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Murdok Dracul

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Everything posted by Murdok Dracul

  1. Salford, Greater Manchester, England
  2. I'm choosing Marth, only because I haven't played very much of Seisen no Keifu so I don't know what Celice is like.
  3. Is it possible to play a Casual Lunatic (oxymoron if ever I've known one) mode to avoid being completely wiped out by those skills, or is Casual mode only available on Easy/Normal difficulty? I've never been quite sure.
  4. About the Demon Fighter class, isn't it possible that it will have swords and bows, like Alm originally did? I really can't see him using tomes. Then again, as I think has been pointed out, though I haven't read many of the previous posts, we don't know for sure that Alm himself is of the class. He might be a Hero or Assassin, and just happen to come in the same package as the Demon Fighter Scroll, which could potentially have any combination of weapons. If I had to guess right now though, I'd say Alm is a Demon Fighter, and members of this class just use swords, like in Gaiden. The difference between them and the other solo-sword-wielders, Swordmasters is in their stats - Demon Fighters will have more HP and Strength but less Skill and Speed. But as I said, this is just a guess.
  5. If this really is the list of the future SpotPass characters, then I have just one question. Where. Is. Merric? On second thought, I'd like Wolf and Nabarl as well. My guess (well, hope) is that if this set of characters does become SpotPass content, it will be representative only of Shadow Dragon/Shin Monsho, and there will be a separate set of characters from Ankoku Ryu/Monsho no Nazo at some point. Including Merric, Nabarl and Wolf.
  6. I'm not really bothered about villains. I just want Soren and Joshua. If those two were to be in the same game, the world would be so much better.
  7. I tried to sort of filter out the less serious spoilers from the bigger ones, and ended up accidentally discovering Masked Marth's identity... :(
  8. In that case, it's safe to assume that if at some point they release Ike as a DLC character, he'll have the same model (with a colour change) and class as the new Roy, right? Edit: ...On second thought, maybe not 'safe' but at least reasonable. Not that my point matters anyway.
  9. My Unit x Sariya because she's a magical gothic psychopath. And I like those for some reason. And Gaia with either Liz or Mariabel, if possible. Krom x Sumia, of course.
  10. They are both pretty awesome. I bet Cervantes rescues units by letting them sit on his 'stache.
  11. [spoiler=Not sure if this even needs a spoiler tag but I'll give it one just in case]I don't know if this has already been said, as I'm trying to avoid most of the spoilers (in fact, if I'm avoiding spoilers I shouldn't really be on this thread; I've just read about Masked Marth and part of me is thrilled that I guessed correctly, while the other part wishes I'd waited to get the game before finding out), but...wasn't Mark the default name of the player character in Blazing Sword? And wasn't he also a strategist? Either that's just a subtle reference, or we now have a new family of cross-game player characters!
  12. Fair enough. Thematically, and probably stat-wise, Hero or Lord does seem more appropriate for him.
  13. You're probably right; personally, though, I wouldn't want past characters to appear without their original weapons. Theoretically speaking, if Cellica were made into a Grandmaster to use swords and tomes, then perhaps a skill like Sacrifice from Radiant Dawn would allow her to use healing magic. This seems fitting to me, considering that spells had to be used at the cost of your own HP in Gaiden. However, I think it's unlikely that such a skill will appear in this game. Also, maybe Arum could be an Assassin, if he needs to use both swords and bows. Now that I think about it, the Assassin class would also suit Lyndis. As for Hector, why not just make him a Hero with high defence so he can use both swords and axes? One thing to consider is that if these main characters do become available, it will probably be through paid DLC as opposed to Spotpass, and I think if we're actually paying for this content then there's a higher chance that they'll come along with special classes or skills to suit them. ...I'm getting kind of off-topic, though.
  14. Anna is a time traveller; Jake should still be with her. If it turns out he isn't in the game, I'll just name My Unit Jake (which is conveniently my real name) and get him to marry her.
  15. Update: Currently my numerous favourites, roughly in order, are: Sariya Gaia ANNA! Velvet Olivia Mariabel Liz Serge Tiamo That's right - my Fire Emblem team usually consists of that one male thief/assassin, surrounded by loads of female characters. What's wrong with that? Actually, I'd usually include a mage, but Miriel and Richt just seem kind of boring to me. Maybe it's the wizard hats. Dark Mage Sariya will do for me instead. ...I know that this is an awfully long list, but there are just so many awesome-looking characters in this game.
  16. I can't imagine any of the Laguz-type characters being weddable...no wait, that's the wrong word... Marryable? Doesn't seem right. ...Mariabel? Besides, I think Donnie or Richt is probably the best choice maturity-wise to marry Nono. Myself, I'm going for Sariya - that is, if she doesn't turn out to be an evil traitor. As for the product of a human and a Manakete/Taguel, I can only imagine it being a Branded. However, that would mean Velvet, Nono or Tiki would lose her transforming powers, wouldn't it? Another reason to think it won't be possible. Unless it turns out that Manaketes and Taguel aren't like Laguz at all.
  17. What's the Dark Mage's name, Sariya? Yeah, her. Awesome. Also Velvet. Because I'm physically attracted to sexy badass bunny rabbits she reminds me of the laguz. Particularly Lyre.
  18. There's a point. If it's tripling the might, then you can still take defence away and get 22; if the damage itself is tripled, 22's obviously impossible. I was never entirely sure how bonus damage was calculated till now though. I don't particularly care which, but I dearly hope it is one of those.
  19. I agree that we need to let Nintendo know how much we want it, though to be honest, it would be an incredibly stupid move for them NOT to release it internationally considering the 3DS' horrible start to its life. They should really bring over as many games as possible.
  20. I'm not sure if anybody else has received an e-mail reply like this, I haven't checked, so sorry if this is old news, but I sent an e-mail to Nintendo of Europe's Service Centre yesterday. The following is the message I sent: This morning, I received a reply to the e-mail: So Mr John Parker confirms that they don't currently plan to release it in Europe, and presumably that means it won't be released in North America or Australia either. I guess it doesn't look like we'll be seeing it at E3 as some speculated. I know most people probably guessed it wasn't going to be released; this is just a clear confirmation. Sorry to disappoint, guys :(
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