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Everything posted by TheVinceKnight

  1. The only notable thing about Persian is it's Sp Def. It's move pool is fairly decent, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball... Oh who am I kidding. This thing is bad. ...That's it really. 3/10.
  2. Woah, woah woah. I hope you understand the problem once you notice this, Sasori. Walls Surge and does poorly against Erika. Diglett/Dugtrio is actually quite frail, although nice speed and decent attack allows it to be awesome. Does well despite its move pool being not so great. 8/10
  3. 10/10. It's not a god like Pokemon YET. Doesn't have it's stab (waterfall / aqua tail), but switch in Gyarados on a physical attacker, and wall him, especially when they are intimidated. Gyarados is god damn bulky, well worth training a useless piece of Splash and IT HAS DRAGON DANCE. End of story. Dragon Dance then proceed to your sweep. 8/10 + .5 bias. 8.5/10.
  4. That. Venonat would be slightly easier to use had it been around the same time Caterpie was, but nope. Bug/Poison isn't the best typing in the world, but it will do for Venomoth.
  5. This. Seaking is... only good for this. If you can call it a good thing.
  6. Well, tommorow is Venonat/Venomoth. Better than Paras/Parasect, that's for sure. I'm not going to stuff a Giga Drain on a 60 sp. atk base pokemon... Maybe.
  7. The point is we're practically stuck WITH a Negative Priority move until Hariyama (or if you choose not to evolve your Makuhita) learns Seismic Toss (level 51) and Reversal (level 55). Would you really want to use them as your stab moves? Seismic Toss perhaps, since we are talking about Hariyama, a boss bulky bastard. You could always wait until the Brick Break TM, but thats at Sootopolis, (8th Gym). It's HP and attack are awesome, defense stats not so awesome, but am I one to complain?
  8. DAMNIT I MISSED ODDISH. Parasect? More like ParaSUCK. I tried using Parasect once. Did not work out at all. Okay. It has Spore. Awesome move. I'm sure out of all its weaknesses: Flying x4, Fire x4, Poison x2, ROCK x2, BUG x2, Ice x2. They're really hating on Parasect, it's weak to its own bloody type. Another Pokemon is going to have one of those moves to kick Parasects ass, and hand it to him. That 30 base speed isn't saving anyone. Even Breloom has damn 70 base speed and I consider sort of slow, Parasect's 30 BASE SPEED IS EVEN WORSE. I crush all the Paras I see. Spore/10. I mean 0.5/10. This thing isn't worth looking at.
  9. Hmmm... what to say... It's pretty decent for a Normal type, considering it does have bad times against Roxanne (unless you catch it after) and Brawly. After that, it's just okay. Not the best, but still good. 6.5/10
  10. Ninjask? More like Winjask. 10/10. I admit, trying to train a Ninjask was a bad decision. Speed Boost on the other hand... makes it very fast. I don't think that matters in-game however. 3/10 I wanted Shedinja because I thought it was cool. Too. Many. Things. Kill it. 2/10
  11. Although Michalis is WAY too late, he is surely... 'usable' with those stats. Ugh. How much Goddess Icons do you want!? Decent end game though. 3/10
  12. It's not like any of the starters in Black and White were good to train anyway. Trapinch against Elesa. <3
  13. Ahh... Zubat. Takes its time to make Golbat. And crobat. May I make a suggestion? Post the base stats of Pokemon when we rate them. Or we could just look them up ourselves. Nice speed. Fairly bulky. Unfortunately that movepool may need a bit of work on it. 4/10.
  14. Yeah I used to make teams a lot in Pokemon when I sort of cared. :S If I use BP Jolteon, I can help set up a substitute for Breloom and then Spore/Focus Punch away. Otherwise, a special sweeper Jolteon for the awesome coverage: I'd imagine something like... Thunderbolt Volt Switch Shadow Ball / Signal Beam Hidden Power (Ice or Grass)
  15. Alakazam's move pool doesn't help it much in this generation. This pretty much sums it up.
  16. Ymir didn't learn his lesson from Shadow Dragon. Bad joining time, not enough speed to survive the Flying Dragons who rape nearly everything. 1.5/10
  17. Alright, time for a serious team post. 1) Cough a lead that sets up stealth rocks. How about Metagross. 2) Jolteon 3) Bulky Dragonite /w Multiscale and Roost on it. 4) Breloom /w Poison Heal and Toxic Orb 5) Starmie /w Natural Cure and Rapid Spin 6) Disable Gengar /w Levitate
  18. We better stick her with no weapons as according to the story she's a rebel leader and shes captured. Stick here right next to some generals and a sage to kill her in a turn, too. Rescue staff wasted. Base stats are terrible for her level. 0.5/10.
  19. Here, perfect team: 1) Tyranitar with Sand Stream as a lead. 2) Lvl 1 Aron (Sturdy) with Endeavour and Shell Bell. 3) Lvl 1 Aron (Sturdy) with Endeavour and Shell Bell. 4) Lvl 1 Aron (Sturdy) with Endeavour and Shell Bell. 5) Lvl 1 Aron (Sturdy) with Endeavour and Shell Bell. 6) Lvl 1 Aron (Sturdy) with Endeavour and Shell Bell. Any questions? Assuming this is Black/White.
  20. Well because your going to skip a turn anyway, you'd may as well use Hyper Beam, right? Make use of that stupidly monster attack. Too bad Truant doesn't help anything else. Skill Swap with your Slaking. I dare you. A lot of points that have been said are relevant and I don't need to say them again, 5/10 +1 bias 6/10
  21. ...It's pretty average, I'd rather go with Charmander if you have that, of course. 5/10. Other points have already been stated.
  22. Static ability is the best. Light ball for that extra boost! (If you ever get it)* Er... PIKACHUUUU 4/10 +1 bias, 5/10
  23. As mentioned before Dark-type is indeed Special, which doesn't help much with anything. Does help defeat Tate and Liza, but will you be using a Mightyena by then? Also Intimidate on Mightyena is pretty good. Intimidate is overall a good ability. However, stats aren't that great and again, Dark isn't that great either. 4/10. Mightyena is awesome looking though. Bias. 5/10.
  24. Only Marth's DLC has been free since day 1, the rest you have to pay for them.
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