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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. ....i fucked up didn't notice an armor slayer in the midst F
  2. didn't happen xD I was able to kill her though! than an 80 hit sleep missed and Magician-chan died xD But i think i got it now i think
  3. Pls 4% clutch crit happen so i can rescue you out of there and just focus on minions pls
  4. True, but if i defeat the Boss i won't heave to deal with her hijacking the player phase every 3 actions and just go wham then xD
  5. Maybe she can kill her fast. 33 MAtk - 9 Boss Res + dancing should make quick food of the boss... If she doesn't die to Boss first due to low def, the main reason i benched her the couple tries i did this chapter XD Even Lord-Chan calls out the boss on it XD
  6. sadly, i can't just sorround her XD Her minions may be weak, but they are fast. 45 HP xD Means i need atleast 4 units to kill her haha.
  7. since i can't find the OST anywhere, here's the current track i am listening to timestamp'd from a let's play xD yup. She just moves
  8. poor guys with low Def are food for the boss. The 0 Def girl gets one shotted, so she benched this chapter lul There's no perma death, but characters who fall aren't available the chapter after. SNK? Attack on Titan? And she does it multipe times! She attacks once for every 3 Actions you take. I am able to bait her and sleep staff her, but... my sleep staffer priest get's ganged on by other units then XX F For how simple it is, it's pretty interesting, and quite challenging, too.
  9. https://store.steampowered.com/app/589060/Trapper_Knight_Sharpshooter_Princess/ A FE like game i got a couple years back during steam sale and put on hold because another game i wanted came out and picked up yesterday again. It's gimmick is that every unit has it's own gimmick. Like Lord-chan over there is basically the only Archer you get, and her bows do kick ass (she has both magical and phyiscal bows) The guy beside her she has B support with can lay traps. He can learn more traps when supporting with units. Some Traps are omega useful (like the one that stops enemy movement for 5 turns) while some others aren't that good (like arrow Traps) Armor units learn shove (and you can push enemy units into Traps with them) Your Priest has a 5 Use Sleep staff per map The only pony unit i got so far is one that can't attack, but has rescue + Canto. Etc.. What's evil is that she hijacks player phase to attack you xD Tbf she doesn't attack during enemy phase.
  10. This B**** right there. Can attack in Player Phase after every 3 Actions i do. And she can one shot one of my healers, so i benched them for this round, so only have 1 Staffer. F Very cool gimmick, but 3-10 range with that gamick is ugh, a pain. Lord, for comparison. 3 Attacks from enemy boss and she dead. And yeah her STR growth is basically none-existant. Thankfully her Bows have very high MT by this game's standards. The one equipped atm is her weakest bow
  11. i am also ~250 chapters behind because i put it on hold a few years ago due to exams
  12. are you secretly my brother? Because he says the same thing everyday
  13. Take a big break from writing, i say. Don't even open documents for a while until your passion returns Thanks! But i am engineer not a game deisgner XD
  14. Feelsbad I can see how that can be demotivating so just sick animation, basically xD I just let my ideas out every once in a while (like my magic system idea a few months ago) and just forget about them xD
  15. Thanks^^ Weren't you writing a story iirc? ain't that just a normal rapier XD AC time!
  16. Random Shrimpramblings time! Long ago, there once existed a continent full of wars and strife. The different races kept warring with each other, each vying for domination. However, each generation was more sick of battling than the generation before it. And so, peace between the different nations and races was achieved. The peace held for decades and the continent entered the era of prosperity. And so the continent's residents turned their eyes elsewhere. The outside. For all their research and advancements in magic, the people only knew about the continent they lived in. And so an exploration force headed to the limits of the known world, the vast ocean around them. Only to be met with strange machinery that was heading their way.... Giant birds of metal, floating carriers that don't use magic and Giant Ships carrying metal Boxes and giant metal humanoids. And so a war with a never seen before force kickstarted the era of exploration. That would be the basic premise of a SRPG fangame, IF I KNEW HOW TO MAKE ONE. XD Or write a good story, for that matter. Lords: Magic/Fantasy side will get 2, Technology side 1. Alchemist: Ranged Item use + Weapon repairs. Only character able to use items beside basic potions. Demon Prince: Swords + Dark Magic. PRF will be a petrify Sword. Yes, i know, original Air Commander: Able to call in Air strikes (with turn delay). Uses Rifles otherwise. /Shrimpramblings end
  17. literally me. My productivity is inversely propotional to the temperatur True. It wasn't thaaaaaaaaaat bad this year. Still pretty bad though
  18. For me it's exactly other way around xD When it's hot like this i'd rather game than hang around outside XD Well, not like i have a choice, tomorrow i am spending the day out, so....
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