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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Rush Sigurd out there, or Finn... or both.

    Levin can probably barely make it if you have him go straight for it.

    EDIT: Don't break on me, SF.

    Most likely my best bet. Don't like having to rush around like this, but at least the reward is good. I just hope I can slow down so Finn and Lachesis can start gaining Love Points

    In far less important news, I'm finally moving into an apartment with one of my oldest friends in two days

  2. actually kon konvinced me

    i'll play this fire emblem 4: genealogy of the holy war patch

    all hail


    Managed to get to Lachesis and her goons before they all died (after a few resets >_>) and bum rushed Heirhein to drag out Levin and Sylvia. Now I'm just trying to figure out the best way to tackle the next castle and save the Bargain Ring, 'cause that would be pretty nice to have.

  3. also like 1000000000% sure mk404 did Linda that just looks like his quintessential spriting style


    wow what a trooper

    Yep, it's totes Ray's work

    Although if you want an easier time of picking out who did what there's a handy little guide at the bottom

    Pi's pretty awesome, yeah

  4. Have you checked out FEIV? It's a better,[/b] more functioning GBA hack for good ol' FE4 with slight redesigns of the maps to fit more with the GBA format, and new things like ~personal skills~ that make some characters actually goood

    The only issue is that the portraits are largely unfinished, but that's due to Pi insisting on doing literally every part of the hack on his own. What a bro


  5. Oh yeah, finally gave up on passing everyone through the arena. I think I did a decent job still

    And we're supposed to post stats, right? I think that's a thing



    Sigurd is Sigurd, nothing new here. Blew through the arena with no fucks given. I gave his Steel Sword to Alec because he doesn't need it. Probably will end up gifting the Iron Lance to Alec too, since Sigurd doesn't really need anything


    Noish made much farther into the arena than what I thought he would, but I guess the Slim Sword is just that great


    It's Alec ain't he grand. The Slim Sword carried him a couple rounds after he was having some trouble, but the mage walled him /hard/


    Slim Sword shenanigans got him that far through the arena. Honestly I'm super surprised


    Gave him the Speed Ring since Lances are heavy


    Cuan's a bro. Pokes people and doesn't afraid of anything


    Midir is awesome and I gave him the Killer Bow to both clear the arena and because I like him more than Jamke


    Oh Azel how I wish you were a better unit. I think once he has the funds he'll be taking the Magic Ring


    Jamke is pretty awesome, but favoritism made him lose his shiny bow ;p


    Lex is great, but couldn't quite clear the arena. A bit disappointing, but oh well, he has the Brave Axe and that makes everything better


    D'ewwwwwwwww didn't get far in the arena at all. Maybe I should have had him beat up some bandits? Hopefully he'll Dew better in the next chapter.


    I made Sigurd give some money to his honey so she could borrow the Magic Ring to clear the Arena after I realized that she needed exactly 5 more damage to beat the mercenary dude ;p


    Ethlyn my bae. Slim Sword carried her through the arena and that made me super happy.And oh wow I just realized she's literally my fastest unit. Is that normal?


    Ayra~ Gonna pair her with Holyn for dem Balmung shenanigans. Also the only reason she has the skill ring is because no-one else could nail the boss. I dunno who Ii'm gonna pass it on to. Lex?


    Aideen. Great healer as always. Gonna pair her with Midir because I can

    I should note that this is the first time I've played in a loooooooooooong while, and I've only ever made it to Chapter 2, so I don't actually know how good/bad their stats are ~o3o~

    Also I'm terrible at character summaries orz

  6. Oh, really? I thought Disney Interactive made the Disney one and GameFreak made the Pokemon one and Nintendo made the Wii U one. Heh, oops. :P

    If multiple companies made games with the exact same series title and layout, I'd imagine there would be a great many lawsuits thrown at people ;p

    'Course if they were contracted to make them, that might be a different story

  7. So yeah, I think we can call Art Academy its own series/franchise now (even if they're made by different companies) because it has three installments as of recently:

    Actually, all of them are developed by HeadStrong Games (Kuju Entertainment is their parent company)

    And I only own Pokemon Art Academy, and I love it. It serves as a great stress reliever since I can just use it as a digital coloring book if I'm feeling too lazy to come up with a random drawing myself.

    I'd really like to get Disney Art Academy, but I'm super broke now orz

  8. the scrubs won't have much use for their money anyway

    welkonme to your doom

    But I want it

    I've always been doomed, nothing new here

    I got Ethlyn through the arena, yay~

    I din't even need to hand her Sigurd's Silver Sword. Gotta love dem crit procs

  9. use arden as your rng fodder

    I think I will. I was trying to avoid it at the start of the chapter but now there's no risk since I only need to seize Verdane to clear the chapter

    Oh a Kon. Long time no see.

    Unrelated: I wish everyday were Friday.

    I have risen from the grave

  10. I know, but if I can't get the scrubs in the lower part of the arena any more kills, I at least want to clear the three that only have one more to go. Of course that might mean gifting some rings weapons, but until I've exhausted all my options I'm gonna keep trying

  11. Of course, he's the best character in the game after all

    Though right now I'm trying to clear the arena with everyone on chapter 1 because I'm stubborn and want the moneys

    So far Sigurd, Quan, Finn, Midir, Ayra, and Jamka have cleared it Lex, Noish, and Ethlyn just have to beat one more person, and the rest are struggling with the third and fourth dudes in the arena.

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