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Everything posted by Strullemia

  1. Men: Ike, Dimitri and Claude Women: Lysithea, Edelgard and Micaiah
  2. Even if I reacted a bit quick there's certainly some differences. Edelgard didn''t even make the finals in the Black Eagles thread and in this one Sylvain got kicked out first and he's really popular.
  3. Huh, things are getting interesting. SF's taste is quite a bit different when compared to the overall FE fanbase. At this point Dimitri isn't even winning. He's tied with Mercedes and losing to Anette from all people while Ashe and Felix are likely to get kicked out.
  4. Huh, I wonder what routes the developers expected to be the most popular. They made Silver Snow first but that path seems to be generally the least popular. Of course I'm not speaking for everyone but that seems to be my impression.
  5. What a shame. Bernie seemed like a really good guy. I might have even voted for him if he was born in my country and unlike America we don’t have some of the big issues he’s talking about or at the very least not to the extent of the US.
  6. Changing laws isn’t the only thing that need to change in America, their gun culture also needs to change. Switzerland also “loves guns” and has their own gun culture but they don’t have a mass shooting problem like America.
  7. It wouldn't surprise me if it got cancelled. They've been cancelling a lot of events in different European countries. In my country they even gave advice to organizers that any indoor event with more than 1.000 people should get delayed or cancelled.
  8. Fire Emblem Three Houses has my favorite cast, followed by the Tellius and Jugdral games. I don't really dislike any of the characters in the game. At worst I feel indifference towards a character but I still like most characters in the game, some more than others of course but there's no one I outright dislike.
  9. I mean if it makes you any happier just remember that this is just a small popularity poll from a small FE fansite. Dorothea won the BE poll but in CYL Edelgard almost got 5 times as many votes as her. Sylvain might not have a lot of votes here but on the CYL he was the third most popular non-lord BL student so he's certainly popular.
  10. Ephraim was one of the CYL2 winners. Eirika has yet to win a CYL. I'd argue that both Soren and Jill have a lot more of a presence in their games which helps their popularity. Soren is the best friend of the main lord, has an interesting backstory as a branded, has a very personal conversation with Ike at the end of RD and his heritage is also quite important. Jill is someone who was fooled by Daein propoganda and comes to realize that and and unlike Ingrid she ends up being tested when she ends up facing her father. She also has a support with Lethe that talks about her racism that is a lot better than the Ingrid X Dedue support and it also helps that the Laguz are a lot more important in Tellius than the people of Duscur. Jill also gets another little arc in RD where she needs to choose between staying with her country or going against it. I don't dislike Ingrid but I personally find that both Soren and Jill have a lot more interesting stuff going for them.
  11. 100% this. You put it better than could have. --- Personally, I also want to add that Felix is also a big favorite of mine because I've played almost every FE game and I really really don't like the 95% of the Camus archetype and when Felix confronts someone lik Dedue about how far he would be willing to go for Dimitri I felt like I really connected with the guy.
  12. Huh, I didn't realize you continued the BE one and did one for every week. That's kind of cool. I would've given El my vote if I knew, oh well that's on me. ---- As for the Blue Lions, my favorite Blue Lions units and favorite male 3H character is without a doubt Felix. Just like him I also dislike the typical "die for honor" knight code and I found his character really satisfying because of that.
  13. I just got a mail that the biggest Asian con in Belgium is postponed to September because of the Corona virus. It's understandeable but it also really sucks because I was really looking forward to it.
  14. Eh I guess we’re going to have to disagree. I don’t like TWSITD but I do like Edelgard’s story and how she rises from an experiment torture victim that saw her own family killed to someone who brings a better future to Fodlan.
  15. And I believe that you can’t just remove the C support without changing both TWSITD and Edelgard. Removing the C support changes the relationship she shares with TWSITD. TSWSITD would have to act differently because she’s not their little experiment anymore which would in turn not open the same doors for Edelgard like killing Cordelia. The story would have to change because the relationship between Edelgard and TWSITD would be unbelievable otherwise.
  16. How would Edelgard or (Claude/Seteth for that matter because Hubert informs them) know about TWSITD if they don't have a working relationship of sort? The only reason TWSITD are so easy going with Edelgard is because they believe they created the second Nemesis and can control her which does more or less work out for them in 3/4 routes. In a world where they're not in contact Edelgard or the other lords would never find out about them which would lead to their death.
  17. The problem is that in this scenario the Edelgard you're talking about would just end up getting killed by TWSITD. It is exactly because of her relation with them that she ends up having the knowledge and ability that she can turn against them and rise above her past as a victim of torture.
  18. She works with TWSITD because she knows that they only succeeded in their plans in part because Fodlan's society is already messed up. Just getting rid off TWSITD won't solve everything. Just look at the tregedy of duscur, TWSITD was involved in that event but there were just as many people in the kingdom who wanted Lambert dead who weren't aligned with TWSITD. ---- Yes. Yes I would. Cutting her C support away would hurt Edelgard because it would be more difficult to understand where this character came from. Same thing with Dimitri. Dimitri's character also wouldn't make any sense if you got rid of the Tragedy of Duscur.
  19. Those events shaped Edelgard into the person she is. You can't get rid of them or she would be an entirely different character and since Edelgard plays a very important role in the overall story you'd also mess up the entire story.
  20. There already is an Illya route! It's called Fate kaleid prisma Illya!
  21. Got Metro 2033 Redux and Rune Factory 4. I just started playing RF4 and got reminded how the game let's you choose the Male/Female MC. The game starts and you get a choice: > I'm flyin' high, baby! > Goodness, I'm so high up! The first dialogue choice gives you the male one and the second the female. It's definitely one of the weirder ways a game made me choose the MC's gender.
  22. Happy Birthday to my favorite FE character! May she lead a happy long life eating all the sweets she wants. My heart ❤️
  23. This is a very good point. There's a lot of hints in 3H that they ran out of time (AM Cut content, re used maps, CF route length,...) unlike Fates where it seems like the team clashed.
  24. Agreed with gameplay but not with anything else. Yes Fates has more unique routes but since you pay for every single route that's to be expected and unlike 3H Fates released revelations which pretty much ruined both Birtright and Conquest from a story perspective. Birtright and Revelations are still worse than 3H when it comes to the gameplay part because birthright is bland and unlike 3H Birthright doesn't have the large customization, combat arts, better magic system, demonic beasts or battalions to make the more boring maps more interesting. Revelations has a ton of gimmicks that end up hurting the gameplay more than hurting it alongside a story that is just as bad as Conquest.
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