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Everything posted by Johann

  1. That would make sense too, which would be really something when paired with Hector
  2. @Othin guess they showed us, no CYL unit! This is making March look something like this at the moment Ryoma, Celica, Myrrh Lucina, Azura, Ophelia New Green Mythic, Kagero, Lewyn Eir, Mia, Leanne or Veronica Seems like a really powerful banner though, so maybe they'd shoehorn some less popular normal 5*s in there
  3. Can't edit my last post, but anyway Since Lewyn is on the VG banner, he almost certainly won't appear on the Legendary Banner. Not that it makes much a difference at this point since they'll drop the trailer tonight, but it certainly supports @Othin's prediction about Kagero appearing
  4. Twister said to go east, got a +Spd/-Def Lyn, I can dig it, thanks Twister
  5. I can't summon until I find my Twister spinner, which I trust will direct me to the right stone
  6. Promoted her right away cuz why not, cavs are my jam Also yay 40 horseflowers
  7. Hmm then I suppose we'd see something like this for seasonals going forward: MAR: Micaiah, Myrrh, Mia APR: Eirika, Ephraim, Fae MAY: Fjorm, Laevatein, and either Gunnthra or Hrid JUN: remaining NY unit and 2 Hot Springs units (probably not Elise) This is going strictly by order of release, but I suspect they'd mix it up a bit to avoid things like putting Fae and Hector in the same pool, or possibly not putting Myrrh and Micaiah together (very uncommon for them to put multiple seasonals in the same color, last time being when we had a bunch of greens to get through). I suppose another version would just swap Myrrh and Fae or whatever. All of it gets shook up depending on when Brave Ephraim and Hector return, and since they probably want to get through these seasonal armors, I'm guessing those two won't be back until May and June.
  8. Perhaps, but on the other hand, if Kagero is in (and her chances are looking a lot better right now), then I could also see them putting off Surtr for a while longer. Then again, practically any green with a chance here is going to be extremely desirable, except for people who don't care for Gunnthra (boorish swine, all of them!)
  9. Yeah, it's certainly looking more like that. I think you're going to get a lot more correct than I will
  10. Do you do your runs early in the day? I find it helps get more favorable match-ups if you delay your fights til later, as the more dedicated players tend to advance upward. Likewise, if your schedule permits it, save the bulk of your Aether until later in the week. Players who are more casual with the mode will advance at a slow and steady pace, while the diehards and super whales are generally more interested in seeing the high scores appear sooner. Granted, this is all anecdotal, but I think that sort of "laying low" strategy has helped me immensely, including getting days where nobody attacks me, perhaps due to having an unusual score.
  11. ---RUMOR ALERT--- The new hero's identity and title may have been leaked through the Google Play Store. This does not include their weapon, movement type, skills, art, etc, but it does suggest quite a bit. The hero's identity and some thoughts on that: Please use spoiler tags if you want to discuss this potential leak.
  12. Haha I always have the same internal conversation every GC "Things are looking pretty bad for the team... This is it, everything depends on this... I mean, ok, I guess it's just 100 feathers but still"
  13. That's really impressive, the final round has some crazy high scores to go up against. I barely held 3rd this time around despite having a final score of 288,000
  14. That's a great point, I should rethink my prediction since I made it before that banner was announced. I'm pretty sure we've never had a hero appear on a Legendary banner at the same time as a regular banner, so Ophelia appearing on that banner (or not) might as well be taken as near-confirmation.
  15. I'd guess Rutger or Gonzalez. Idunn seems too high profile to get relegated to GHB and it would seem to me a wasted opportunity that they'd put the highest voted character as the freebie, but then I don't rule anything out. That said, I totally expect Wolt for TT and we get a 3 unit banner
  16. Weird that they felt the need to "datamine" that since it was clearly visible in game well beforehand. Anyone observing the patterns can easily tell what's coming up, with the exception of Eir returning in that slot
  17. I guess I'm used to players (including myself) having way more HP than Aversa, especially during Light Season. Of all the tricks to pull on Defense, Aversa's Night is one of the least consistent. For Arena, the other way to look at it is that any infantry healer with Loki's A skill is just as good, if not better, since they're easier to merge, and you have more flexibility with their staff. After all, you'd probably want something like Pain or Gravity for Arena, and Loki herself would need Dazzling Staff to do more than heal in most fights. Yeah I'm concerned about what to do when an Astra hero shows up. I mean, I guess even without the full score boost I'll be doing better than I am currently, what with it being +0 points, and I can't imagine I'll have a lot of Astra blessings to go around anyway, so I guess it's not a huge deal. Still, with only 1 Eir or Astra hero, a bonus unit with no blessing is better for score than a fully blessed team with no bonus unit, and I can always remind myself that I don't need to get the best score every week.
  18. I never got much mileage from Aversa as a defense unit since players always have a dancer or two, and she's pretty bad at actually killing, so I opted instead for the true hero of AR defense, which is regular ass Takumi. The thing about Loki in regular Arena is, even with her A skill she's not going to outscore most units unless you have her merged up like crazy, and even still her staff only helps if you're up against ranged units. Much more common that you'll see dangerous ranged foes in AR compared to Arena, where you're also outnumbered and need to have options due to the time limit. A lot of super popular strategies fall apart if the player has Loki (especially since her high HP ensures her staff's effect will work), which can make the mode significantly more bearable. That list of bonus heroes is rough for me too, I mean I have Marth but my preferred strategy involves super bulky DC units. I wouldn't recommend giving a Light Blessing to anyone you don't plan on using for more than 1 season though, since you might find you'll never have use for them again, and you said yourself that you don't have many left. Also yeah the next new Mythic will probably not be a bonus unit til the rotation after they've debuted. Here's hoping we see more Light Blessings though. Right now, I'm using Eir x2, Fjorm, Legendary Azura, and the remaining slot varies between Legendary Robin, Legendary Ike, Aversa, Performing Azura, and regular F Robin (Light Blessing on all the non-legendaries). Having Aversa as an option is too important for me to not include her on at least one team, regardless of the season or bonus units.
  19. Loki's one of the best AR offense units, up there with Aversa. I'd do it since there aren't many units with such consistent use to warrant a permanent slot on a team. Regarding bonus heroes, the rotation always goes like this: 1 Mythic hero on rotation (judging by Eir's return in that slot), so currently Eir and Duma til late March 5 new heroes (so next is Keaton, Velouria, Kaden, Selkie, and Panne) If there are less than 5 new heroes, they'll substitute the extra slots with seemingly random 3-4* units 2 GHB/TT heroes going down the line of their release, viewable from the Grails menu. Next should be BK/Arvis > Arden/Joshua > Oliver/NY Corrin and so on 1 Legendary hero going down the line of their release; after Lucina, it should be Marth > Tiki > Eirika > Hrid > Azura and so on 1 of Askr Trio/Fjorm on rotation, the order being Alfonse > Sharena > Anna > Fjorm So the next lineup will very likely be Duma, Keaton, Velouria, Kaden, Selkie, Panne, Black Knight, Arvis, Legendary Marth, and Sharena. March will also likely be primarily Fire season, which will be pretty nice if you have Marth.
  20. This is my first exposure to these characters and I'm not impressed
  21. The things I would have said have been said already. Kid Icarus, Mario Lands, Wario Land, Zelda Oracle games, Kirby's Dream Land 2. All of these remakes need to have more features though, some of them (especially the early ones like Mario Land) are pretty brief and can be finished in a single sitting. Really hope they add a lot of new things to Link's Awakening and that they don't take the "we decided to make it just like the base game but prettier" approach like some other remakes lean towards. At the very least, I'm confident there will be Hero Mode.
  22. Yeah I've definitely left a couple behind despite having no reason to not hit them. Like, straight up just ignored it before finishing the map with no threat to time or survival
  23. Huh, not the results I expected, certainly not by those margins. Nothing special for me here, but I'm happy for people who have a chance at getting what they want. Feb's Legendary Banner is gonna have everything I want anyway so I already have enough to be grateful for.
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