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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. Not using all the characters in one go opens up the opportunity for expansions (whether you may like it or not). I think it's not bad design wise. I mean we're still gonna be missing a few characters everywhere. I mean we don't have Ryan from Mystery of the Emblem.
  2. With skills such as Lone Heiress, Elincia, or Withdrawn Tactician, Soren. The other way of course is to just manually build it up by multiple class changes or level ups, which is... eh. Probably not the best option.
  3. Maybe we'll get Lucia as an SR? I didn't expect Geoffrey either. Also Ana pls why you use the same Ike Avatar as me :V I guess I'll change it. EDIT: More art! Source: https://twitter.com/Akibagrapan/status/737864865738596352 Sothe https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj1sLBZWkAAyoO9.jpg Lilina https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj1sL0cWkAAyVAs.jpg Ellen https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj1sJJ0WgAAAybe.jpg Sigrun https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj1sKpuXEAAtIQq.jpg
  4. The overall level of a unit is the current unit displayed (for promoted / leveled up units it's the the card on top). If Ike level 1 is unprompted he is still level 1 until promoted. A unit pays a deployment cost to promote but pays the lower number (e.g Level 4/3 or level 3/2 units) displayed on the card to promote a unit. There are some abilities that allow you to bypass deployment cost and but their are only s few exceptions.
  5. I felt it was kind of important to make a double post about the fact we got some cool artwork. Narcian https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cjw-RsBUoAIOnEc.jpg Dieck / Deke https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cjw-RkRUgAI7ECU.jpg Nephenee https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cjw-S1zVEAA1as4.jpg Elincia https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cjw-S93UYAAfFG-.jpg Ike https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjxiXiXUoAMQPac.jpg Soren https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjxiXfKUYAE84K3.jpg
  6. ...I don't know how to answer this question, the way your wording it sounds weird. The deployment limit applies wherever you deploy a unit, so if you place a cost1 unit down while you have 3 bonds, you can only deploy either two cost1 units or a cost 2 unit that turn (or promote a unit into (Level 3 / 2). If you deploy a unit via another card effect like Trueblade of Roaring Thunder, Ryoma, it wouldn't count towards your deployment limit for that turn. When you deploy a unit, then perform a class change or level up, both deployment costs are used -> The cost of the unit being deployed + the cost of the unit Class Change / Level Up (1 from Cynthia1 and 2 from Cynthia3, when you class change Cynthia). If I didn't answer your question properly, sorry about that. I'm a bit confused about the question to begin with.
  7. Pretty sure it wouldn't hurt to have em in Cipher. Fa! Annnnd Kurthnaga.
  8. The Tome affinity doesn't replace her sword affinity, the official card text in Japanese practically states that she gains the effect of 1-2 range and her attack and also gains a Tome affinity, it doesn't replace. It would be considered both. Armor Expertise wouldn't trigger, because it only triggers if the attacker is not a Tome attacker -> Mist's attack would be considered both Sword and Tome.
  9. What magazines will these promos come in? (I would loooove to buy em)
  10. Yeah, when a mounted unit is attacking that unit gains 20 attack for that battle.
  11. Well... basically. Well, if you don't wanna lose that is.
  12. The MC doesn't die. It remains on the field even if it gets defeated. Every time your MC gets defeated by their attack you lose an orb. You lose when your hit again while at 0 orbs.
  13. You lose an orb every time your Main Character is hit while they are attacking your main character.
  14. I got good ol' Graphics Designer Reikenan to make a few buttons on the front page, including a link to said Newcomer's Guide (and the rules). Lookin' good.
  15. LackeyCCG seems to be down in general right now, don't know the reason or cause of it unfortunately.
  16. To be fair I knew the three exclusive weapons didn't exist in the Japanese version of Radiant Dawn, I own the Jap copy :p
  17. His pretty simple. More power isn't bad. But it's kind of boring in a way?
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