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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Then legally it can't be called a Nep day Nep will sue you xD
  2. Hmm i wonder what i should use for my next sig/avatar hmm
  3. both work xD I mean Totori probably can create op bombs to match Lys' magic xd
  4. You can add stuff like hours played, date bought, cost, dlc, etc Then yours doesn't, either
  5. Wew boy. Max i did was -390 or something like that I see. I can dig the no character ending thing^^ As i said before, if you are gonna di character ending then go the full way make it VN like... Not like mine makes sense, either xD If you don't wanna bother with Ratings though, but still wanna keep track of games, you can do something like this Title/developer/genre/status/score/notes Just like mine^^
  6. npnp^^ If you want i can maybe send you the excel file later today, with everything set up and ready. But i will be away from PC for a bit for now
  7. plain old Excel And then exported it to google spreadsheets as a backup and because sorting after a certain column without messing up my data is easier there
  8. Npnp^^ Tbf, all guides mention curry ending as a requirement, but i got the True end option without during the curry ending, so dunno Thank god, too, because curry ending seems like a pita
  9. also @DragonFlames Lulua outfit in pirate ending a cute xD
  10. Actually MegaNep was almost a 9 for me but it was bit too easy for my taste, and a game getting a 9 has to be quiet a bit challenging as well, hence the 84 xD Some bosses were pretty tough, especially come late game, but i needed more tough stuff, so to say xD Princess stole your heart, eh?
  11. While i find this kinda bs, the bosses needed something to make them challenging, so i wasn't mad about that. i was more angry when they used Seal attacks, because sealing my whole party = pretty much a wipe I do think the Stia thing is quite a major gripe though My Nep scores F Honestly, i didn't even notice the D E D on the characters pannel until someone pointed it to me lol
  12. Btw, any website with the CGs? wanna use some as wallpapers That's quite high hehe. I guess stuff that bothered me didn't bother you as much? These are the games i rate ~9, as an example while ~7s are game list coming in handy Lulua_open_mouth_hand_raise.png xD Time limit scares me ngl, especially with how much time i wasted in Lulua lool
  13. So, full thoughts incoming -First of all, the Music was fantastic. By far the highest point of the game. So damn amazing *eargasm* -For probably the first time in my life, i actually like an item crafting system, it was pretty damn fun. Didn't expect that, honestly. -Gameplay was so-so, but it got much better later on. Some of you might remember that i said ''The battle system doesn't make full use of the alchemy system, at all'' and while i still kinda stand by this, late game (starting ch8 or so) the game really tests your mettles and you have to be quite good at crafting. Even with my super op equipment the final chapter and S quest bosses were quite tough. Even final dungeon mobs were quite a bit of trouble. -On the character side...Game needed more interaction between it's party members. While Lulua is fun and all, i also wanted to see the others interacting with each other. -Speaking of characters....Stia...For how important she is, she's just kinda... there? Suddenly the plot started focusing on her and i was like ''wat?''. Stia needed much more development and/or screentime. Should've been playable tbh and maybe replaced one of the party members. Or maybe fused with one of them... -Same with story, i wanted other characters involved more in it, ya know? Also more exploring of the acient society, eastern continent, etc...Although the endgame was pretty wild ngl. Alchemy op. -For how wild the endgame was, the epilogue was kinda....weak? ''Jo we're going there Stia, let's go!'' Atleast the Sterk/Rorona ending was cool All in all, it was fun, but alot of wasted potential 7/10 I was like ''girl are you crazy?'' xD She too op It was fun, and i'll definetly check out some other titles in the series some time.
  14. Not often you fight a lvl100 final boss while your Party is also lvl 100 Tfw i need lvl500 curry for true end Why Edit: Actually you don't need curry end requirements for true end. Why do the guides mention it as a requirement though... will post my full thoughts a bit later
  15. Spider-man.meme 2 of them were very doable The other 2 were SoBs Especially the one with all Seal attack, had to retry that like 5 times to defeat him lol
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