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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Yeah, I knew it was awkward as fuck. I've been trying to practice actually drawing full bodys but my sense of anatomy is shit and I have a hard time getting the poses I want right. :/

    Also I was trying to practice coloring and shading as well, though I took the retarded route and used the default Photoshop brush for everything but the sword :x

    Horribly ironic that I sprite pretty well yet I can't actually draw worth a damn ;/

  2. objectiveAppreciationChecker(char[])

    nameValue = char[];

    boolean Appreciable;

    if (nameValue == Interest) { // Bob please add developer comment here for rationale behind this conditional

    Appreciable = 0; }

    else {

    Appreciate = 1; }

    return Appreciable;

    Goddammit Interest don't go programming on me >:c

  3. Yes, of course. Konstantine started out as a mere kon artist, but graduated to murder!

    I have no reason to murder tho, I like you people :<

    We like you, Kon. You can konsider yourself one of our favorite gals around

    And you had to deal with Ana quite a few times. I kongratulate you for that

    W-what is this madness

    I'm just too stubborn to leave her alone most of the time :x

    Such pros and cons

    But forreal you're cool in my book

    W-wow you didn't go there

    I-I don't understand what is this

  4. Reimundo Reinaldo is in da house

    You only bring joy!


    Somehow I doubt that

    Although I know how much making those awful Kon puns gives people around here joy >->

    *stabs the thread for Konstantine*

    Noooooooo ;O;

  5. Yeah ! :D

    yeah, you might need it .o.

    u2, nerd


    damn, don't remember that >.<

    you're calm alright


    Fucking love those gay space rocks

    Gogo caffeine ~o3o~

    I finished the first Dashi episode recently, which is how I remember~

    I'm perfectly calm, hmph

    quite the activity we got round here huh

    It's amazing, normally I kill the thread :o

  6. Huh... Fair enough.

    It really has been a long time since I saw that show, if I forgot such a flaw. >~>

    Can we all agree that Chase Young is goat tho? [:

    It helps that I have all this fresh in mind since I've been watching it for the past few days~

    I never liked Chase that much tbh, probs 'cause he was a megadick to Jack :x

  7. *pats*

    just gotta believe

    give tom kenny all the faith he needs

    tho he does have more roles than just spongebob now

    good stuff, you drink coffee?

    sure you are, ya nerd


    wasn't that also after he regained everyone trust in being a big good kid after betraying them?

    It's getting better at least in some of the most recent shows like Steven Universe <3

    Yeah, I drink coffee. I'm actually thinking of getting some frozen coffee at a place pretty close to where I live \^o^/

    Y-you're the nerd, nerd


    Nah, even before he and Dashi had similar attitudes, though Rai wasn't as chill and he lacked Dashi's wisdom

  8. it's the stereotypes, man


    his most famous is his biggest drawback

    poor Tom Kenny

    *pats Tom Kenny, b/c he's out there, in spirit*

    yeah, faster you finish the faster you can get those assignments out your hair .o.

    calm down


    Yaaaa lack of females in shows I like really sucks dood :<

    So fashionaaabluh

    Maybe one day he can break away from the stigma of being Spongebob :<

    I'm actually trying to go back to working on stuff, so I've stopped marathoning for now

    I am calm c:

    Im still salty on how

    In the end, Raimundo ascended and became leader, when mah ni**a Omi DESERVED IT

    Omi was too much of an egotistical shit to really be the leader. He was also the reason Rai went bad for a bit


    rai started from the bottom

    then he made it, bro

    yeah man, Rai worked his ass off

    He was also a lot like Grand Master Dashi in terms of attitude, so it really didn't surprise me that he became the leader

    I swear

    If you were reffering Drake just now...

    But he aint got dem dots tho.

    Omi dedicated his LIFE to this shit. To even being acknowledged by Chase Yung and Mo Guang (I forget their names, so bear with me). You just gon' tell me years of practice and all the techniques & skills that only HE knows out of the four aint enough? Fuck outta here, bro

    That aside, I did find Rai to be pre cool

    Omi is the chosen one, but being the chosen one does not make him leader material. He's too egotistical and arrogant when it comes to him being a dragon, and he's also horribly naive and gullible. From rewatching the show Rai is a lot more capable of leading the monks than what Omi is ~o3o~

    Also it's Chase Young and Master Monk Guan. You were p close~

  9. i loved the designs

    it stuck with me on who were the cast and what they looked like

    Tom Kenny is a great voice acter

    i didn't know then either \.w./

    : o

    hit's all the signs for a perfect husbando, huh?


    Yeah the designs were amazing. I really liked Kimiko's constantly changing wardrobe too, though it's too bad she was the only girl in the group :x

    It's really too bad he's most well known as voicing Spongebob, 'cause he's a fantastic VA

    Gotta marathon fast c;

    Yep yep and yep cx

    <u< >u>

  10. the most i remember is i kept thinking Raimundo was spanish even though he said multiple times he was from Brazil

    i was a dumb kid .w.

    i know what i'm doing on another bored day

    the husbandoing hits hard on younger ages

    I didn't remember Rai's race in the slightest from when I was younger, haha. I just remember him being the coolest monk behind Kimiko c:

    Although rewatching it now it still blows my mind that Tom Kenny voiced him :x

    Marathons yeah~ I'm on season two now :p

    I seemed to have a thing for huge dorks even when I was younger <u< Even better since he's a redhead >u>

  11. Try not to think too much about it while you're doing that though... I'm sure you'll get through it... Or uh, I hope so. ;w;

    I hope so too :<

    omg i miss that show

    I found all of the episodes on dailymotion and holy shit the nostalgia hit me so hard

    I loved this show so much as a kid <3

    I also remembered that I had the biggest crush on Jack Spicer when I was younger >u>

    Xiaolin Showdown... The thing I remember most about that show is using Omi to disprove some knucklehead's claim that Tara Strong sounded like an angsty girl in all of her roles.

    Other excellent examples were Terry? from Foster's Home for Imaginary friends (he was Mac's brother IIRC) and Ben Tennyson c:
  12. hmmmmmmmm... something enjoyable maybe? Although I know in depression, nothing is enjoyable so. >_>

    I've been rewatching Xiaolin Showdown for a little bit, so I'm feeling a bit better. I know I really need to get back to work on my assignments soon though :/

  13. Ouch. Hmm... yeah, unfortunately mental health won't really fly by for missing course work. >_> I'm not sure what could help..... Maybe take a little bit of something to help you relax first?

    I've already taken my medication for the day, so that might help a little. I don't know what else I can do to relax other than go to sleep or something...

  14. Is this an online class or no? I'd say maybe help from a classmate could do some justice. At least for the moral support of getting it done

    Sorry about your depression Kon ]:

    It's an online class, so talking to classmates isn't likely to help, especially since there's rarely any conversation between classmates here regardless.

    It's okay, I've gotten used to it by now, though it gets really frustrating when things get bad like this :/

  15. Hmmmmm... Well, at least one thing is you need to relax... although I know personally that's waaaay easier said than done so... Is there someone you can ask for help on the assignments maybe? Or maybe work with someone on them if possible? Or uh... multitask if you can.

    The assignments involve a lot of animating a programming, so not something I can get a lot of outside help on. The rest of my family are all out of town, though they aren't the least bit familiar with any of the programs I have to use (Flash Pro) so they wouldn't be able to help even they were here.

    I've been working on a crappy art piece that I could conceivably use for the course project in this class, so that's helped me relax at least a little bit, but not by much since if I don't get these done by Sunday night I'll have zeros on them both. And somehow I doubt "I'm too sad to work" will fly by my instructor. :/

  16. I've tried that before, but it always backfires so I just take the reward without putting in the work. And the reward I originally had in mind has kind of expired, because I would have been going over to my sisters for the weekend and go see Inside Out with my bf. But I'm still not even half done with either of my assignments so that's kind of out of the question. :/

  17. Man, I know I should be working on my assignments right now, especially since they're already late, but... I can't focus on them enough to do anything at all. I've tried multiple times to start up or continue one or the other, but all I end up doing is just staring at the screen for hours. And all that ends up accomplishing is increasing my anxiety because I know I'm going to fail this class if this keeps happening and then I get really stressed and just freeze up or desperately try to avoid thinking about it. I know this is because of my depression, but there's really nothing I can do about it other than taking my medicine and hoping this I get out of this slump soon. :/

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