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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Man, being blinder than a fricking bat really sucks

    I lost my glasses and I cant see well enough to find them easily and my parents and brother are all out for the day so I'm SOL ;o;

    And if anyone was wondering how I'm posting if I'm so blind, I have my phone literally an inch away from my face .-.

  2. I like the concept of motion controls if nothing else, but forcing them on me when they aren't even that good to begin with just gets on my nerves. At least let me fucking change the setup if I can't work with the motion controls >_>

  3. Except like I said, I didn't have any problems, and I got the edition of the game that came with the gold Zelda Wii remote myself. So it couldn't be that the controls just sucked. The controls were great.

    Just because you didn't have problems does not mean that I didn't have problems? The controls were clunky and far too often my swipes would not translate properly ingame, and I could not play for prolonged periods of time without the Wiimote becoming wildly out of sync. This is a problem with the game itself, not the controller.

    To be honest I don't know why you feel it necessary to tell me how I experienced the game, or that I'm wrong for having a bad time with the game. It's fairly annoying that you assume that everyone must have the same experience with a game, because that's literally impossible.

  4. Then don't post your opinions. People are going to reply to them if you do.

    And you had a crappy Wii remote or something then, because I absolutely never had the issues you're talking about.

    This is an entire thread dedicated to posting opinions. Besides, I just don't care if other's disagree with my opinions because I know not everyone is going to agree with me ~o3o~

    I had a brand new Wiimote bought with the special edition of the game, and it's worked perfectly with every other game I've played with it. It wasn't faulty, the controls just sucked.

  5. It's worth it to me. I don't like having to change my equipped items a crap ton, and I do that less in the Wii version since there's an extra slot. Wii TP being mirrored never really bothered me, I don't get why people hated it so much. I find it nitpick worthy, honestly. I think SS does the motion controls way better though, because in that one, you actually get to swing the Wii remote like Link swings his sword and it's so cool.

    So yeah, completely disagree.

    I don't care if you disagree with my opinion?

    Skyward Sword's motion controls sucked so much ass that it made it hard for me to even enjoy playing the game. I could only have kind of accurate motion controls for like 2 minutes before I needed to recalibrate it because Link's sword kept going alllllllll he way to the right or left when I was pointing it forward. It was so bad it even made fighting bokoblins annoying to fight because Link just would not respond to the Wiimote lie he was supposed to. It's fucking ridiculous.

  6. GC TP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii TP, because the extra item slot is not worth that stupid mirroring + motion control shit. Although ironically the motion controls are better here than they are in SS :x

  7. When I was 8 my mother bought me and my siblings each a green GameBoy Color and a copy of Pokémon Crystal, and at around the same time we had gotten a Nintendo 64 with Pokémon Stadium. I remember begging my mom to get us a GameBoy pocket and Red/Blue when they first came out, but never got anywhere because those were expensive back in the day, and mom would have ended up needing to buy all three of us a handheld and a game :x

    Since then I've gotten into so many amazing series and my love for the company has only grown over time. I honestly don't think I'd be the person I am if I hadn't gotten into Nintendo, especially since it led to me becoming an artist.

  8. Nope. FE6 and FE7 are two separate games. FE4 and Awakening have both generations in just a single game. Big difference. Besides, seeing as FE6 came before FE7, I really don't see why IS had to make so many of its characters look real young.

    How does that make anything any different? I don't see what you're getting at :/

    This was their first game after Kaga left, and the new artist they had come in, Eiji Kaneda, was pretty inexperienced at the time, if you couldn't tell by the proportion issues plaguing most of the OAs. Even so, they don't even look that young in comparison to most of the other characters in like literally every other game. Have you even seen artwork for the older games? they have the exact same issues of looking younger than what they are. This is far from a unique problem of FE6, so I think it's pretty ridiculous that you're singling it out like this.

  9. Man, I'm having a horrible time concentrating lately. I've been trying to get this little storyboard assignment done for the past three days but I keep getting so distracted and it's starting to really get on my nerves and I just want to get this shit done :/

    Also I really, really want to see Inside Out ;-;

  10. And oh so literally...

    If you know what I mean

    I gotta Ness at my GameStop~ I wasn't looking for him in particular, I was initially just checking around for Story of Seasons 'cause I heard the game was fun, but I started talking to one of the employees about amiibo and he said that they just had two in, so I nabbed one of them \^o^/

    And now my magnificent collection is up to two: Ness and Peach C;

  11. Those guys are in their twenties? They hardly look like it. And excuse me for generally not being much of a fan of younger characters (or rather, younger-looking in this case). There's no need to be rude.

    Yes they are. Again, it's the art style that makes them appear younger, and it really isn't even that bad. And I'm not being rude, at least not intentionally. I'm just getting more and more annoyed by you not taking two seconds of your time to search the site for how old these "kids" are before complaining about their ages. It's not that difficult to do, is it? And before you say "well, I didn't think I needed to look it up," well, you do, or else you're just going to make a fool of yourself again. It's what happens when you complain about things you don't have much knowledge of.

  12. There are still more children I didn't mention. Sue, Fir, Noah, Alan, Lance, Saul, they all look 15 or younger to me. And whatever, I still think the game has too many playable units that are young teens/children.

    Noah, Alan, Lance, and Saul are all in their twenties, and Sue and Fir are most likely around 16/17. There's only two characters that are younger than 15, being Nino's twin sons Hugh and Ray at 13. Wow, so many babies running around.

    The only reason they look young in the first place is because FE6 had a more anime look compared to the other FE games. If you're gonna keep complaining then at least come up with some legitimate reasons or even just look this shit up first instead of parroting yourself. We are on the biggest website for Fire Emblem info for God's sake.

  13. Despite my love for Ike, he should have never been in FE10 or SSBB/SSB4

    I actually enjoyed TP and SS's story, but I can hardly stand the gameplay of either

    At this point, I don't even care if it's good, I just want some closure for Golden Sun. Just put out the last fucking game already Camelot, JUST DO IT

    Gen 3 of Pokémon was best in terms of sheer improvements and game collections, and though Gen 4 had some of the best improvements (namely the Physical/Special split), it has the worst region and Pokémon designs. The only good games to come out of Gen 4 were HeartGold and SoulSilver.

    Majora's Mask is the best 3D Zelda game

    A Link Between Worlds is the best 2D Zelda, though it's one of the easiest Zedas

    Ocarina of Time is bland as hell, though I won't deny the effects it had on the gaming industry at large

    I adore all of the cases in Ace Attorney: Justice for All, even Turnabout Big Top

    Though Roy used to be my least favorite lord along with Marth, I've grown very fond of him lately

    I'm okay with most fanservice as long as it's equal-opportunity. Though literally shoving tits in my face is still something I'm not okay with

    People find some of the most ridiculous reasons to hate on a game sometimes, and I can never decide whether to laugh or shake my head. Sometimes I do both.

    And Ana, for someone who says they can't hate a game they haven't played you sure seem to be hating on the game, and for some really silly reasons to boot. Either admit that you're hating on the game or just quit whining about it

  14. It is the point though. The first thing you did when hearing FEF talk about prioritizing FE6 over FE9/10 was get overly defensive on FE9/10's behalf while attacking FE6, saying that Roy's only really popular among the Smash fanbase and that few people would even want to play that game. It was overly harsh and uncalled for. Deriding me for clarifying the matter of availability was also flat out rude.

    I get wanting more of your favorite things, but raining on someone else's parade because they didn't want the same things just makes you look bitter

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