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Posts posted by CipheringEmblems

  1. Mist, Valkyrie


    High Res, Low Def
    Weapon: Florete - Mt 14, Rng 1 - Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Restores 7 HP to adjacent allies after any combat this unit initiates. Unique. Cannot be inherited.
    Special: Miracle
    C Slot: Res Ploy

  2. Just finished an initial check for Booster Box 5. Only found a few errors:

    Missing - Sophia, Prophet of the Hidden Village
    Labeled as PR05-008PR on the wiki

    Extra - Caeda, Mystical Pegasus Knight
    Labeled incorrectly on the wiki as B05-006HN, when it should be B04-006HN

    Incorrect - Lilina, Lady of Ostia
    Her first support skill has the name and support type of her second support skill, while her second support skill itself is missing entirely.

    Incorrect - Roy, Young Lord of Pherae
    Same as Lilina.

    Other than that, the set is really nice. Thanks again for all your hard work! I'll try to let you know should I find anything else. Good luck.

  3. Love the concept and already made several copies to use.

    One note: for starter deck 5 (PoR), you switched Greil's card for another Marcia that's not in the deck. Only thing I've noticed so far.

    Thanks for all your effort! It'll let me and my brother finally play now.

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