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Posts posted by TheReapingGrim

  1. Okay, I've been messing around with the coding and easily found Greil's codes so to adjust his stats. With enemy controlled hack you can get him after chapter one. If you make it where his exp stays at 99 then he will class change into a ranger (Ike). I've been wanting to code it where Ike is more like a hero class like his father. You can set it up where Greil can seize and use Ragnell, but Ike just can't use axes, but can use fire, wind, and lightning magic. Has anyone found a way to either remove the "lord" title from ike so he can die and give it to someone else,Greil, so you can continue the game or at least get him to use an axe. I know it is minor, but it is really bugging me that Ike can use magic, but not an axe.

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