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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Yup, Ingrid even has a special pegasus knight class that has special stats in the games data. She's the one I always have the most trouble with whenever I do that map.
  2. Haha yeah Sylvain is kind of funny that way, screw your country, I want to attend the class from the hot teacher xd. Oh, not sure if you know this but in that particular fight your units shouldn't permadie. Flayn and Lorenz should still be fine.
  3. Haha, in both lategame GD chapters Lysithea has been snipping bosses left and right. The absolute madwoman. Flayn kind of sucks as a pegasus knight because she doesn't have the str to deal enough damage. Dancer is better for her, it's what I've made her in my BL/GD run. Sylvain is actually a free recruit unit for the Female Byleth. Do you also try to build supports with the units you want to recruit? Having supports with them lowers their stats requirement that you need to recruit them.
  4. I haven't really switched the voices (I'll do that on my second Edelgard run) but I have watched let's plays in English. This one of those games where both the Eglish and Japanese voices are top notch. Well...aside from maybe two characters, those being Bernadetta and Mercedes. Bernadetta does the "anime shriek" almost every time and it's pretty bad at times. Mercedes started getting on my nerves when I realized that in some of her supports she said "Ara ara" almost every sentence.
  5. I don't know where else to ask this. Someone who has completed GD Ch 20
  6. I knew about that option. It's a super useful option that makes planning your turn a lot easier than before. It definitely needs to stay in the series.
  7. Black Eagles. I really like how our position in the route is different to any other FE game.
  8. It took me 2.5 routes to realize that it is actually possible to highlight all of the enemy's range. I assumed it wasn't possible because it was a different button from the usual games.
  9. Julia, best FE4 Gen 2 girl, I love just rushing with her and giving her the nosferatu tome. Girl can tank like crazy and kill units one by one if you place her just right. I also like her interactions with the cast, she's such a sweet girl that eventually stands up and does what needs to be done at the end of the game. Second pick would be Tine, she's a difficult unit to use since unlike her mother she can't even use Thoron at the start but I really like her character arc. She goes through a lot if you look at all her boss conversation and Seliph/Arthur conversations.
  10. Haha, I know. Girl's already so strong but by giving her the Thyrsus and the BM+1 range ability she becomes a destroyer of all things. It's what I've been doing and she can easily take enemies out from ridiculous distances. You monstah
  11. Thing that sucks about Delthea is that it takes quite a while till you recruit her and even when you get her she needs some level ups before she gets enough speed to double the enemy and get better spells. Lysithea doesn't need a holy weapon to be good. As for Julia, she doesn't always one round enemies and isn't there for the entire game.
  12. That's because Lysithea is amazing. She's the nuke bomb unit. Might even be one of the best mages I've used in the series.
  13. Kind of a dick move from Nintendo to start copyrighting every OST they can find. They’re in their right and all but still not something I like to see. Afaik they don’t even sell these OST and when they do they sometimes straighr up don’t have all of the tracks.
  14. She has warp so that won’t happen. But yeah Lysithea is amazing. She never dissapoints me no matter the route.
  15. Eh, I actually think there's quite a lot of women in the FE fanbase. We might even almost be balanced. I also think gaming in general isn't as overly male as it used to be. In this example the ones that are overreacting are also the ones that have romances everywhere in gaming and have an abundance of choice. They don't need to complain about something they already have. Gay men are a minority and don't have that luxury.
  16. It is insulting. By having Alois and Gilbert not even reach a romantic ending the implication seems to be that Lesbians >>> Gay men because of the difference between the amount of the romantic S supports.
  17. Problem with voting with ‘voting with the wallet’ is that developers don’t know why every single person didn’t buy the game or why they wouldn’t buy a future installement. People aren’t entitled but they do have every right to critique the flaw of the games and bring this up. Which is what people are doing in this thread.
  18. Have we been playing the same games? FE always has had politics in its games. Doesn’t matter if it has zero impact. People do care about their S support romance whether you like it or not.
  19. Yeah, Ignatz is the worst Archer unit from any house imo. Lorenz might be able to use magic but his damage output really isn't that great. He can almost never one round an enemy. Edelgard and Dimitri are easily the two strongest units in the game. Claude takes some speed and strength gains but eventually he gets very good.
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