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Posts posted by GoD

  1. (Name: Chelsea Liton

    Nickname: "Sunshine"

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Class: Troubador

    Affinity: Light

    Weapon Profiency: Staves, Light

    Weapon of Choice: Light

    God: Mercy

    Inventory: Mend Staff, Vulneary, Light Tome, Cloak


    Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 6 SKL: 5 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 5

    Simplified stats: Hp: 12 Mt: 6 Hit: 5 Avo: 6 Def: 0 Res: 5

    Occupation: Traveling troubadour. Originally a clergy woman from a small village.

    Appearance: At 5'5" she has long blonde hair, pale skin and deep blue eyes. She normally wears a white dress, green boots and a black traveling cloak.

    Nature/Disposition: Excitable, Calm, Helpful, Forgetfull. Shei is actualy quite prone to bouts of depression and self-depreciation. Whenever she's in a bad mood, she either refuses to speak, or makes sarcastic witty comments in other to agitate people. She can also be described as a person who seeks attention from other, and tries to do anything that would make her seem useful to other. However, even she has morals and would not do some things. She also abhors killing, but does it if there is no other choice.

    Hometown: A village at the border of Ursium and Kigen. Left due to a disaggrement with the villagers.

    Connections: None.

    Backstory: Lived in a small village and learned the holy arts from the local church. She decided to go on a journey to help people in need and to seek out her childhood friend, who she has little to no memory of.

    In reality she actually left the village, 2 years ago. She left because her beliefs, that dark magic could be used for good and that people should nit classify light as good or dark as evil, did not coincide with the clergy men in the village who abhored dark magic. This reminded of her old friend and thus, on one night she took her prized family heirloom and Nesha and set off into the wilderness, simply to prove them wrong and because she wanted to see more of the world around her.. Other things of note are that she is an orphan and was raised by the nuns in the village. She learned light and healing magic at the age of 6 and was self-taught in light magic, however she was taught healing magic by the nuns.

    Mount Name: Nesha

    Mount Nickname: Sha

    Mount Gender: Male

    Mount Species: Horse

    Mount Age: 17(in human years)

    Mount Appearance: Looks like a regular horse.Unique features include it's silver mane, yellow eyes and it is coated in light armor.

    Mount Personality: Follows his master wherever she goes, is extremely loyal and protective of her, and does not get along with other people, especially men.

    Mount Relations: Chelsea

    Mount Backstory: Raised in the church where Chelsea studied. Chelsea took great care of him and bonded with him as a result. The Church decided to give Nesha to Chelsea before the young girl left her hometown.



  2. "Geez, this sure is one heave son of a gun."- Chelsea sighed as she carried the obviously heavy can of red paint towards an art room of some sort. Sometimes it proved to be a little too heavy and she left paint stains at some parts of,the university's hallways. "Damm it, I wish Nanahm was here to help me carry this thing"- Chelsea sighed as she wandered off.

  3. After Chelsea paid respects to Axel, Amon and Benjamin, the young troubador decided to leave the wagon and wander about the university, which she noticed was quite large.

    As she was walking through the halls, she noticed something that caught her eye. A lone can of paint, specifically red paint was alone in a corner. Thinking that she might need it later for god knows what reason, she decided to carry it.

  4. "Yeah, that was kinda strange. It was actually my first time fighting, or rather, the first time I actually killed someone. But don't you worry I'll be just fine."- Chelsea reassured Amon, before directing her attention at the Mage.

    "Benjamin huh? Well it's nice to meet you.... So what was that about Amon being a thief?"- Chelsea asked.

  5. I'm terribly sorry Rothene, my Sis took my computer because hers is malfunctioning. Also because she needs a computer to work on school projects. So being the good Samaritan that I am(Okay that's a load of bullshit and we all know it. LOL)I lent it to her.

    Once I finish my short Q and A with Amon I'll find me random paint and join up with you guys.

  6. "Oh dear what am to do?"- Chelsea said petting Nesha, who was relieved that his master was alright. Nanahm had left her, and she had no idea as to what the hell was going on. She could only hope for some feedback later on from Raquel.

    "*sigh* What in the world am I supposed to do now. God, I'm so bored.....curse me and my inactivity."- the troubador said as she took out her light tome and started reding through it.

  7. "Oh hello Nanahm, nice to see you again."- Chelsea greeted as she turned around to face him.

    "Wait.......what?.........WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?"- Chelsea yelled, surprised by the amount of days had passed.

    "WhatdoyoumeanIwassleepingfor3days?"-Chelsea blurted out so fast, that it was difficult to understand what she just said.

    Her cheeks were a bright red as embarrasment washed over them.

  8. "However if I don't know what I'm doing, perhaps it's better to wait around here and let someone else from the group approach me? Yeah that sounds like a good plan for now, but if push comes to shove, then I'll have to scour the town. Anyways."- Chelsea spoke her thoughts and circled the wagon a bit. She decided to sit near the entrance to the wagon, got out her light tome, and began reading. However a question still lingered on her mind.

    "What happened yesterday? That battle..... did I.....?"

  9. Once the wagon finally arrived at the university, it took a while, but Chelsea was slowly coming to. Groaning quite loudly, Chelsea got off the floor, rubbing her head because she felt a huge headache.

    "Where in the world is everyone? Where am I?"- Chelsea said as she changed into another set of clothes.....that looked the same from her original outfit.

    "Welp,can't stick around and wait. I've gotta find someone to talk to."- the troub said as she exited the wagon.

  10. Even after the battle Chelsea showed no signs of waking up. Her Horse, Nesha, simply walked along with the group with a sour mood evident to all who approached him.

    Days 4, 5 and 6

    Chelsea still showed no signs of waking up, even during the night. No matter what the group tried, she would not awaken from her slumber. However she would ocasionally mumble a few words, although they were incomprehensible and for the most part, really had no meaning whatsoever. Still, it was an improvement. As of the 6th day she would still not wake up.

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