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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. When you play a series for 7+ games, and enjoy the first 5 games so much, you love them to deah then that one character is one of main reasons why you hate games from the 6th games on and dropped the series... yeah, hatred is putting it lightly :sip:
  2. Huh, thanks for the suggestion^^ DW, we all have characters we hate like that. I am sure my hate for a certain unnamed one would eclipse any hate over here xD Also, to make something clear, i don't really hate Eirika, but like the majority of FE protags, i find her to be meh. Good FE protags are kinda in the minority
  3. This doesn't have anything to do with logic, imo. Even from emotional stand point, i would be angry af at the one responsible for my father's death. Sympathy for Traitors is one way to make me hate a character. By far one of my least fav. character Traits, ever F
  4. I honestly can't understand this. Especially when you consider he is the army leader responsible for killing her own father. Being sympathetic is nice and all, but even that should've limits
  5. >imgur now requires whitelisting adblock forget it, imgur. anyway, Huh. I honestly don't remember him being worshipped that much, and his arrogance does bite him in the ass
  6. Point is: GBA FE sux It's not just that, Chloe is the Illya Kerry and Iri sealed off
  7. I will qoute Shirou ''Nobody said a fake can't beat the original'' although in that case she definetly does not imo
  8. *real Illya Details matter But yeah everyone in Prisma is cool. Except the Ainsworth they need to burn xD
  9. Shirou for me. Shirou the Spot light stealer ''Wait onii chan this is my show!'' ''Since when?'' xD
  10. She isn't really a servant tbf xD But yes i love her if you are asking
  11. Shush you Fate Zoomer xD +Mordred, Frankenstein and Altera That's probably it for me xD
  12. I hate her ngl. But then again the non Stay Night servant i like can be counted on one hand.
  13. "i am four parallel universes ahead of you" Lmao too scary
  14. Caster Lily route when yes it was suppossed to be a thing
  15. One can always trust Gust's music team pls don't pull a Falcom on me
  16. The next Musou i might try is the new Hyrule Warriors, since my brother is a big BOTW fan and will get this day 1 lol lmao hopefully with a ''puni puni'' sound effect nani kore?
  17. Oh. I thought you were talking about the first game. My bad xD naruhodo
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