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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. It's usually that one in RB1. Also, there's a very useful steam guide for item drops and stuff https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469482930 just ctrl+f anything you need 😉
  2. Don'r bother with the buyable ones, they're really too expensive and you won't need them during a normal playthrough anyway. Instead choose between Quest & Story drops
  3. Pegasi. Who doesn't like sexist horses with wings?
  4. Cavaliers. They are boring and meh and are just used because they have high mov
  5. Waganawa kyouki no Mad Scientisto, Hououin Kyouma da! FUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Later on Blanc becomes a pretty important due to being the only one along side Nepko being able to tank attacks, and her def buff is pretty useful, too. Then again, i was using fortify enemies plan Kore ga watashi no hisets! NEPTUNE! BREAK! Some are stronger then others and give more stats, so yup 😉 Especially in later RB games you should do it because the difference in Bonus stats is biiiiig
  6. DOPE. Seems like the games do try and make farming and crafting fun for you I wonder why no one told me about those features before when i asked about the games on the internet xD Thanks for the info, both of you^^
  7. Boycotting is the only way to show companies like GF that they fucked up. Just giving them money won't make them change anything since they see they can treat consumers like pieces of shit and still get money anyway. GF isn't as responsive to fan feedback as Nintendo (who lately has been doing that. Last Example: Mario Maker 2 playing with friends), so you gotta vote with your wallet
  8. You might just've convinced me with the whole Assistant thing to give the game a try sometime @Armagon Although the next few months might be a little packed, games and rl wise... But i will keep the games on my radar and whishlists atleast^^
  9. They would've finally achieved the complete killing of competitive Pokemon
  10. Again, to you it's a little change, to others it's a big damn one. Battles aren't the only thing that are considered Gameplay.
  11. This assistant things totally sounds Dope and is something i now want in every Rpg xD
  12. A big ass change though. To you To alot of people the collecting and completing thing is part of the gameplay as well
  13. I've been playing Death End Re;Quest lately. I am at the final dungeon now and it's been pretty fun. Although the VN part really overshadows the RPG part. The RPG part balance is also kinda weird once midgame starts as normal mobs get hella tanky and tough while Bosses are mostly way too easy. Otherwise i'm liking it. it's 7-8/10 so far (more on the 7 side, but depending on the ending it could be 😎 I've also heard Mary Skelter is really good, but i'm not a fan of DRPG, so i didn't try it. I didn't play Fairy Fencer myself, but alot of people say that if you like Neps, you'll probably like FF. I also heard the remake has a route split and sutff. From what I'm seeing, they've been getting better. I mean, MegaNep's dungeon design is miles ahead of RB games. Death end Re;Quest doens't Re-use any dungeon (but you've to revisit some, but you also open new Areas). CyberNep has pretty good dungeon design tbh. 👌 so i don't have to kill enemies or search fields for hours for a certain item?
  14. Best girl. Wew. You were probably grinding a bit too much xD Iirc when vert joined i was around the same level. Don't worry mate, ask away :D. It's also a chance for me to talk about a game i love 😄 I usually have multipe save files anyway if a game allows me. Tbh, what intimidates me isn't the time limit, but the item farming & crafting. In other games, it's usually my least favourite aspect of a game, although i heard Atelier makes it fun. Iirc first poll had Noire winning, 2nd one Blanc, and last one Neptune. Dancing girl :3 Sadly, one of the few Tracks that don't return in later games, while almost every other Track repeats itself through the Re;Birth games In general, IF/Compa games get overhated for alot of reason that are not really true to those who played the games.
  15. If you have a 3Ds, check out Stella Glow There's a Demo on the eshop, too.
  16. Fair point. Fair point. Is it like Recettear where you have to find items in dungeons and sell them so you don't fall in debt? I've been interested in Atelier for a while (especially since youtube keeps recommending me it's awesome music), but the item crafting part is kinda scaring me off.
  17. Lmao. Genwunners will probably be happy since GF fucking loves Kanto and keeps appeasing to Nostalgia peeps. your own words
  18. Tbf, they were by Histoire and the game tells you that Histoire will be angry if you don't do them.
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