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Posts posted by Makaze

  1. 6 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    Down to sit on this game state while the rest of the players join in, but really quickly, leaning town on Refa, BBM has escaped my attention, null on Marth, and feel like Shinori's dicking around cause he knows he can get away with it

    I'm feeling like Weapons is obvious town now, or he has gotten so much better it is giving me whiplash

  2. TL;DR

    I am still pretty sure about Rapier, but I'm feeling stifled by not having enough to read.

    Not going to doubt my instincts just yet, but I'm willing to bet on at least these things:

    Prims/Weapons are not aligned.
    Rapier/Refa are not aligned.
    Rapier/Shinori are not aligned.
    Rapier/Sunwoo are not aligned.
    Refa/Sunwoo are not aligned.
    Weapons/Sunwoo are not aligned unless Sunwoo has offered themselves up as a bus teammate.
    BBM is mafia.

    Not much else I'm sure about but I still feel pretty good about myself all things considered.

  3. 1 minute ago, Shinori said:

    Apparently this post didn't load before I just sent that post.

    But to answer your question, no idea. I'd have to recheck the people that have posted against me.  I thought prims was fine, seemed like just a reaching RVS vote.  Everything afterthat was weird because so many people seemed to jump to talk about me or comment on me.

    Which could mean I'm town and there is scum intent behind the weird posts talking about me, or I'm scum and everyone is mind melding perfectly to catch me day 1!

    That you would call something interesting but not even have a list of the interesting things is more interesting than the things that pinged you. Are you planning to follow up and form opinions about those interesting things? If so, when?

    Just now, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    (and @Rapier) I feel like town players tend to do a lot of things that "leak towniness" that it would just take a lot of effort for scum to pull off. Looking back at Boron I'm not picking up on any of that. She came out of the gate with some good pressure questions but as the game exited rvs she hasn't kept that up and has been pretty noncommital about her reads. I feel like as town it would be more likely that she would keep up the pressure especially since she has shown herself to be an active participant. Granted mafia sucks and it does look like she legitimately missed my response to her question, but this is the best that I have so far.

    Why are you townreading her again?

    I got a pretty strong town ping from her early on.

    I am most likely to be pocketed by someone who gets an easy town read from me and dips after I shield them, so I'm open to changing, but that would require them to stop playing. I'll need some negative pings to offset the good ones.

    Why is her nothing-but-positioning more doable than BBM's, for instance?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Makaze said:

    I posted the question and people followed me, but I do not have you as a scum read. You not caring or looking into why people are doing that or what that means about their alignment is interesting.

    Of the people who have thrown your name around, which feels the worst to you, and which feels the most natural?

    @Shinori Feels like you're dodging me by turning it around on me

  5. Just now, Shinori said:

    Honestly the fact that so many people seem to be jumping towards post reads on me and a couple people have stated I'm scum or would shoot me in a random batch of three is super interesting.

    I posted the question and people followed me, but I do not have you as a scum read. You not caring or looking into why people are doing that or what that means about their alignment is interesting.

    Of the people who have thrown your name around, which feels the worst to you, and which feels the most natural?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Bluedoom said:

    I'd probably put something like: 

    Town: weapons(agreed with his vote at the time it was made), Rapier(free flowimg posting, attacking everyone on sight, seems to be what I remember of his meta)


    Maybe town?: Boron, I think questioning people on why they read her the way they do, even if they town read her, is a healthy dose of paranoia. Just that I think that's easily fakeable at this stage of the game but it is a point in her favour 


    Coinflip: Prims(i agree that makaze sk hunting is weird but that's a lot of words just to say that someone is nai and weapons might be on to something here), makaze(prodding people the way he's doing seems like something I'd imagine town makaze do but the sk hunting is sus)


    Anyone who read shinori's game in champs this year, can you summarise what was his scum game like? Thanks, i don't know how to read the guy. 


    I was going to vote bbm off of low presence but I think I'll vote refa, too many questions with a lack of conclusion. 


    ##Vote @Refa





    Noting that this comes almost right after Prims asking the question, and feels like sheeping, but he didn't credit Prims and devoted less than a sentence to it, which feels weird to me

  7. 1 minute ago, Refa said:

    I don't get why he cares that you scumread him, and otherwise nothing.

    It's mostly his thought process confuses me. It doesn't seem internally consistent, which is what's bothering me. Why does Weapons' post have no weight when it's doing the exact same thing as he is doing? I think him having different reads on people voting him (me, BBM VS Rapier) is good, but...Hmmm...I don't know how to word it. It's the difference between organically having reads and coming up with reads. That's why I'm asking him about this stuff.


    2 meanings: I am unable to read Weapons if my life depended on it, and I felt like his post came from a temperature read of the threads instead of a conviction from himself, so it feels flimsy.

    Gun to your head, who would you eliminate first: BBM, Shinori, or Prims? Why?

  8. Just now, Bluedoom said:

    I'd probably put something like: 

    Town: weapons(agreed with his vote at the time it was made), Rapier(free flowimg posting, attacking everyone on sight, seems to be what I remember of his meta)


    Maybe town?: Boron, I think questioning people on why they read her the way they do, even if they town read her, is a healthy dose of paranoia. Just that I think that's easily fakeable at this stage of the game but it is a point in her favour 


    Coinflip: Prims(i agree that makaze sk hunting is weird but that's a lot of words just to say that someone is nai and weapons might be on to something here), makaze(prodding people the way he's doing seems like something I'd imagine town makaze do but the sk hunting is sus)


    Anyone who read shinori's game in champs this year, can you summarise what was his scum game like? Thanks, i don't know how to read the guy. 


    I was going to vote bbm off of low presence but I think I'll vote refa, too many questions with a lack of conclusion. 


    ##Vote @Refa





    it has to be an actual @mention @Refa for the votal to catch it. you have to wait a second and click the popup thingy

  9. Just now, Prims said:

    tbh my gut feeling is still that Shinori is scum buddying up to me before he kills me N1 and I have no better vote than this rn sorry bro

    how do other people feel about shinori for that matter

    gonna return to tactical lurking until more people post

    guess that answers that for me

    I am not sure how to read Shinori but I'm liking his confidence, just waiting for him to post something game impacting

    @Shinori what is your strategy


    5 minutes ago, Prims said:


    Boron is Sunwoo, Bluedoom is Marth, Percivalé is Via, charlie underscore is SB, Cam is THE Camtech075.

    I don't find Weapons' vote weird personally (it is technically accurate that I entered the game passively compared to my meta but my meta is inconsistent and the conclusion about my alignment following it is wrong, so.). I had the same thought as Refa that Makaze reads like somebody who learned to play on another site more than anything else.

    @Refa Most of your posts so far are asking Makaze questions but you don't seem to scumread him, are you drawing specific conclusions from this line of questioning?



    Prims is pinging me but we have butted heads in every game we've been in, and if anything them not scumreading me is more tilting than anything

    Do you have any reads that are not pushing back on someone else's extremes?

  11. 4 minutes ago, Rapier said:

    I don't understand this reasoning at all, or what your vote tries to accomplish. You feel people who are trying to make stuff happen are town, and then you vote someone who's contributing to the discussion with his reads on those aforementioned people (even if it is, as Makaze said previously, conventional Mafia readings on how people tend to act in previous games and how people typically act on Mafia, which is ok evidence for early D1 imo). This vote also doesn't probe anything about Prims' reads.

    Weapons would be my second pick for a vote.

    For me Prims reads as a standard mafia player trying to get reads on RVS and usual Mafia behavior. Seems neutral to me, although explaining his feels a bit deeper seems to tip the scale more toward town imo.

    I haven't played in ages and I started playing Mafia at least a decade ago. So sorry!

    Also if you find more quotes of me being a doofus, do send them. They help me reminisce about those good times.


    I honestly don't remember, so I'm acting on "what I expect Mafia players to do on D1 when they're town vs when they're scum", rather than judge what person X or Y usually does when they're town/scum. It has been some time since we've played, so I also expect people's games to have changed a little.

    I also honestly don't buy your justification being "this is just how I play, don't you remember?", tbh

    I'm pretty sure Rapier is town

    @Refa What question did I miss from Boron?

    Someone should make a list of nicknames for all the players

  12. Just now, Refa said:

    This reads more as Makaze™ the person to me than Makaze™ the Scumlord. The confidence is something I read from offsite players a lot, and I'm not judging any intent there.

    @WeaponsofMassConstruction That's exactly why I didn't respond LMAO

    @Makaze My question to you is why are the people voting you (me, BBM) scummy? How has your read on Boron developed now based on her last post?

    There is a possibility of OMGUSing, but the way you guys have posted felt unnatural to me, and I don't need much more than that for a scum read

  13. 5 minutes ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    i think so, though i was more curious about how people would evaluate their own play

    i have no idea how im going to play if im being honest

    gut so far says town lean on mak/boron/rapier/bbm, all cause y'all feel like you're trying to make stuff happen, and then scum lean on prims, cause i get a more "look at me contribute" vibe

    ##Vote: @Prims

    I'm not feeling the weight behind this

  14. 1 minute ago, Prims said:

    I think Makaze's reads right now are Weird but I don't know if I think he's scummy for it. I don't really have a feel for how he plays so could be either town trying to force out content or scum trying to imitate how he thinks he'd do that as town. That said I'm fairly certain Boron's entrance into the game reads like standard RVS protocol which she would post regardless of her role PM.

    If there's anything that strikes me as off about Makaze, it's the potential that hunting for a SK comes from scum who just saw a suspiciously low amount of buddies in their PM so SK is fresh on their mind. SK isn't really the first thing I'm thinking about as town in ED1 because I am not Percy. But different people have different mindsets early on so I'm not placing too much stock in it yet. It might be interesting if Makaze flips scum later, though.

    For now I am content leaving my vote on Shinori for the continued refuge in audacity.

    I'm noticing how Prims is judging things by policy and conventional arguments, but I remember them being someone who went off of feelings and who voted me early in past games.

    Did something happen to change how you play the game?

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