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Posts posted by Kon

  1. There's no need to get all salty about peeps wanting Roy's game, Ana ~o3o~ As it stands Ike's games are both far more abundantly available than Roy's game solely due to the fact that they both had localization, even if they didn't sell the best. There's also the fact of RD being reprinted recently, which has never happened to FE6.

    Also, if it's a matter of costs they could always ask gringe to help out and/or contribute his translations, especially since he's recently acquired a job as a localizer in Japan. It wouldn't be the first time that a company has employed a fan translation for a localization either.

  2. Who says he didn't tell them? Heck, who says he even knew where he was going?

    I'm only making assumptions there, since we only know that he disappeared to some other continent and was never heard of/seen again. We have no idea if he ever told anyone or even knew where he was going to.
  3. I've never felt strongly about it one way or the other. I can understand the point of view of the detractors saying its uncharacteristic of him to leave all his friends and family to go adventuring alone. , So I'm curious, why does it make a lot of sense to you? Do you think the fame from defeating Ashera would make him want to leave similar to how he left the Crimean court?

    Basically yeah. Ike has never been the type to enjoy the spotlight, not even a little bit. It was a large part of the reason he withdrew from the courts (the other part of course being his general disliking for the court lifestyle and nobles in general). All throughout PoR and RD he made it abundantly clear that he was only doing his job and wasn't looking for fame and glory because it was just not his thing.

    I will admit that it is a little odd for him to leave his family without telling them where he went to, but the best reason I can come up it is that he didn't want them to be bombarded by everyone wanting to know where the legendary hero disappeared to.

  4. I wish I had a car right now ;-;

    I had to go to my workplace at 5:30 when I don't start until 9:30 because the only person who can give me a ride is my dad who starts his job at 6 in the morning orz

  5. There wasn't any gaping plot holes, it was just lackluster. He just vanished. They should've given more detail.

    Oh, okay. Honestly I didn't mind the lack of detail so much, since it made a lot of sense to me that he would go away like he did. Of course, I'm definitely not in the majority there.
  6. I tend to create personalities for characters before anything else, though I've come up with designs before fleshing out the personality. Other times I've come up with a scenario I like and try to create characters to act out the scenario if the characters I have already don't fit.

    And then I have some characters that I've been developing for almost a decade that I've never even once managed to write a story for orz

  7. Dawn Awakens was galdr, as it was sung in Ancient Language. I just hope that if Radiant Dawn is ever remade, IS fixes some plot points like Ike's epilogue and whether or not Lehran's laguz abilities were restored.

    What's there to fix about Ike's epilogue, out of curiosity?

  8. That would be Dei Enyt/The Blind Archer's Sigurd sprite. So far as I can remember he wasn't too fond of letting other people using his mugs since most of them were made for specific people, but he hasn't been active on SF in a good while so I'm not sure how successful you'd be in trying to contact him.

    Also, as a general rule, it's best not to assume permission just because there haven't been any responses.

  9. How did you come up with it?

    I know. It's for people who are still interested in it.

    I learned a long, long while ago that kon is the Japanese onomatopoeia for foxes and thought that it would make a cool name for some reason... >_>
  10. How do yo uknow it's not the other way around

    Also, competitions in Shuffle are easier now. Top 40K players get a megastone in the US. Top 6K get a Mega Speed Up which aren't even that useful.

    Safari have a trick to them btw. The rarity is decided by the mon in the first slot, so changing your mega can make rare mons become common.

    It was a name I made up before I knew about it being a name for some stuffed lion in Bleach, at least ;n;

    I don't plan on going back to Shuffle anyways, so eh ~o3o~

  11. All I want is hair rips, since I already downloaded all of the portrait rips :3

    Apart from that, I don't plan on looking up anything on Fates, since coming into a game knowing everything gets tiresome after a while ;c

    Also hey I started at my new job last week and I LOVE IT. The work is easy, the people are nice and chill, and I don't feel like I'm dying on the inside like I was at my previous job c:

  12. Just because Link has so far always reincarnated as a male, it does not mean that he is incapable of reincarnating as a female. It's possible to reincarnate as the opposite gender, as a member of another race, and even as a different species. Even then, the matter of Link and Zelda's reincarnations/descendants has no bearing on the tradition of Outset Island or why Ganondorf was specifically looking for a girl with pointy ears. Those on Outset Island had 12-year-old boys dress in the hero's clothes to specifically honor the Hero of Time, who was male himself. The elders on the island wished for the youths to find courage just as the Hero of Time had.

    As for the "girls with pointy ears", Ganondorf was specifically looking for Princess Zelda, as he wanted the Triforce of Wisdom and knew she had it. Whether he truly believed the two Zeldas were one and the same or not I don't really know, but that's irrelevant to him. Fact of the matter is, these connections are to the Link and Zelda of Ocarina of Time specifically, not to their predecessors. Of course, it's not as if anyone in WW would know about any of the previous incarnations, since very few legends managed to survive the flood.

    these are laughably weak excuses for Link and Zelda to never change, to be completely honest.

  13. Uh, I know more than that. He's Eliwood's son, he was trained by Cecilia and studied in Ostia, and apparently he sucked at trying to use magic, so he learned to use a sword instead. He leads Pherae's troops because Eliwood falls ill too. I've seen a little bit of his game through a Let's Play as well. I lost interest, which is why I stopped following it.

    Oh, he and Lilina are childhood friends too. And Wolt is his milk brother. I think they're pretty close as well.

    *Nothing about his personality

    You people need to stop worrying about Amiibos for unreleased characters.

    Roy looks older for some reason. And his armor is different.

    They kind of mixed up his Awakening DLC outfit with his original outfit. I actually really like it~
  14. I know that, it just LOOKS to me like it's related to Ike. That's all. But imo, the mercenary class doesn't fit Roy. Then again, I'm not sure Myrmidon/Swordmaster would have either.

    Mercenary fits him far more than any other class they had apart from maybe Lord. It also helps that you don't really know anything about Roy other than he's a Fire Emblem Lord
  15. Easy. Because Roy's original design didn't feature any tattered clothing. And Ike is the first lord in the series to where the specific kind of headband he has (the one that ties around your head and has the "tails").

    And why would Roy wear tattered clothing at all, he's a noble...

    Roy is also a Mercenary in his FE13 incarnation. It's pretty hard to keep a cape nice when you're a Mercenary. As for the longer headband, it was likely just added to make his design more dynamic. It has nothing to do with Ike, jeez.

    With that said


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