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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I feel like we played different extellas xD You can switch to an AI ally and control them in some of the games, right? Like in FE Warriors
  2. I don't mind them as well, myself but the execution in FE4 leaves alot to be desired, imo
  3. Not just more going on from base to base, but you also have to take care of more than one base at once. Was rarely the case in FE4 Not a wrong thing to do xD
  4. It legit is, and i recommend it to anyone who wants an FE like game. Especially if you want some fresh takes on some FE things Link (jp!) FE4 could learn alot from Musou games. By making giant maps matter, for one. Because aside from being walking simulators and chapter 3, the giant maps are just small maps tacked together I dislike that quite a bit, ngl
  5. Abolishing the giant maps would fix alooooooooot of things wrong with the game but also annoy almost every FE4 fan.
  6. If only IS overhauls the support system And maybe i should make the big topic with the whole idea and arugements, i already a tl;dr version here xD happens. Same to me atm, if it's any comfort. I am actually waiting for Yggdrasil, ya know, the MVP chan fan game, to have an update xD I am honestly wondering how they are gonna manage the FE4 remake. I don't think it will go over well if it stays the same, dialogue wise
  7. yeah sounds good. Reminds me of Valkyria chronicles 4, which does something similiar with the side quests where 3 Party members do a paralogue together.
  8. yup. And it's not like i am asking for supports to be completely demolished instead of support, we get Base convos like in Tellius. Some can be 1 on 1, some can be multipe, and those involved get a support gain with each other. Some should involve choices that raises support points between characters involved depending on choice. Even non-lord/non-Avatar should've choices the players gets to choose if they are the focus of that convo. And depending on support Rank, support skills when linked in battle are activated like let's take Mercedes as an example C-support skill: Auto-heal. Once/twice/thrice (depending on support level) per turn, auto heal attacked ally. Trigger condition: linked ally takes damage in battle B-support skill: Barrier. Res + X (depending on support level) for first magic damage taken on enemy phase. Trigger: take Magic damage. A-support skill: Status immunity. Linked Ally is immune to negative status effects S-support skill: Revive. Once per Map, if linked ally get's ko'd, revive them with (Mag + 10) HP. Just as an example that can be expanded to all different characters and classes. Of course needs to be balanced and stuff. Also each party member can only be linked with one party member at a time. Might be a bit to complex though, hmmm.
  9. That will require IS to change the gold machine that's the current support system though.... i don't see it happening, ngl XD me when i think of GBAFE
  10. First one is the Skits from Tales of Series, where some of, or maybe all of the Party interact with each other. 1 on 1 convos can be nice, but for it to always be the case, like in FE, is very limiting. And 2nd one is link yeah, basically those linked with each other support each other with a variety of skills, depending on their link level. And 3rd one is trigger condition for support skills. Like, ''Do x for y support to happen'' No, just no. you are truely my mortal enemy. Too long, too bad, very limited & limiting. Yeah, never again support convos in map. Never. You didn't play 3H yet, right?
  11. I love that gif xD definetly the best implementation of it so far, especially with how easy it is to build up supports If you wanna see what my suggestions for improvements will basically boil down to, these 3 images should give you an idea
  12. That's the thing it's a very beloved mechanic xD And i am gonna not only attack it, but take example from other games, which may or may not go well...
  13. Why the support system in FE sucks, from both story and gameplay prespective, basically I already talked about it here before, but i've been wanting to make a big/serious topic about it for a while.
  14. Hmm To write the big support post or to not do that hmmm Hmmm
  15. Ephraim/Myrrh hype wait are those sirens i am hearing
  16. ...so not much hmm Maybe i should find some cheap dlc or something
  17. >looks like Eirika >Ephraim signature qoute The result of Ephraim x Eirika
  18. You see... this right here is why alot of us don't like Kaga games much. He's too cryptic and has alot of bs surprises anyway
  19. Is Benice actually a fellow Nohrian scum all along and not my eternal rival? *Plot twist*
  20. Ballisticians are food for Siege Tome Mages anyway
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