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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. <.< >.< >.> wth atleast it's not that humid, but come on
  2. >Indie FE like game i got a few years ago >Boss gimmick: for every 3 actions player takes, the boss moves >ok cool gimmick >Boss has 3-10 range weapon >Archer lord has a whopping 5 Def, Healer and thief get one shotted by boss, and map is pretty open to choke point other enemies F The gimmick is cool and all, but with a 10 range weapon and general low lethality it's hell. Thankfully i can sleep staff the boss, but even that lasts like half a turn lol...
  3. I recommend you don't recruit much, if any at all
  4. Mia in RD is a beast Yeah. A Total machine of destruction.
  5. Banned because part 4 is the main reason i didn't replay RD yet
  6. Enjoy! Go at it with an open mind, and if school stuff annoys you too much, just let the game automate it for you (even if it's not as efficient then)
  7. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77015294 not as cute, but kewt nonetheless
  8. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76954516 this is way too cute
  9. Banned because i meant Medea FSN route not Extra
  10. Banned because FE5 randomizer doesn't exist
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