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Posts posted by ChickenBits

  1. Not saying the Serenes crowd does this but the double standards man. Some people were dreading and joking about another Camilla yet Lyn is a-okay. I just wish they'd be consistent with their supposed too many alts complaint. 

    Ah it's no good being negative, bad me. I like ninjas but other than Hana I'm not really interested in the other units. I'm summoning purely for cool weapon fodder which is probably a first for me. I don't think I've ever summoned for fodder lol. 

  2. Yeah, I wonder why I thought this was a good idea. Hyper offense makes this map easy yet I didn't do that..... it was painful. Usually when Abyssal is hard for me it's cause I get stubborn and try to make whoever I bring in first work. This case I just really wanted to use Caeda, Grima, and Ethlyn. You can thank Genshin for lite mode, damn game needs like 8GB of space. Archanea once again turning me to the dark side. Caeda is super pretty



    Hah, seeing my absolute favourite character get in the game is just.... amazing. He's so cute T-T As always, he's looks memey as fuck lmao. 4* focus, thank the heavens. Xane means a lot to me TOT

    Getting all of that off my chest. I want Grima as well, she's really cute and looks like fun. Tiki is tiki so obviously I need to pull for her. Xane ^^^. Ena is a welcomed surprise~ Yeah, I don't really pull for meta reasons. 

  4. Other than Rhea the list isn't in any particular order. I like almost everyone to a certain degree so this was kinda hard.  Might say something or not if it's characters I haven't really talked about before. Trying to avoid a full on Blue Lion sweep was..... difficult. 

    1. Rhea

    2. Dimitri

    3. Ashe - Him and Caspar are funny. I always liked Ashe, Caspar was a mixed bag at first, but then I saw the cat mom support and instantly fell in love with the two as a pairing. My love for them has only grown~. Ashe as a character is just so incredibly sweet and humble that it makes me smile and a little sad. The inability to let go of his past deeds is pretty sad when he's genuinely a good person. 

    4. Caspar - Endearing and he's hilarious, his support with Hubert had me crying. I also think he's very strong character, emotionally speaking. Crest significance and nobility is such a heavy burden it's no wonder a good chunk of the cast just can't handle it but Caspar pushes through. Admittedly he seems to have a "normal" family but the societal pressure is huge.  Plus he gets a lot of points for cat mom ^^^

    5. Flayn - I don't get how Flayn looks a like a child nor how she's childish :L. Anyways, I think she's endearing and pretty funny at times. Fruit ninja with Felix came out of no where and the way she knocks Sylvain down a peg via ridiculous rumours made me cry 😂. Her fear of abandonment is also just too relatable, minus the whole immortality thing, and made me pretty emotional.

    6. Felix 

    7. Mercedes

    8. Marianne

    9. Seteth

    10. Ferdinand

  5. Vero is super cute here but I don't like Xander >:L regardless, I'm not summoning for a while. 300+ orbs for garbage when trying to get Summer Byleth. I'm excited for Vero + Ephrain refines since I still use them regularly. If Celica ends up broken I'll be pissed I foddered her. Summoning changes are always nice but 4* pool could still use some work, there's just too many units now. Free stuff is free stuff.


    Sucks we got no cyl4 news

  6. Random Larum pity breaker was vital for my clear :L 

    I'm not a huge fan of FE6 so I'm surprised I was able to clear Abyssal Hector. +10 Klein, +1 Brave Roy, Larum, and Winter Cecilia got the job done. Larum was lvl 1 and didn't have anything except atk tactic seal lol, her only purpose was to dance.

  7. I want Xane

    Hmm, my number one wanted hero from Three Houses would probably be Serios. Favourite character in the game~ and she's incredibly badass. FEH doesn't exactly celebrate individual anniversaries but Three Houses isn't comparable to the rest of the series. It's a mainline game that garnered a lot of attention and came out during FEH's lifespan. 


  8. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, this one's a skip for me. Even if it is mostly Tellius, I don't want any of these characters badly enough. Also, wtf is going on with Oboro's hood? It's overly huge.

    Also, it pisses me off that Micaiah now has four versions to Elincia's mere two. Where is the love for the latter? She'd fit perfectly as a bride as well and now we've gone through two Tellius infested bride/groom banners where she is absent. This makes no sense to me. I can only hope this means we're getting legendary Elincia before legendary Micaiah.

    Unless Hinata has a really good skill to fodder him for, he's being turned into 

    Oboro is wearing a traditional Japanese wedding dress. The "hooded" part is a headdress and it's a symbol of submission.

    Anyways I'm not too crazy about anyone here so I'll most likely skip. Oboro and Nailah are super pretty but they're not a must have. 

  9. I'm a little disappointed "Abyssal" is just infernal in disguise, map was way too easy. I get why they wouldn't actually use the Abyssal stats for this but it would have been fun to try.

    Beast Emblem featuring Naesala, Tibarn, NY!Lethe and Reyson cleared it easily.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    And nope, that lunatic solution doesn't work because for whatever reason, my Fjorm doesn't one-round Bramimond like Phoenixmaster's does. I really do have to skip these orbs. Shame. IS should regulate the free orbs only to easier content and have things like infernal and abyssal maps only reward less important stuff. That way players that can't clear them aren't missing out on much.

    Granted, in this case it's a lunatic map as well that's unclearable for me, but I can clear those a vast majority of the time, so I won't say they shouldn't have orbs as a reward.

    That's weird, have you tried giving Fjorm a seal? I gave Fjorm Fort. Def seal just to mess with her attack and she still manages to get the K.O. The only way I can see you missing out on the K.O is by missing a step or Fjorm somehow doesn't proc her special.

  11. This map didn't take very long which is nice~ I was going to use Lif and Linde, current goal is to beat all of the abyssal maps with them, but I just threw together some units I like :D. I wanted to use a different dancer but I didn't feel like wasting 20k feathers for speed tactics :L, the extra buffs and movement weren't needed anyways. It's been a while but my boy Klein returns~


    Yes, I didn't complete the other difficulties so I could show off my orb count lolz

  12. 39 minutes ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    I do understand what you are saying, I was primarily referring to what Rhea says, after you make the choice not to side with Edelgard and how that contrasts with what you learn from Edelgard after you side with her. The Archbishop does come across as sadistic in the dialogue that follows. And Edelgard comes across as reasonable. As for the decision itself. I made it mostly through gut reaction, but as I figured out the identity of the Flame Emperor ahead of time and knew this choice was coming. I had already made up my mind at this point. If you pay attention, you would already know what Edelgard stands for. 

    I do also understand why Rhea is reacting this way, which became abundantly clear to me after learning that Nemesis rise to power started with a tomb robbery very similar to this one, which led into the Red Canyon incident, so the reason she is with this level of furious is because that in her mind. Edelgard is currently a mirror of Nemesis and she knows what kind of damage. What is contained in this tomb can unleash upon the world. 

    I know very well how Rhea treats those who goes against the church in any way, which is part of why by this point I was in agreement with Edelgard that the church was tyranical. Her caring more about actions more than intentions is basically the complete opposite of my views, so there is no wonder I don't view her as favourably as Edelgard. In a more objective stands for, she has good intentions, just like Edelgard, but is misguided, like Edelgard. In fact, the two has quite a bit in common. If we ignore the fact that their ideologies are the complete opposite of one another

    Ah I see, thanks for clarifying that. It seemed like you made your choice with the events afterwards in mind but I can see that's not the case. Rhea's uh terrifying when she's mad so I'm not gonna defend that. While I understood what Edelgard stood for, I built a stronger connection with Rhea and wanted to know more about her and why things were the way they were. My stance is actually pretty similar to yours in that I couldn't stand behind condemning someone without confronting them, only in my case I stood by Rhea.

    I didn't see it as tyrannical but I can see why you did. For me, I didn't think Rhea was dangerous for executing criminals that essentially came after her nor was she tyrannical for doing so. I wonder if it's just my bias at play or the game's portrayal of these executions, the criminals aren't meant to be pitied for the most part except for Lonato to a certain degree. Ah I see, this is where we'll disagree ideologically. For me, actions are more important than intention, especially when the damage has already been done. Of course I'm not absolute about this, it should be a case by case thing.

    I agree 100% and I do like Edelgard a lot, I just don't agree with her at times and prefer some other characters that happen to be in direct conflict with her. I think the devs made the right choice when designing Rhea and Edelgard the way they did, it's just shame some fans disregard this entirely.

  13. 2 hours ago, Moltz23 said:

    it would be a good start. What still perplexes me to no end is that in the other routes Edelgard (as the Flame Emperor) does provide an explanation as for why she's raiding the Holy Tomb, so having Edelgard not tell you anything in her own route is really weird to the point I legit wonder if it was done on purpose. (and the fact there's a scene the other routes get before said event which never happens in BE for some reason does little to help).

    This has been bothering me for a while, you'd think she would explain herself here of all routes. I'm guessing it has to do with the dev's intentions with the scene, it's meant to signify the bond you have with Edelgard. Can you still trust her despite the lies and "betrayal" or did she cross the line and is a legitimate threat? I honestly think the devs were going for a irrational and emotional choice being made here. It's so "irrational" that Edelgard herself is in shock. Explaining her actions could possibly defeat the purpose of that since you could make a more logical choice based on the info you have. She's gonna be the antagonist no matter what in other routes so the devs can afford to shed some light on a major antagonist. 

    2 hours ago, Darkmoon6789 said:

    Just because someone is the aggressor doesn't mean they are unjust, Edelgard, at the very least, believed she was fighting for a just cause, whenever that is true or not is debatable. The issue isn't necessarily that Rhea wants to kill her as much as she is unwilling to hear her out first, you would think she would want to know why Edelgard turned against her, but she is willing to order her execution before she has a chance to speak makes it seem like she's trying to hide something. It also doesn't help that Rhea comes across as incredibly sadistic in this scene, the way she talks here rubs me the wrong way. She even spouts an ideology that I believe to be inherently evil (eternal punishment). The Archbishop in general comes across as deranged and cruel, while Edelgard in comparison comes across as rational, compassionate, and even reluctant in the conversations following the holy tomb.

    I know that Rhea isn't evil, and have reasons for what she is doing, I am just saying that she doesn't leave the best impression in this particular scene which at this moment makes joining Edelgard the more attractive option for me. What I am essentially saying is that Edelgard is under the impression that the Archbishop is an evil immortal tyrant that has ruled over the continent an iron fist for over a millennia, if Edelgard knew the full truth. Her response could have been very different and the Archbishop acting exactly like a cruel tyrant in this scene only strengthens Edelgard's belief that she is correct in her assertions, if shown mercy and understanding. This would come as a surprise to Edelgard and make her question if her understanding of events is really correct. Possibly preventing a future war with Edelgard entirely (still probably need to take care of the Agarthans). Eye for an eye only escalates a situation while offering mercy and redemption can de-escalate the situation before it gets worse, one reason it is nearly always the superior option

    Personally, I find it hard to call the aggressor "just" in any circumstance, especially when they're using lethal force. This isn't to be confused with victims lashing out, their tormentors are the aggressor no matter what. Though this isn't the main point and it's pretty subjective so I'll leave it at that. Don't mind me randomly joining the conversation. I just think this overall scene is interesting

    We already know that Rhea doesn't care about your intentions, what matters is your actions and that makes it understandable why she didn't bother questioning Edelgard. To her, no reason could possibly justify attacking the Church and it's members. It's not a one time incident either, Edelgard's been a part of some major events within the past year like Flayn's kidnapping and Remire village. You're not the first person to claim Rhea appears to be hiding something but I never got that impression. We know how important the Church is to her and how she treats anyone who goes against it, I find it weird that anyone would think she's acting suspiciously or out of character in order to hide something. I'm a little surprised you'd say she's sadistic here, at least before the choice has been made since Rhea doesn't say anything about eternal punishment until Edelgard escapes :L.

    I agree with the sentiment(the whole eye for an eye is bad) wholeheartedly here but I think it's unfair to look at the scene through Edelgard's perspective only, especially since you're using information we don't get until AFTER we make the choice. Looking at it from Rhea's perspective, to her Edelgard's a huge threat to Fodlan's safety, one that's trying to steal a lot of crest stones. Rhea knows what can be done with those stones and she isn't willing to take that chance. So while I think compassion would have been nice to see I can't exactly fault Rhea for the acting the way she did. Also, it didn't matter what Rhea did here, the war would have happen regardless. I doubt one act of kindness would be enough to shake Edelgard's beliefs since they're deeply rooted in her trauma.

  14. Xane, Azelle and Shiva are the only ones that can threaten my Rhea stash so there's that. 

    I'm expecting Awakening or Tellius to be honest. With the 30th Anni coming up, Fe1/3 are more than possible but Awakening is technically Archanea and far more popular :L Tellius if there's no plan for Anni.

  15. Whew, I'm not reading 41 pages in one sitting again lol. Man, I missed out on some genuinely good discussions 😅.

    Anyways, I'm glad TC made this topic. I've been saying this since I completed the game but depending on the site I was using, the discussion would just dissolve into Rhea vs. Edelgard with Dimitri sprinkled in. Not fun. I can only trust in Serenes 🙏 With the occasional reddit post. It's rare but there's some genuinely good character analysis. It just gets buried

    I do want to mention the whole "Rhea suppressed technology and humanity's advancement!" Honestly, I doubt the validity of it. Losing books, incredibly rare and valued resources if the dlc was right, would be a punishable crime. Hell, Ashe simply pays off Anna when a thief stole one lol. 

    Was mentioned really early on but I agree, Bernie being set on fire is such a tiresome argument

  16. This was a fun clear and it's essentially just Lif + Linde trashing the map 😅. It was pretty funny when I cleared this first try. I feel kinda bad that Mia didn't get to do much. Ai control and tactics~

    Linde having no ivs and merges makes her really special to me for some reason. 

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