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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. Is it really necessary to post Minun and Plusle separately despite the fact they are practically the same thing- Minun and Plusle are this generations Pichu/Pikachu lookalikes. And they are terrible. Minun can have 5/10. Electric typing is good. Although Minun is not. Edit: Comparing both the bases, Minun has 10 more to its defensive stats and 10 less than Plusle for attacking stats. Meh.
  2. Slowbro is a bro, mate. Calm Mind Thunderbolt Surf Psychic? Tank-like. Unfortunately doesn't have Slack Off in this generation but I'll cut it some slack. Water/Psychic is a great type (shares with Starmie) and Slowbro is tank. 6.5/10
  3. It's a shame that availability wrecked this Pokemon, since Rapidash has a somewhat neat moveset. Arcanine is better. 4/10.
  4. Electrike is fairly decent. I think it gets worse with the physical / special split, maybe I'm wrong, but this is Advanced Gen. The fact that you have good moves to fight 6th / 8th gym / Team Aqua? / Water pokemon everywhere is a boon. 8/10
  5. Medicham gets you to the top. 9/10 Pure Power is an awesome ability, having that massive attack stat is a boon when you have decent speed. Other points have already been said, but I say Medicham is awesome.
  6. At least this thing is usable. What do you do with it after Misty, anwyay? 6.5/10
  7. Machamp on the same day as Emerald? Wow. This game hates Machamp. No joke. This will be my vote.
  8. Machamp in this game is better than FR/LG. It says hi to Norman, and then has problems with Winona and Tate/Liza. Otherwise, same situation as Makuhita, similar speeds, Machamp has less bulk but nice attack. 7/10.
  9. It's HP is most likely going to get it killed, so I don't know. Speed might be a good idea if your sweeping a lot. 90 base defenses are okay, it's just that HP.
  10. Abra is unforunately a little late in the game, but does some part in defeating Koga, and mostly Team Rocket's poison pokemon. Abra is a bit of a bitch to catch, especially since it will most likely Teleport away if you fail to catch it turn 1. Leveling up Abra isn't that hard either. Lucina really summed it up. 6.5/10 for that moustache Alakazam has.
  11. Mawile - 2/10. Steel typing, although rare, is a great type. Combine it with intimidate. You got yourself something usable... for a while. Aron/Lairon/Aggron - 4/10 Again, Steel type. But with the added Rock onto it, makes it want to cry. Defenses are great. A little slow though. Great movepool. Shitty Special Attack to use it. It's a little better in higher generations, just at the moment, not really.
  12. I myself can't get through Lunatic chapter 5 without someone dying to an overpowered Dragon rider. It must be something I'm doing wrong.
  13. Can cop a lot of special hits and fight back. But is stilll good and can beat up Flannery. Etc. I should have voted earlier. 7/10.
  14. Isn't it a little late? Well. Wait. Forgot. Timezone differences.

  15. Crobat is very underrated. It does perform well, exceptions of Wattson, Liza/Tate and Steven. I love his attack and speed. Ends up VERY fast, but move pool is pretty small and doesn't end up covering much in the end. Crobat is quite fragile as well. So I'd say 7/10.
  16. Now that I see it, Arcanine is fairly decent base stats. Well... that odd move pool might need some work, otherwise its still alright.
  17. If only Fire wasn't only Special in this gen. Maybe Arcanine could get a higher score. Growlithe is awesome for Celadon. Onwards after that it turns decent. 7/10.
  18. And thats why you cop 2 extra attacks to the face, or the AI is dumb. Vital Throw, just to go second anyway, or Arm Thrust their face in. Do we get to use Items to heal? I'd like to know. And that's why I suggested Hyper Beam. Because recharging doesn't matter if you can kill something and switch out. Actually, considering availability, your going to be training for a looong time. Unless you've saved up like 10 rare candies or so, you have to get Waterfall to reach Bagon, and that's past 8th gym. Good luck with that.
  19. Comes at one of the best times to kick Brock's butt. I love Low Kick. 9/10. Most of the points have been said already.
  20. Nosepass is dumb. Those attacking stats. Are dumb. Nosepass is useless. 1/10. I'd make it 0 but I for one like that big red nose.
  21. I did say I hated all the B/W starters, but Tepig isn't too bad. Speed isn't the best, Flame Charge can boost it up. Emboar is a beast. That movepool. Typing, again, Fire/Fighting. Unfortunately in B/W 2 Tepig has trouble with a Water gym at the end, but this is B/W. 8/10 + 1 bias. Okay.
  22. Is pretty decent overall. Slow as heck, but can do its job of being a wall. 6.5/10.
  23. Ugh, not another one of these! I actually HATE all the Black/White starters. I won't mind ditching them for another Pokemon. Snivy is ugh. Disgusting. Most of the points about it have been said. 3/10 for being poop.
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