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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. Pretty sure a redirected attack still goes through in the end. Someone else should confirm it just to be sure though. You COULD play Normal Draug, but you could just kill him and then Mamori will be 50 on defense. How explain thyself
  2. Cards usually don't get revealed on the weekend by the Cipher twitter :c Weekdays only I think.
  3. I'm throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening. Time to buy more boxes.
  4. No. In all seriousness though I think Flora isn't a bad option as you said. Flora has range and actually has some use after using her effect. You should maximise your KamuiF4 (white) as its so good to have its not funny (I bet you didn't get a playset hah). I'm thinking of whether or not your gonna have the bonds to use Sakura when you wanna use it on Kamui instead lel. I dunno what to say otherwise though. Get a better waifu you scrub There we go.
  5. Hope you don't mind if I use these for the wiki. Heh.
  6. If your limited to some cards only there's always good options like... Gordin. Archers win games.
  7. This is up for discussion of course it is. On a different story though you've gone through a lot of stats over the deck despite it not being the best. Good job.
  8. Well it does pain me to say so but I think I'll give up (for now). Probably won't bother.
  9. I wouldn't be still going if I didn't know. However I think I should let you take both of these eventually. Signed Artbook III - 95 Aqua Promos - 80
  10. Oh boy oh boy oh boy Direct all complaints to uh Don.
  11. I think it's certainly possible for a ST like Jariu said (I want a Micaiah ST just because why not). In terms of SRs I think your on the money. Maybe Ashera for FE10 :p Yeah I guess we can't really predict FE6 besides Roy, Lilina. They'll surprise us, they have before. Maybe Narcian will be an SR.
  12. Let's start the speculation. There's a lot of remaining characters from Path of Radiance that can still be made, so perhaps we'll see a structure deck made for Micaiah? They could possibly make the key members of the dawn brigade part of the structure deck, for example.
  13. Probably something to do with playing Aqua4 and having to use up 4 bonds of your deployment for that turn.
  14. Like I said before Don the matchup is hard against Ophelia because literally everything is a mage in Ophelia and you just keep clearing board and Ryoma will never end up big. Anyway, the deck still has its similar problems to normal Ryoma anyhow. Which is unfortunate (you can't really do much about it). Have you tried other options such as... maybe... Flora? I think Aqua4 is a bit meh in this deck as well. Aqua2 is fine but I don't know if Aqua4 is necessary or not.
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