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Posts posted by Kori

  1. In game order:

    1. Non-seasonal Xane

    2. Kamui

    3. Forseti

    4. Edain

    5. Tine

    6. Safy

    7. Elfin

    8. Niime

    9. Blue tome Lucius

    10. Limstella

    11. Sword cav Mist

    12. Elena

    13. Stefan

    14. Tormod

    15. Muarim

    16. Non-seasonal Kurthnaga

    17. Nasir

    18. Non-seasonal Ena

    19. Legendary A!Tiki (not red)

    20. Non-seasonal Dorothea, with her summer alt's artist if they reuse one, not the plegian one

    I'd also like Elm, but we know we will get him, and even when, so it doesn't count.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    True and I can think that’s a highly arrogant view of things but that’s just me. We don’t judge people for liking male characters for just their looks so why should we do the same for people who like female characters. Seems like a bit of a double standard to me.

    Oh, there is plenty of judging and shaming people for only liking male characters because of their looks. It just tends to be aimed at women, or at least at people perceived to be women on the internet, with the stereotyped target being teenage girls (and/or girls interested in m/m content). If you've never run into that, good for you.

    6 hours ago, Lorneus said:

    While it is true that having more supports creates more opportunities for character development, there are certain points I find faulty in the context of Fire Emblem for the "more is always better" argument. There are other ways to incite more character development, such as prolonging certain supports to include more details or including characters in the story. The problem I have with supports in the 3DS era is not so much that "more is worse" but that the formula can sometimes undermine the interactions. Certain characters would benefit from having less supports because their personality makes them less talkative or more guarded around others, and they wouldn't normally interact with certain people. Having every character be able to support every other character can push the writers in a corner. Not that it's impossible to create meaningful supports for every one of them, but it becomes harder to either justify it or create something new as you create more and more supports.

    That brings to mind PoR (and other older FEs, this is just the only one where I know examples off the top of my head), where some characters' limited support list is in itself a piece of characterization. It could be interesting to try and come up with a full as-many-as-the-game-will-allow (7?) support set for Soren, Volke, or Stefan, but if the game did it, some of their character might be diluted in the process.

    1 hour ago, lenticular said:

    So, hi. Queer woman here. Speaking only for myself, of course, because queer women are not a monolithic group and we have many varying and different opinions. For myself, though, when I see female characters -- be they in video games or other media -- I typically relate to them in two different ways.The first is external: is she an interesting character who drives the narative? Is she someone I would get along with if I met in real life? Do I find her physically attractive and enjoy looking at her? The second way is empathetic: can I imagine myself in her shoes? Is she having experiences similar to what I have had? Do I want to be her?

    In cases of blatantly sexual objectification, the latter almost invariably wins out. I don't feel horny because, hey, hot woman, I feel creeped out because I see objectification and find it gross and creepy. And then I feel even further creeped out when I realise that it is something that is ostensibly being done for my benefit, as the player/viewer. The game (or whatever) is making me complicit in the objectification, and I am not OK with that.

    This is especially the case when it comes to skeevy camera direction that unduly focuses on butt and boobs. If a woman is being presented as being comfortable with her sexuality then I can get behind that. At least in theory. Sometimes not, because it's handled attrociously, but if it's done well then I'm all for it. But when it's all about the camera lingering on boobs and butt, then that isn't something that the character is doing; that's something that is being done to the character. The focus is not on the character but on the person watching.

    Even for characters I otherwise like (eg, Manuela from Three Houses or Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect 2) that sort of treatment will sour me on the character. I can't think about either of those two characters without feeling just a little bit skeevy and gross. For characters that I am otherwise indifferent to (eg, Camilla from Fates), it means that the creepy objectification is the dominant memory and emtion I have when I think of them.

    As another queer woman, this is exactly my feeling. And yes, sometimes the bad handling still ruins something that I could be fine with in theory - see Sonya (SoV), who I have no problem with, I quite like her character and her (SoV, Heroes fell back into the titillation pit) art, vs Camilla.

  3. I was already going to pick Asbel, and then he came on the free pull, so now I have to. (And, even better, whatever they sent with this banner fixed the problem I'd been having since this weekend, I couldn't access the summonning part of the menu.)

    Sticking Gharnef with all the kids sure is a choice. Maybe it's just for grail unit reasons, but I wonder if it means that his master is on the table for a future banner.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Yeah but what are those plot issues? You’re not specifying. Cause from where I’m standing those plot issues don’t exist. If it’s the plot contrivance of the Valla curse. Then that’s subjective because contrivance is a suspension of disbelief thing. There are a couple if places where it does break verisimilitude but aside from one they’re all small instances that don’t really matter all that much. If it’s Leo’s teleport tome again that’s suspension of disbelief. If it’s world building then that’s a subjective thing because the story had no intention on expanding on the world in the way you wanted it too. It only goes down to aesthetics. Okay why is that a bad thing? Not every story needs to explore their setting with a huge amount of depth. Like what plot issues are you talking about? Cause I don’t see any

    Considering that you're already trying to invalidate the issues you think I could bring up by dumping everything in the "it's subjective and thus can't be argued about" box, by using the concepts of contrivance and suspension of disbelief in a way that makes me doubt you understand what they're supposed to mean in the context of criticism of a story, and that you're, curiously, pointedly ignoring the post that already pointed out contradictions in the story to you, you'll have to forgive me if I don't feel like engaging in a pretend debate that will just be you finding more windmills to shake your sword at and then brag that you've debunked giants.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sasori said:

    As for Fates. I do think that it does a lot of pandering and that it hurtx the story.  I don't think that is my biggest problem with Fates story though. My biggest problem is just how unintersted the game feels about its own world. The world not having a name is a bit of a meme, but I think it goes a bit further then that. The game's structure feels a bit episodic in nature and many of the more wordly characters being demoted to 'corrinsexual' just mean that many places such as Chev, Nestra and Izana's place feel kind of empty and irrelevent. Now that would be a very minor gripe normally. Every Fire emblem game has unimportant places. It would be fine if Hoshido and Nohr could pick up the slack and be compelling places themselves, but they don't really manange to do so for me. I do blame Garon too for being so evil that it kind of drains everything interesting about the conflict.

    That is not to say Fates is devoid of good idea's, supports or merrit. I just found it had a great idea, but that it did't live up to its potential.

    It's a shame, because you can tell they put thought and effort into differenciating Hoshido and Nohr on a design level: the aesthetics of the setting, the classes that are available and their designs (even their names in japanese, though that's somewhat lost in the localization), the weapons, even some trends in the characters' stats... I actually really like that. Unfortunately, that's about where it ends.

  6. 9 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Yeah but that’s more a you problem cause me and many others can get up the mountain just fine without any issues because our suspension of disbelief is not so easily strained. Suspension of disbelief is entirely subjective so you can’t blame the story for your broken suspension of disbelief unless you can prove the story broke verisimilitude which fates doesn’t do. And even in regards to Corrin you can’t blame the story for not being able to relate to them because again that’s entirely subjective. Like a lot complaints towards Fates are either small nitpicks that really don’t matter or highly subjective things that while perfectly valid to have aren’t really objective faults with the story as it is that the story just is not for you.

    See, you're doing it again. Did I say anything about not being able to relate to Corrin? Or about suspension of disbelief? I said "the plot is broken", and you're making up arguments to respond to instead, so that you can say they're subjective or unimportant. If you're willing to walk to the mountain, more power to you, but we have the right to complain that we shouldn't have to, because a piece of media is not just its themes, but the story through which it delivers whatever message it has, and Fates' story is shoddy in so many places.

    There is no "anti-suspension of disbelief" conspiracy against Fates. When Fates came out, many people were excited for it; fans wanted to like it and for it to be good. Despite the already worrying elements like the designs or the avatar's central role, many approached the story in good faith, disbelief very much suspended, and the story still didn't measure up. That's why people are now "biased against Fates", not the reverse.

    4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Ah yes because it’s fates I can’t write a 30 page essay on it because obviously I must be overthinking it. Fates can’t have a deeper meaning because it’s garbage and so anyone who likes it must be stupid or horny. Cause of course no one can actually like fates because they relate to it on a deeply personal level or anything. It’s just stupid anime tropes meant to pander to horny people. Stop overthinking it. Christ you people are so predictable 

    And again. Nowhere was it said that it being Fates had anything to do with it, this was simply about the length. I personally don't see 30 pages as unbelievable, but again, the fact that you could write them is entirely irrelevant from whether or not you were right about what you wrote in them or projected things on the game.

    2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    I mean if you couldn’t comment on it you should’ve said do to begin with otherwise I wouldn’t have to assume. I know that’s bad faith debate but still it’s not a strawman because I never attacked an argument that was never made simply using it as an example to bolster my own point. Again I’m starting to think you don’t know what a strawman is. I mean you’ve strawmanned multiple times and I can prove it.

    So you admit bad faith?

  7. 4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    Dude I wrote a 30 page essay on the themes of Fates’s story and I do have it posted on this site and I have been pointing out these themes and ideas for a good while now but people always dismiss them because “Fates bad”. It doesn’t matter how many times I point out the fact that Xander is intentionally supposed to be hypocritical and how his obligation to Garon and Nohr parallel the blood family vs bond themes of Birthright’s narrative. Everyone just retorts with “ph but you’re just over analyzing fates can’t have deep ideas like that” so at this point I’ve just begun to give up. No one acknowles any of my points no matter how much evidence I have to support my claims.

    No one acknowledges your points because they often don't respond to the actual criticisms people have, and not the interpretation you make of them. Like here, where you answer the question "are you sure you aren't making this up?" with "I wrote 30 pages about it". Yeah, and? That doesn't adress the question in a meaningful way. You could have been making it up for 30 pages. See?

    All this talk of themes and messages, which aren't the main problem of Fates's writing, comes across as you pointing to a mountain and yelling about how people just refuse to go there for some reason even though the view there is so beautiful, while people are trying to tell you that the car to go on the mountain (the plot) has square wheels.

  8. Pleasantly surprised by Ash's personality so far, too. Very polite, a little awkward, a tendecy to overexplain things because she wants to give a correct and complete answer (like her level up quote where she points out that her opinion on her own performance is obviously biased), but not in an annoying way (so far). Overall, she's endearing. I think I'd like to see her and Eir talk.

    Veronica seems so fond of her honorary big sis. It's really a shame things are most likely not going to turn out well on that front.

  9. Dreading the FB for Awakening's Tellius OC, but who knows, maybe they will pull a Fallen Ike and go "what? no, that could never happen, that's a ridiculous concept" at him too. I can dream.

    Ash as a character is dead on arrival, her personality doomed to be eaten by that crush on us... F. Points for her hair and showing us that Azura's outfit could have been worse, I suppose. I can only hope the new bat person turns out interesting, as I like his (or so they say, but I'd 100% be expecting a "actually a girl" reveal if not for the fact that having a male Askr with a female retainer and a female Embla with a male retainer looks like deliberate symetry) design much better.

    But Miriel is in!! And they didn't hit her too hard with the freebie stick!! Surprised that she's blue, but I like it. Please give us her big hat as a FB accessory. 😄

  10. 11 minutes ago, GrandeRampel said:

    Eh, I'm not sure if that's the real problem with Shinon. I think is lack of growth in Radiant Dawn is the biggest problem compared to his casual racism. Definitely one of the places where RD's writers dropped the ball.

    I haven't gotten to RD yet, so I'll take your word on that. Too bad, though.

  11. Soren definitely has a bias against laguz in particular (in addition to his misanthropy), but I could see the argument that it's for "less racist" reasons than what we typically associate with racism, in that his prejudice seems to come from experience rather than from an ideology that beorc are superior. From that angle, someone like Shinon, who iirc calls them savages and beasts in the conversation where we learn about their existence, comes off as worse.

    ...but I'm very happy to see him in this banner. 😁 Especially since they didn't artist-demote him, thank you for your work Wada Sachiko~

    (On the other hand, F!Corrin's legendary was a fluke and her regular versions are still stuck with that overly shiny and trying too hard to be pretty artstyle, a shame, I had hope... and cuboon, despite how pretty his art is, refuses to learn about anatomy, huh. It's getting comical.)


  12. 11 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    I like to think of it as a sort of “everyone’s a victim” sort of deal. It’s when a story delves into the question of what truly drives a person to act in the way that they do be they hero or villain. True moral ambiguity is when you get the audience to really question who the true villain of the story is and the answer to that question is a lot more complicated than you initially realize. Something I believe Fates pulls off relatively well if I’m being perfectly though it may not seem like that at first. You just gotta dig a little deeper. I mean hell the whole point of Fates’s narrative is that there is no such thing as black and white and that the answer is in the shade of grey between. I mean it’s in the freaking song lyrics for crying out loud not to mention all the blatent daoist symbolism present in the story. Seriously the fact that most people don’t see the blatent yin-yang and wuji symbolism in regards to Hoshido, Nohr, and Valla is beyond me. Like the story is not subtle about it

    Consider that most people simply don't know pretty much anything about daoism and buddhism beyond the yin-yang symbol, to the point that whatever symbolism is in Fates doesn't register as something to interpret that they don't understand or even as there at all.

  13. 2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    I also think people are too quick to jump to the conclusion that Nifl had romantic feelings for Hvergel. This could have been the case, but have other types of relationships even been considered?

    Of course they have been. It's all but impossible to forget that this kind of romance is never a given, even when it looks like the most likely option. That doesn't mean people can't have fun indulging an interpretation they like and/or see as possible.

    And no, the information about descendants hasn't been forgotten, though it's true that there were options to word it more clearly if they'd been going for them being literal children of Nifl (which, if it wasn't clear, i think you may be taking more seriously than it was meant to be).

    2 hours ago, Mercakete said:

    Also, if Eir gets one of these versions (and I'm fairly sure she will), she'll probably be gaining her true mother's life powers, but ruling over Hel (realm) in honor of the one who raised her, whom she clearly had compassion for even as Hel (person) was dying. She'll probably chose to blend these two heritages and become (guess what) a valkyrie. You know, one of those ladies who ushers the spirits of dead heroes into an afterlife of peace and glory? Fits in perfectly if you ask me.

    That would be interesting, fitting with the life-death duality she already has and solving the possible problem that there's no one left to rule Hel. I'd like to see it.

    They seem allergic to let Sharena have real importance, so I'm definitely betting on Ascended Alfonse for Askr, but I think having only one piece of data for Ascended Heroes is not quite enough to build a theory on; for all we know, the ressemblance with the first hero blessed by their dragon is a Fjorm thing only. (I expect Muspell's previous champions to have been closer to Surtr than to Laegjarn, personally.)

  14. 7 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

    That they were lovers is technically speculation. What is certain is that Nifl felt romantic love towards her, because I'm sorry deniers but you don't talk that way about your best friend.

    But even if they confirm that the love was requited it doesn't mean that Hvergel cheated. Her husband could have died. They could have had a polygamous relationship.

    An husband may have never existed at all and Nifl made her pregnant with her divine powers. If the christian god can do it, I don't see why she can't.

     Maybe it's not cheating if it's with your local dragon-god 😛 (and gets your children a blessing and a protector, or at least that's how it was supposed to go.)

    Since Hvergel's descendants have dragon blood, I figure whatever happened between her and Nifl has been happening since before any children were born (or else she would have had to give blood to Hvergel and each of her children separately, which is certainly possible but sounds less intuitive than just giving blood to Hvergel and the children inheriting it), so her husband if there was one should still have been alive. I don't see FEH letting someone on the good guys' side touch cheating or polyamory with a ten-foot pole, though. (Maybe if this were Jugdral or Fodlan...)

    So that leaves us with immaculate conception, to be confirmed whenever IS wants to sell us a dragon Fjorm. 😛

  15. 6 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    She's drawn by her original artist, but I agree about her face looking kinda hazy.


    6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

      I'm also not sure how to feel about Fjorms appearence, I like her design too, but I feel that she would have been prettier if something was different but I don't really know what. Also I might be the only one who thinks this but I like her better with short hair, and her hair suddenly growing when she got Nifl's powers seemed too Magical Girl-ish to me.

    It's the exaggerated moe. Her face looks kind of small (and the longer hair framing it reinforces that), with the eyes slightly bigger than on her original art, making her look younger/kinda childish, and it's off-center compared to her torso (and even more if you look at her feet; I'm not sure what her body is doing under her armor, but that's not a stable stance). Her new form is supposed to represent a power boost, but it looks like the art is going for the boost as something that happened to her and that she's surprised about, which I guess works for like, the seconds immediately after it happens, but isn't great as her permanent look. It makes her look passive, timid and overwhelmed with the change/in need of help, rather than active and determined to use it, so it clashes with what's supposed to be happening and her original, composed-looking art.  I am not saying the W word, but.

    Shame, because she does look fun as an unit, and the blue-tinted hair does look magical girl-ish, which would otherwise be a plus for me (even though short hair suits her better).

    Anyway, good on the Wolf Guard for making it in, and in one go at that. A surprise after how they handled some banners this year, but a good one.

  16. With personal skills being a thing in the new games, I think it would be neat if they made a left-handed character whose personal skill reduces the enemy's avoid, to represent the advantage that attacking from an unexpected angle can give you. Nothing that defines them as an unit or character, but a little detail that adds something to them on both fronts.

  17. 3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    It was a response to the last isolated portion. About how Alm seemed special then the reveal that yes, he was of royal birth. My point is that most of that "specialness" is preambled by the actions he does, which are not a result of his special bloodline but rather more to his upbringing.

    His upbringing by Mycen, which happens because of whose child he is and because he has a brand and has to be hidden, and which took into account that he would need to assume a leadership role one day. His bloodline and his upbringing are two different things but they're not entirely separate; he may have plowed the fields, but he wasn't raised like a peasant who would do nothing else all his life.


  18. Some of these are just male writers going "Hey, for no justifiable reason except that it makes sense in my head, this situation should play differently if there's a WOMAN involved, I have to make sure everyone knows this is WOMAN!Robin!" and sucking at it, so I don't take them in consideration when it comes to Robin's personality.

    Why does F!Robin gets stupid bath shenanigans with Chrom? Because hey, did you know that's the Robin he can MARRY? let's make sure he sees her NAKED so you know!

    Why is her Lucina support wasted on accusations of infidelity? Because if she's not Lucina's mother, it means there is a man and a woman who are best friends without being married! Don't you, heterosexual male player, think that's WEIRD? surely we can get some comedy out of this! (Nevermind that there is a perfectly logical and interesting reason for Lucina to be wary of or even hostile to Robin, if that's the dynamic they wanted, since she knows from the start Chrom was killed by his best friend. Really a shame that it's not more utilised.)

    Why does F!Robin annoy Tiki? Because clearly, as a woman, she can't remind her of Marth! even though M!Robin does and there are only minimal changes between their personalities.

    I'm not saying it's the case for all of them, for example it makes sense that there's a difference with Lon'qu's, and I could have done without the baiting in Flavia's but it's not bad. But sometimes it has no justification except for the writers relying on "catty women" stereotypes, and when that's the only explanation for something, it's just bad writing.

  19. 11 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    True, but you also have to remember that at its core Fire Emblem is still a Japanese game developed by Japanese nerds. The fact that they play into a lot of tropes found in other Japanese media even ones made specifically for Otaku is an inevitability. Especially because the majority people playing these games are other Japanese nerds. You don’t have to like it but that’s just how it works. I just don’t like people being dismissive of that context to bolster some kind of weird ethnocentric moral highground.

    I don't find the idea of treating Japan and Japanese nerds as a monolith much less ethnocentric. Context is important, yes, including the culture in and for which something is made, and these games are for Japanese nerds, but that doesn't mean that all Japanese nerds want to reduce female characters to their little waifus, or else no other kind of content would get made. This particular subtype of otaku are just the ones who spend the most, so they get pandered to (and thus get more visibility, and the group grows, and gets more pandering, etc).

  20. On 8/9/2021 at 12:36 PM, Mercakete said:

    I figured that was a possibility. I just hope it gets addressed instead of left hanging (like who the heck Tiki's dad is.)

    It's a common FE trope by now, assuming people can understand what's being implied isn't leaving it hanging.

    Neither is not talking about Tiki's dad, unlike Robin whose mom we know played a role and thus deserves to be expanded on. Naga is the interesting party here, and we don't even know if there was a dad - she is a) a dragon, and b) almost at the level of a god. Sothis presumably didn't create her children with a partner either.


    On topic, FEH's "favoritism" of female characters to pander to male otaku notwithstanding, I'm glad Nifl got a good friend/girlfriend, instead of the dragon lady/human dude romance that I saw coming for the one second we didn't have Hvergel's gender and which would be extremely boring to me.

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