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Posts posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. 4 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    Thanks for explain me this! I think this Silque's skill don't function if my opponent use a skill that grants +20? This will destroy my Silque isn't it?

    I'm not too sure what you mean here, but your opponent can just attack Silque normally as if attacking anyone and Silque can get destroyed by an attack as per normal. Being destroyed by skills are different to being destroyed by attacks.

    4 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    Ah? But for Berkut's skill (Kriemhild ACT Once Per Turn [Destroy another untapped ally] Until the end of your opponent's next turn, this unit gains +10 attack and this unit's range becomes 1-3. ) I have to destroy an untaped ally,as it's said, if I want this skill to function...

    Destroying another untapped ally is the cost of his skill, which doesn't cause battle to occur. It just simply destroys them - or sends them to the retreat area (which is being destroyed) and then the result of destroying an untapped ally, which is gaining +10 attack and having 1-3 range until the end of your opponent's turn happens.
    This is what I mean by a skill's cost -> which means you can't choose Silque when using Berkut's skill because she cannot be destroyed, which cannot fulfill the condition to activate Kriemhild.

  2. 20 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    -Silque's skill Absolve CONT This unit cannot be destroyed by a skill's cost or effect.

    What is meant by "skill's cost or effect?"

    There are skills in Cipher that have requirements to destroy an ally as a cost, and you can't select Silque as a target to destroy for that cost if she can't be destroyed. 
    There are also skills that your opponent can use against you such as destroy an enemy, which can be used to target Silque, but she won't get destroyed by it.

    20 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    -And also, when my units attack one of my ally, I don't had to put a card  on the support area for those units?

    If, for example, my Tobin attack my ally Gray, I don't have to use supports for them?

    You can't attack your own allies in Cipher. Only enemies can attack your units.

  3. On 7/17/2019 at 8:27 PM, FireFenrir30 said:

    you mean after my turn and my opponent's turn is finished? I know it's nothing but I want to be sure.

    Ninja Emblem will occur after the result of the battle after you attacked an enemy. 

    On 7/17/2019 at 8:27 PM, FireFenrir30 said:

    -Silque, Mila-Serving Cleric hav ea skill who permit me to chose a card from my Retreat area, but I can only chose a card with the same name than one of my cards on the field? That means that if, on my field, I have got a Clair, Alm (as my MC), and Faye, this skill permit me to choose one of those character's card, even if the class is different? (I could take a Clair, Lady of the war, or a Clair, Noble Wings of Deliverance)?

    Yes even if the class is different, since it still has the same character name, you can choose any of those cards to add back to your hand as long as you already have those units on the field.

    On 7/17/2019 at 8:27 PM, FireFenrir30 said:

    -The skills who need to pay the cost, (like Clair, Wings of Deliverance's first skill, "When an enemy is destroyed by this unit's attack, if you pay the cost, choose 1 card from your Retreat Area with the same name as your Main Character, and add it to your hand.", I have to pay the cost after the attack destroyed an ennemy unit?  

    You only need to pay the cost if you destroy an enemy with it yes. This also works towards the enemy Main Character if you manage to hit them and they take an orb as a result. If the enemy dodges your attack you can't activate these skills.

    On 7/17/2019 at 8:27 PM, FireFenrir30 said:

    -When can I flip bonds if I want, for example, to deploy a 4 Deployment cost red card but I only have one red card and 3 white cards in my Bonds Area? (Example: I want to deploy Leon, True of heart (4 Deployment Cost), but I only have 1 red card, and 3 white in my Bonds area, when can I flip the 3 white cards for deploy the Leon)?

    As long as I don't add or tap a card in my Bonds area, which can be only made at each beggining of turn, I can "modify" ( what I mean is flip a card, or something other) my Bonds area whenever I want?

    Since you have a total of 4 bonds, as long as you have one red bond, you can deploy Leon.
    You don't need to flip / or tap bonds to deploy units specifically to deploy units. That's just to indicate that you used those bonds to deploy units for that turn. Flipping bonds are only for the costs of skills.
    You can't 'modify' your bond area, or rather you'll need to explain what you mean by that.

  4. Don't worry, this game can be a bit confusing to understand at first, hence why the QandA thread is here.

    5 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    Hello, I am a begginer at playing Fire Emblem Cipher, and so, understanding some skills isn't clear, that's why I have few questions about skills and other... 

    -As I saw on Faye, Dreamy Thoughts (P09-003PR) her second skill says that "When an enemy is destroyed by this unit's attack, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 "Alm" from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand." So, is that mean that if I want this skill to function (Choose 1 "Alm" from my Retreat Area and had it to my hand) I have to flip 3 bonds? (Because this Faye's deployment cost is 3).

    The skill's cost refers to the cost of the skill you want to use (which is in brackets after the blue icon in this case). Paying the cost is optional as you said, you just have to Flip 2 Bonds if you want to use this particular skill. In Conrad's case, you only have to Flip 1 Bond to use it, since the cost of that skill is 1 bond.

    6 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    - Second, I have another question. I think I have the answer to this one, but as long as I'm not sure, so I prefer ask:

    If I understand well, if I have a card who as a deployment cost of 1 (Example: Faye, Ram Village Girl, B09-016N), I can class change this card with any other Faye card as long as the other one as a Promotion Cost? (Ex: I have the Faye, Ram Village Girl, who is a Pegasus Knight, and I want to class change it as the Faye, Dreamy Thoughts, which is a Priestress). I know It's a "basic" question, but I want to be sure, for not do any mistakes.

    You can level up / class change Faye with any other Faye card (even the Cost 2 Faye). The difference is that Faye cards with a promotion cost count as a Class Change, and give the Class Change bonus of drawing a card. The Cost 2 Faye wouldn't give a Class Change bonus but you can still go into that as long as you have the required bonds to deploy.

    6 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    - There is a skill I'm not sure to understand well. It's the Azura's, Songstress of the Fountain Support Skill. It says that I can untap an ally with a deployment cost of 2 or less, if my attacking Unit is a Hoshidian. If I untap a unit, it means that this one can play again? It acts like the skill Dance/Sing in the game?

    Untapping a unit means you can perform an action with that unit again, such as attacking, moving or tapping to activate that unit's skill.

    6 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    -I don't understand well the Support Skill "Ninja Emblem", I can discard the card of my choice? Even if It's a a card with a Deployment cost of 5? That means I had to put the card with the "Ninja Emblem" Skill in the Retreat Area and then, discard another card of my choice and tap this one? If I understand, this skill permit to use a card, even if it has a high Deployment cost, without using bonds?

    Basically what Ninja Emblem does is you choose whether or not to discard a card from your hand (your choosing), then after the battle is finished, if you discarded a card, deploy that unit with the Ninja Emblem on the field tapped. When you deploy an ally via a skill, it doesn't factor in the amount of bonds you've used for deploying that turn.


    6 hours ago, FireFenrir30 said:

    - And for finish, there is something I want to know about the "Resistance Emblem"Support Skill. For example, if in my Support Area, there is a "Gray, Reliable Childhood Friend" ( who has this Support Skill) and that my defending unit is a "Kliff, Surly Passion", which card I have to deploy instead of put it in the Retreat Area? The Gray (the card with the Support Skill), or the Kliff?

    Normally cards in the support area get sent to the Retreat Area after battle, but in Gray's case, activating Resistance Emblem let's you deploy that Gray with the Resistance Emblem (unless you already have one) onto the field instead of sending it to the Retreat Area.

    If you have any further questions, just keep asking. Cipher can be a bit awkward to understand so fire away.

  5. http://serenesforest.net/cipher/tutorial/

    This is basically a translation of the online app developed by Intelligent Systems from this site:
    If the above link doesn't work, try clicking here instead.

    This app requires Java to run on your browsers and has been tested with Firefox and Chrome on PC.
    English translation provided by bookofholsety.

    If you have any questions about Cipher check out the discord!
    You can also ask away in our Cipher QandA thread!

  6. 19 hours ago, deuxhero said:

    The skill of Lilina: Lovely Duchess draws me a (single) card whenever Lute: Matchless Prodigal Mage uses her skill right?

    Yes, you can use Lilina's 'The Making of a Great Sorcerer' skill to draw a card right after you resolve Lute's skill.

    19 hours ago, deuxhero said:

    Flying units often have Flying Emblem (You may choose one ally that is not the attacking unit, and move it.). Does this work on the defending unit? If so, what happens if their move makes them an illegal target?

    You can't use Flying Emblem when you're defending, since it's only a skill that activates when attacking. If you're talking about while you're attacking an enemy and then move your enemy with Flying Emblem, you can't do that either since Flying Emblem only moves your own units (your allies).

    There have been cases of a unit being outside of a certain range when being redirected as an attack, like when using Flora Boreal Maid's skill "Did I prove useful?" to redirect the attack onto her when she's placed outside of range of the attacker - in such case the attack still can get redirected towards her and battle proceeds as normal.


  7. On 4/30/2019 at 2:07 AM, Vinegarto said:

    Titania: Golden Savior B14-081SR can activate all stack skills of Ross: His Father's Son B11-010HN?

    Yes. Titania's Golden Maneuvers makes the stack skills for Ross active until the end of the opponent's next turn.

    On 4/30/2019 at 2:07 AM, Vinegarto said:

    Chrom:Undead King of Despair B08-002SR and Grima: Baleful Dragon B08-048R can tap/search
    respectively a Risen Chief: Grotesque Commander B12-074HN and Risen Chief: Evil-Eyed Assassin B14-039HN?

    Chrom and Grima's skills specifically require an ally with the card name 'Risen'. Risen Chief unfortunately does not fall under this condition as the card's name is 'Risen Chief'.

  8. On 4/18/2019 at 5:22 PM, deuxhero said:

    Do you need a separate colored bond for each unit of the same color you want to deploy that turn or just one and enough bonds to cover all the point costs?

    Sorry for the late response.

    You need a separate color bond for each color you aim to deploy for that turn. Keep in mind that in still needs to fall under the total deployment cost for your turn though.

  9. On 4/12/2019 at 9:39 AM, Zihark11 said:

    Gotcha thanks! So heres an example, i have a yellow card in my hand and i have a blue card in my bond. can i play the yellow card or does my bond require a yellow card for me to play yellow etc.

    You need a Yellow card in your bonds to play yellow cards from your hand.
    It's still simple stuff to manage two color decks, just wait til you've seen three or four colors heh

  10. On 4/10/2019 at 4:49 AM, Zihark11 said:

    So ive been just learning how to play and thinking about getting big into this even though its not in english. Since there are so many different color cards, does running multi color decks work? and if it does do you have to put the correct color in the bond to play the card? since you dont really tap your bond area like other games that part has me confused cause it seems more like hearthsotne where it just refills on your turn and you can just play cards cost equal to your current bond (2 in the bond i could play a 2 drop or 2 1 drops etc). Also when it comes to the bond area, if i have a blue card on the field that has a bond 1 ability do i have to flip a blue bond or can it be any card in my bond?


    Another question is what are some of the best decks going atm? i plan to just build a deck around an MC i like rather then whats best cause cant take this game competitively in north america. but i am curious to see what some of the top decks are. 


    Multi-color is usually the way to go for majority of decks, you can also choose to just run mono color though and it'll probably be fine. Bond flip skills don't specify specific colors you need to flip so you can flip any of your bonds. Some skills exist that require you to actually flip a specific color bond though but that's different.


  11. On 3/23/2019 at 5:12 AM, deuxhero said:

    Do Camus, Sirius and Zeke really count as different characters (so they can't class change into the other and may exist at the same time)? Same with Zelgius and Black Knight.

    They all count as different characters yes. Zelgius and Black Knight too. I do believe that one of the Zelgius cards also does actually count as Black Knight though.

    On 3/23/2019 at 5:12 AM, deuxhero said:

    Is Mist #B12-005N's ability replacing the support or adding to it?

    Replaces it.

    On 3/23/2019 at 5:12 AM, deuxhero said:

    edit: Is Ilyana  #B14-097S as solid an ability for a lord as it seems?

    Is there a way to check for cards that can unflip bonds? Have synergy with an affinity?

    It's okay, she's a lot better when used for others lords though in my opinion.

    I don't understand the question, but if you wanna unflip bonds Deirdre and Linoan can do it.

  12. 6 hours ago, Vinegarto said:

    Question, If a Matthew B13-014R attack and he reveal a support with thief emblem, he can activate this skill? (Sworn Fell Sword AUTO Once Per Turn During your turn, when your opponent reveals a card from their deck as the result of a skill's effect, untap this unit.)

    He is in mid of a attack, that affected the activation of that skill?, idk

    Matthew can activate it while he's in combat yep.

    Nothing really stops the activation of the skill while your attacking. :p

  13. On 12/1/2018 at 3:11 AM, Captain Karnage said:

    BTW @Kirie what's the actual word/eng equivalent FE Cipher uses for "Tap". I was looking on the wiki and I saw that word get used a lot, I'm really doubtful they actually use it.

    There's no English equivalent because there's no English equivalent game for it yet

    Tap is a common term used for collectible card games so that's probably why it was used, otherwise I dunno. I just went with it.

  14. I hold onto Cipher because of Final Fantasy rather, and that took 8 years to be localized when that begun in Japan.

    There are multiple problems with making a card game in English as you all described, and there would need to be a profit turnover to be worth making the card game in the first place too.

    I don't know if the fan base is big enough to make Cipher big in the west. Possibly not.

  15. 2 hours ago, Calyurso said:

    Hi, I've got a question about the new Marth SR B13, and Leon B11.
    If I try to use Math's skill " Conquest: In the Name of the Hero-King ACT [ Tap This Unit, Tap 5 other allies ] If your opponent has 0 orbs, you win the game. "
    May I tap Leon two times with his first skill : " A World That Must Be Protected AUTO Once Per Turn When this unit is tapped as the result of a skill's cost or effect, untap this unit. Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +10 attack. " ?
    Thank you.

    edit: Oh and About Lachesis bond skill : " Bond Skill Valiant Princess's Persuasion Bond Skill AUTO When you place this card in your bond area, if you have 3 or fewer cards in your hand, draw 1 card. " Is it : you have 4 cards in hand, put Lachesis in Bond zone from your hand, you have now 3 and you can use her bond skill"  or "3cards in hand, put Lachesis in the Bond zone, you have 2 cards in hand and use the BS."

    Marth's skill happens all at once, so you must resolve that skill first before resolving any other skills. 

    Leon can't untap until after you've tapped all the allies for the cost of the skill first.

    If you have 4 cards, you can bond Lachesis from hand to draw 1 and go back up to 4 cards. At the time of entering the bond area your hand will be 3.

    No worries.

  16. On 7/2/2018 at 2:22 AM, Gonzak said:

    Regarding the new Feh card if i were to use an ally skill that costs flipping a bond, could i target Feh and not flip a bond at all?


    We can't do that :p
    The interaction is that we must flip a bond to pay for costs for a skill and we can't use Feh because that card can't be flipped.

    It'd be similar to trying to destroy a unit that can't be destroyed like Gunter4 as part of a cost of a skill (like uh... Iago): You can't resolve the skill without actually destroying an ally and Gunter can't be a valid target.


  17. Quote

    How do you guys pick your MC?

    Maybe if it's a particular character I like, or the skills / effects they have draw me to use them. One of those two.


    What makes a good MC?

    Something that basically isn't considered vanilla (even a MC that reaches 80 attack and maybe untaps as part of his own skill I would consider not that special or vanilla nowadays). The MC itself should provide a form of advantage (in terms of draw power, destruction, bond acceleration... etc) in order to be really effective. Tiki is a MC that does this fairly well. 


    What works better (in your experience): Picking an MC and building your strategy around that or Picking a strategy and building your deck (MC included) around that?

    Pick your MC and build around it. Much more efficient and easier to do than let's say 'look for cards that increase the attack of other units and then slap a MC on that afterwards'.


    What do you think of Shannan as a MC?

    He's actually better off as splash in another sword based aggro deck like Ayra for example. Ayra and Shannan together secure a decent kill if you can get the set up right.

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