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Everything posted by Johann

  1. Yeah, I feel ya. There are a few units I'd like at +10 but not enough to dedicate the resources towards them. Gonna hold on to what I have and see if anyone that really sparks my interest appears down the road.
  2. Treehouse segment, with a few minutes of the classic version and a lot of early game footage of the new one: Remake has the following things to note: No multiplayer apparently, due to the new engine. This is a massive loss for me Mini-map with objective markers Entire areas are on the same screen rather than regular transitions. The camera can be controlled as well. Jumping and aerial combat More basic attacks & combos, including some charged attacks and wide-area swings. There's also a dodge action Large area attacks can also be avoided; in the fight against the Fullmetal Hugger, they were able to avoid an attack where he jumps in the air and crashes down on the party. Bosses seem to have weak/strong points now, Fullmetal Hugger's weak spot being his eyes Little bonuses for how you beat enemies (taking no damage, fast kills, etc) Lots more treasure to find if you explore. I can't remember Music sounds very faithful to the original
  3. WoM baiting is one of the more reliable tactics for Defense, with Seliph being one of the best choices for it since he can trigger it with dual phase and without outside support. Seen a few Pannes and Sturdy Impact users attempt it too though
  4. I'm not well versed in their characters at all, but they did have at least 4 female heroes they could have used, right? Looking at their Final Smash makes it seem like every lead in the series is a Toriyama sameface guy.
  5. Happy for DQ fans. Only thing that bothers me is that they didn't put any of the DQ female heroes in there, which I know a lot of people were hoping for. Banjo is A+ and I'm glad it wasn't something stupid like the guy from Minecraft or the guy from Halo.
  6. I could never! But at this point, it would be shocking to see her added unless they did further DLC or something. With two slots left, the other 3 DLC characters being 3rd party, and her being in as a spirit already, the odds are as slim as it gets. I doubt there will as well, but I guess it's really up to Nintendo doing a CBA between working on DLC or the next game. Something like an Echo Pack sounds a bit more realistic, if still overall unlikely.
  7. Yeah, the dialogue was something along these lines:
  8. Yeah, the lack of female characters (especially main characters) is pretty disappointing. I'd like to think Dixie Kong is a frontrunner for future DLC (if any) or the next game, and most of the others you listed are certainly popular and well-known enough to get people excited, so maybe there's hope eventually. Shame it's probably not anytime soon though.
  9. One of my best friends was hoping for Banjo since forever, so this is awesome news. Between all my brothers and friends, I think all of us have our dream picks in the game now. Who's someone you want to see added?
  10. Don't remember what I predicted before, but I'm expecting Jill from Resident Evil, and I guess either a Namco rep or some other 3rd party that I know little about but everyone probably loves or something
  11. In my head, I'm picturing an experience where you're like "guess I'll check out this cave here" and then after going to the other side of it, you pop out in some completely different place in the overworld. I suppose it's not as big of a deal when you can just climb/sail/fly around nearly everything anyway, though thinking back to Zora's Domain being in perpetual rain making alternate entry points very difficult, most players would probably experience it like that. Alternatively, more vertical caves that make you wonder "how deep is this?"
  12. I can relate to that. I don't even have a grail project right now but I still feel compelled to try my best. It does feel pretty nice when I can figure out a solution fast and blast through my runs without having to think too hard about them.
  13. It's definitely him, has the same Gerudo symbol cape as OoT, the forehead jewel in particular stands out, and it's even playing a few bars of his theme as he's waking up I could see them also doing a little bit of Dark World-type stuff in there, if only in theme rather than a mirror copy of the BotW world. But yeah tunnels and caverns were few and far between last time, imagine if they had a giant interconnected cavern going underneath the entire game
  14. 1000 yeses. Zelda rockin that short hair, really hope she's playable (dare I hope for two player? I dare). More Ganon is always good, I don't care what anyone else says Has anyone reversed the music in the trailer? I'm gonna give that a shot and see if there's anything going on there edit: the tune is just as unrecognizable in reverse, even though the instrumentation sounds more
  15. Do you just do a few runs a week to maintain rank? My brother does that, can't blame anyone for not having the time or interest to carefully play every map
  16. Yo, those changed walls are amazing. Sucks for my own defense I guess, but it's a small price for significantly easier offense runs Despite only having one Naga, I managed to safely land in the top 1k. Was hoping there wouldn't be too many people who managed to pull/use multiple Nagas, work in a bonus unit, and play a flawless offense at the same time, and I guess it worked out.
  17. 4th question should have the inverse of the second response, which is that you support your favorites, but if they're gone, you just pick whoever gets the feathers. For the most part I don't really care about VG and just try to do whatever is the least amount of work, regardless of how rewarding it is. It's only a few more feathers for ideal flag usage, after all. I generally prefer an underdog team if only because I'll have more flexibility with when I can use my flags to get a decent reward.
  18. I know it was just a one-time special thing, but remember when we all got Kaze from Grand Conquest, and then he was added to the 3-4* pool? Really wish they did that every time.
  19. Anyone know if testing has been done comparing the absolute scoring thresholds of Allegiance Battles to normal Arena/AA scoring? Specifically, in AB, you can sometimes lower your total SP values on a unit while not losing the overall team score. Can it then be presumed that a team's AB score can be used to precisely determine its Arena score, rather than fishing for foes and trying to approximate that value? Bottom line is whether or not I can get away with using positioning Assists over double Rallies without it affecting the matchmaking.
  20. Interesting how Rokkr Sieges uses the same stamina layout and reward tier as GC
  21. Yeah most of those people work with each other regularly and get along great or are close friends. With the tweets, it's most likely them wanting to be sure that it's still their voice work and the role hadn't been recast. Saying he's in the game might not necessarily be against the NDA, which is usually more to prevent people from leaking the game's announcement itself or DLC stuff. After it's properly revealed, it's fair game to talk about, but you might feel embarrassed to say you're in it when you had been recast without knowing.
  22. For someone who gets steady work like herself, it's probably not a major deal. Odds are the person they recast her with is a friend of hers, given how small the pool of regular talent for games and anime is, in which case she'd probably be happy for them.
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