in order to get out of here alive."- the troubador gestures to the fallen Neviskotian archer at the back of the group. She silently got on Nesha, and waited for her chance to escape.

    When the explosion came, Chelsea was stunned by how powerful it was, but she was stalled long enough in her departure to notice that Miss Veronika and Mister Amon went over to Sir Axel's side in order to try and rescue their fallen comrade. Without thinking clearly,Chelsea ordered Nesha, who was in the process of backing away from the fallen as he did not want to die today, to go rescue the three stragglers. At first Nesha raised an eyebrow at his master's request, but quickly sighed and galloped over to the injured man and his saviors.

    "Miss Veronika, please get Sir Axel up on Nesha's saddle and come with me. Sorry Mister Amon, but I don't think I can carry you as well so you'll have to by foot to the ship. I'm sorry I can't be of much help....but I can at least do this."- she told Miss Veronika and Mister Axel.

  2. "Hold it U- Shadrak. Why are you doing this!? There's no reason to torture her!"- Chelsea yelled at her dark mage companion as she finished healing Robin's wounds.

    "Why would you do such a thing, both of you!? Aren't we supposed to bring her alive?!"- this question was directed at Miss "Wolfy" and Shadrak.

    Then she turned to Axel who so brilliantly claimed that he would act as a decoy. "And you!? Do you think we're just gonna abandon you to die!?"- she yelled at him.

    She didn't want to see any of her friends and companions die. Not like those poor mercenaries.

  3. As the battle carried on, it seemed as if most of the demonic forces began to dwindle in number, thanks to the mercaries efforts. It finally seemed like the tide was turning, and Chelsea grew a little bit more confident. Perhaps they would make it out of this hellhole alive? However as the battle with the demonic forces dragged on, it seemed as if the Fallen had finally noticed the party and their antics. Fearing for her life, the troubador, after making sure Domovoi was safely carted off back to the rendevouz point, she ushered Nesha to quickly join them. Once she arrived she focused on tending the wounded. Starting with the Neviskotian archer apparently named Robin, the troubador quickly kneeled down and provided some healing to her.

  4. "Oh Mercy... Mister Domovoi!!!"- Synthia cried out as their protector was felled by the demons, but thankfully he was still breathing. Panicked as she was, she couldn't think straight and instead of healing Shadrak, she decided to heal Miss "Wolfy" instead, from a distance of course. Concentrating as hard as she could in this situation she directed a blast of healing magic at "Wolfy", and immeadiately afterwards directed her full attention to Domovoi, so she could keep him alive.

    Chelsea heals Gabbie.

    Gabbie 14/15 HP

    Chelsea/Domovoi/Shadrak gain 2 points.

  5. As Chelsea got off the boat and got reacquainted with the land, more talking was to be had, that is, until news that the merc troop were being attacked by Fallen. As the group headed out, the troubador and her trusty steed attempted to steal themselves through a rather grueling battle. As they arrived, she quickly reviewed the facts about Fallen and got out her tome and staff.

    What awaited her was somewhat of a bloodbath...

    As the battle raged on, Chelsea could make out the Fallen, but rather than monstrous they looked... quite Majestic. At least until they got to some of the mercs, in which Chelsea cringed in fear.

    When Shadrak gave her a bit of, what seemed like, support to the troubador, all she could was give a weak smile to her companion, and continue to glance at the Fallen when she had the chance.

    When the Hellhounds ended their attack on Shadrak, she, as quickly as she could, told Nesha to rush to the shaman's side.

    "Hey, don't worry, I'll help you."- Chelsea said, as she began applying healing magic to his arm.

  6. "I understand that very well, which is why you shouldn't hold back!"- Chelsea replied confidently.

    When the boat started rocking back and forth again, Chelsea had to crouch to the ground in order for her not to get any more seasick than age already was.

    "Ugh, I'll get better at this I know it."- Chelsea mumbled.

    "Hey 'Shades' what do you think about the Fallen? Just what are they?"-

  7. "Oh? Those ships sound.......quite monstrous indeed. I assume you have ridden one of those vessels?"- Chelsea asked as she gestured for Nesha's attention, yo which the horse complied and approached the mages.

    "Ah, I must ask you a question, a request of sorts, but before that let us board the ship so we do not get left behind....again."- the troubadour said to her companion as she climbed aboard the vessel.

    She had to admit, it was an odd experience indeed. The ship swished back and forth so much that she was not accustomed to it and she nearly fell a couple of times.

  8. "What could you have possibly left? But still, I won't stop you if you decide to go....just keep a low profile. That place has changed......far too much than we what you used to remember. I'll go with you of course, but keep that in mind."-Chelsea told Ucollas.

    And then the ship, the magnificient humongous ship arrived. "Oh dear.....we're going on that thing? I must confess......this is the first time I have ever seen a ship before.....and I'm a bit excited."

  9. "............That place huh? I pray to Mercy that we won't have to go there...."- Chelsea whispered and cast her eyes upon the river, so as to have something to focus on.

    "So, what in the world were you doing, walking out to the water? Gonna take a swim?"- the troubadour asked, her face completely neutral.

  10. During the entire voyage to Kigen, Chelsea remained silent, not speaking to anyone. If anyone did approach her, she would either respond with nodding, or just plain ignore the person who addressed the troubador.

    During one of their rest stops, she noticed Ucollas acting funny, seeing him going into a lake. After debating whether she should sit and watch, or go see what the hell was wrong with the shaman, she choose the later and began walking behind the shaman, trying to catch up. As she did, she whistled, hoping that this action would get Ucollas' attention.

  11. Hey....'sorry but it's gonna take a bit longer together the laptop. Probably will get it once I leave Rhode Island/Boston as I've been staying there for a week due to a program for accounting. It finished on Friday but mom wants stay until Tuesday. So yeah on Tuesday I'll Pick up my comp from BestBuy. And everything will be alright with the world. See ya then

  12. Chelsea continued watching the church from a safe distance, until she saw the party exit the church.

    With wounds.

    Chelsea raised an eyebrow, wondering how in the world did the party manage to get into a fight, in a church.

    In a goddamn holy place, for Mercy's sake.

    "Jeez, you'd think they would have learned self-control by this point! I pity the poor souls that fight against Miss Raquel."- Chelsea said aloud.

  13. Chelsea upon waking up to the sound of Ucollas' voice took too much time to get ready, so much, that the entire group had left her, all alone at the inn.

    "What the hell?.........."- Chelsea remained quiet until she, slowly got her own breakfast. It was rather and simple and small really, toast. She supposed she could eat more if she really wanted to, but she didn't feel that well.

    As she was eating, she noticed something...... something that she was before she got out of the village, and what she was now. "Useless"- Chelsea muttered under her breath as she began to eat faster, if not, more cruder, with her eyes shining with hate. When she finished, she left her table and ran over to the stables. where Nesha was to be found. The horse neighed at the sight of his master, but quickly turned quiet when he noticed her eyes.

    Anger, loneliness, and even sadness. This is what Nesha noticed with his master, as she pulled on his reins.

    "In the end, it's all my own fault, and I know this. Yet still I...."- Chelsea muttered as she walked around town to where the church was. When she arrived, she was not surprised that no one was outside.

    "Obviously they must be inside making negotiations and shit. Well,.....how great that must be?"- Chelsea scoffed and hid away, somewhere, where she could see the church, but not where anyone would see her upon exiting the building.

  14. Chelsea looked around at the um....... place with weapons and items......and Staves!! "YES!!, I can finally get a new one."- Chelsea took a moment too grin at her own heal staff quite evily. "Mwahahaha, sorry but I'm leaving you and..... I really have to stop getting sidetracked all of the time. Mercy, it makes me look so out of place, even in this group."- Chelsea took control of herself and approached a Merchant, one that was selling Healing staves.

    "Good day, Sir. How much would a Mend Staff, cost?"- Chelsea asked the merchant.

    "That would be 60 coins Miss. Would you like to trade in your Healing staff as well?"

    "Yes that would be, quite helpfull."- Chelsea replied as she gave the merchant her old Heal Staff and was given the new Mend Staff.

    ITEM GOT: Mend Staff :D

    ITEM LOST D: : Heal Staff

    Remaining Points: 14

  15. Things had taken a turn for the worse yet again. With no time to rejoice over her recent victory, nor over the defeat of the evil doctor, not even to congratulate Synthia for the awesome magic she used to only knock out the Dragon, all hell broke loose. Military personnel arrived and were about to shoot down the dragon, when Gytha, the winged lady, and John decided to intervene said attack. What's worse,

    Ucollas decided to go and mess with some files ans soldiers got to him, but that was quickly resolved. What happened next, probably scared the troubador just a bit, the death of the Dragon. By Synthia's Hands.

    Gytha remained silent, until Ucollas approached her, to which she replied by throwing him far away from her.

    Sighing, she approached Ucollas and.... a strange woman whom she was conversing.

    "Hey, are you.....allright? And good day to you Miss."

  16. Chelsea decided to up the ante by making the gunner get off the ground, but before she did she spoke a few words. "Sorry, but you hurt my comrade, now I'm going to have to ask you to sleep for a while, mkay?"- The troubador told her opponent as she concentrated her magic energy to form a circle of light around Sabina. Said circle proceded to apply a much force to Sabina damaging her greatly and sending her airborne.

    "Shadrak! Don't kill her, merely render her unconcious, if you do kill her....I'll do something."- she yelled quickly at the dark mage.


    Chelsea attacks Sabina for 9 HP of damage. Roll: 5,6,1

    Chelsea: 12/12 HP

    Sabina 4/21 HP

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