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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. Hello. Welcome to the forums and the Cipher part at least. It would be best to buy a Trial Deck, and a booster box can even contain random content you might not be able to throw together. Trial Decks being pre-built allow easy access to learn the game and it's rules. Collecting cards can get pretty expensive too, so if you don't want to spend too much, Trial Decks are perfect for that. I suggest playing a couple of games to get used to the rules, and then remember what each card does (the ones you actually need to use). If you have any other questions, just ask.
  2. The unit being counted as leveled up (through growth) didn't actually level up, so Ike's skill does not come into play. Elincia5 actually states growth as part of her effect to untap her.In short, counted as if it was levelled up is not leveling up.
  3. It's definitely Mayo's style. You dare call Mia weird? You will PAT for this I liked Mia in Series 5 at least. Roy2 (by mayo) was also neat.
  4. ...heh. So by my thought process I've outlined that 51-59 are Xander (3 cards) and 2 of each Camilla, Leo and Elise (probably in that order). 60-61 are Peri, 62-63 are Beruka (Beruka R is 62), Niles is 64-65 (Proven by Niles R 64) and... eh... Arthur is 68-69... which means we may actually get an Odin card? Who knows. Arthur was also listed after Effie in Series 2, which means we may not see Effie either. I've thought that the Awakening trio will not get cards, so Laslow / Selena and Odin aren't getting any new ones, but maybe it's possible for Odin to get one. But Odin got his card in order before Niles in Series 2. I don't know. They've always stuck to a specific order, and by this, I can't tell what 66-67 are. Wait, actually... Effie was before Arthur in order in Series 2. So perhaps 66-67 is Effie. That would make sense to how 68-69 are Arthur. Unless they're changing the order around this time around, we may not see the Awakening Trio this time.
  5. ...this is basically to spice things up, just like how Niles is shown as a Bow Knight and Beruka -> Malig Knight... etc. Peri is also a Paladin in that artwork shown on stream too.
  6. I wonder about that. I thought the same when Series 5 was out but I was wrong. Lowest sales globally but maybe not low sales in Japan. If the cards good people will buy it. That's how it works kek.
  7. Red is basically a lot of low-level requirements for skills, like Lena, Marth... etc. Maybe Sacred Stones will be special with the way it handled branch promotions.
  8. Those aren't mechanics, those are just predicting the Skills that the cards get lel :V I have absolutely no idea to be honest, we've used almost everything. They'll probably make something entirely new up.
  9. I'll go with Sakura for HN. Anyway, it only makes sense in Series 6 if Xander has 3 cards and Elise / Leo / Camilla have 2 each. Recall that Beruka3 (the rare one) is 62, and Peri must be before her, which means 60 and 61 are taken. So it would go like this -> Xander (51, 52, 53) + Camilla (54, 55) + Leo (56, 57) and Elise (58 and 59). Note that there has been also a Maid Elise so there's gotta be something up with this. Otherwise they're changing the order around probably. Fuuga could be HN too who knows.
  10. As long as the power creep is healthy for the game I'm fine with it. Well... as long as we don't become yugioh or vanguard at least.
  11. What does her effect have to do with gambling kek It's basically a card similar to Cynthia3.
  12. You'd be glad to know that Beruka blows herself up, FOR THE GLORY OF NOHR I particularly like this card art. Looks great. I bet it would look better IRL, when its shiny and stuff.
  13. Either way, if you have to promote for it, and you do get Light Brand for free if you manage to hit with it, but that isn't really anything special.
  14. I honestly didn't expect Series 7 til next year, but the fact that it's coming out earlier than I thought may kill me heh
  15. I always get at least 2 STs anyway but yeah. I think I accidentally ordered 3 STs of the #FE one by accident heh
  16. Blowing up the field is relevant, but in Garon's case, it's not as relevant, because imagine in a scenario where their MC is at the back and you want to end the game, Garon blowing up their units is good and all, but you have to blow up 3 other allies to do it and Garon can't attack on that turn, so it balances out, which is... not that ideal really.
  17. I think that was the purpose to promote #FE though as a whole. But if anything, it is possible to get a starter deck based off Blazing Sword alone. But Radiant Dawn didn't have one either, so it's hard to say. Your idea doesn't sound bad, but my wallet man. Woop.
  18. Yes, I'm well aware that NoJ used Ferry as their name, but when it comes to localisation in the end -> no one knows if they would use the same name. I've barely played Genealogy (and I am not associated with Project Naga, nor have I even played the patch itself), but I've allowed my local FE4 expert (another wiki editor) to handle the FE4 stuff for me. So in the end, I've let him make the decisions. However, as Kirie said, we should stop detailing the thread and stop talking about it, you're free to message me and debate it there but please end the Project Naga talk here. Garon isn't worth the payoff, he needs to Tap himself (and destroy 3 allied units) just to destroy their whole board, you want to be in a more advantageous position when you board clear, and using Garon to do it isn't that good, as you lose units for doing it. It would have been cooler if Garon didn't have to Tap himself to use the first skill but I can't complain I guess. Bolverk (skill 2) will never be used either, because flipping 2 for 1-2 range and a slight power increase is not worth it, especially when Garon has enough attack to attack their Main Character and get a hit in already. This along with the fact that he has 0 support (this is what the 0 means), when you take a hit from a low power unit your opponent has because you were supported by Garon (which is the same as failing a support in general) puts you in a bad situation. Well, if anything, Garon may come into play if specific swarming decks that rely on the field (like Ryoma) become a big thing (it may possibly happen) but as of now, who knows.
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