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Posts posted by GoD

  1. As Chelsea learned to hum along with Gytha and co., although she did not sing or let her humming be heard, because she was afraid. Afraid of what? The troubador did not know. Perhaps it was the fact that she was not actually part of this group? Yes....that might be the case. These people got along so well, like a real family. And what about herself? She did not wish to interact with the others, even though she longed to understand them. No, she was merely seeking companionship, after what happened at the village.

    Chelsea cringed as she was eating her bread, that was kindly given to her by Nanahm. That incident....even though she was in the right. They threw her out without a second thought, all because she stood for him and other dark mages. Tch, bastards, as if they could understand. Nevermind that however, she was thinking about her acceptance into this group. If she recalled they didn't care much, nor did she. However...she was beggining to suspect that maybe, just maybe that she actually liked being here, since after all, Raquel's group was an awesome bunch. Especially Nanahm- "Wooooooaaaah Back up"- she blushed a bit as she was drinking her water. She was a cleric-sorta.

    After a while Chelsea began to hear yelling from outside, but she paid no head to it, seeing as it held no concern. That and Gytha was sure to have the situation under control, she was sure about that. What next she heard was the clash of swords and magic. Chelsea tried to prepare herself for the upcoming battle, however something ardous and painful overcomed her, and she fell to the ground clutching her chest. "Damn it...why NOW of all times. They need me!!!"- she cursed as she made her way outside, her trusty steed Nesha by her side. She had decided not to participate in this battle, seeing as she was in no shape to be fighting. By the time the second battle had started she was up, and ready to fight.

  2. "Ah it's nothing special....but I wanted to ask. Why did you join this group? And if you wanted to be in our team?"- Chelsea asked the mage.

    However she realized something. She had been asleep for 3 days....with no food. She had not eaten yesterday. Food......................

    And then it dawned on her. She hadn't eaten in 4 days.

  3. As of now Chelsea is just fine with her heal staff and light tome. Some armor for Nesha would be good, however that's not neccesary at this time.

    Is everyone else okay with what they have at the moment?

    Well.... I'm thinking of creating a second character. That is not to say I'll be abandoning Chelsea, but I feel like making a second character that has a plot of his/her own that won't cause problems for anyone else. Also I believe our tvtropes page should be updated soon. If anyone could please take care of that, we would greatly appreciate it.

    The second character will not be brought until MUCH later, so just a reminder.

    Phew~ I posted a mouthful. But now with school ending, I'll be able to post more frequently. Until later this is God of Discord, wishing everyone good luck on their finals.

  4. Chelsea tried to process all the info being given by Weyland, and was considering her options when the party decided to chase after the serial killer.

    "A serial killer? And artificial humans to boot? Dear Gods, this is going to be dangerous.....but then again what we're doing is basically considered a suicide mission."- Chelsea then smiled.

    "But that's fine with me. I never intended from leaving this group in the first place, since it's way too fun. That and I don't like leaving things half-finished. Regardless, training comes first."- Chelsea then frowned, a look of sadness in her eyes.

    "After all, we might be taking lives again, and the last time that happened, I was in a coma for at least three days. I can't be doing that every now and again."- Chelsea shook her head rapidly, and when she stopped she addressed Raquel.

    "Where can we train Boss?"- The troubador asked of Raquel.

  5. Chelsea proccesed the information as much as she could, however not all of it made sense, probably due to the fact that she was kinda new and missed a lot of the action.

    Veronika's comment made Chelsea giggle, though she kept it silent much to the troubador's chagrin.

    She then noticed that Gytha was among her circle of allies and decided to go say hi to her.

    "Hello Gytha, nice to see you."- Chelsea kept her voice as low as possible so as not to disturb Weyland and Raquel.

  6. After the events that occured last night, Chelsea had retired to her new room. Once she woke up she got dressed and made a plan to meet up with Raquel. It would be nice to let her know the troubador was alright, even though she supposed that the merchant had loads of fun last night. Possibly....Maybe.....Whatever!

    "Now, where could I find her.....? I guess I'll just wander around till I see her. It hasn't failed me before."- Chelsea concluded? and left her room to go find her Boss.

  7. "Oh, well then suit yourself. Oh and nice to meet you, I guess."-Chelsea answered, a little bit stunned by the newcomer, but she managed to compose herself. She handed Ranyin the can of paint.

    "Oh yeah I know Nanahm, he's in the same team as I am. You know where he is? Then could you please take me to him?"- Chelsea asked of Ranyin.

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