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Posts posted by Cygames

  1. I haven't unlocked Lyn yet so It could change.

    Favorite is probably Marths. I love his speed in his style. But Camilla comes really close 2nd. It feels so brutal and satisfying using her attacks.

    Least favorite is probably Horse Units so far. Playing Xander, Frederick  were pretty eh. I don't mind Elise so it might be just close combat weapon horse people.

  2. It depends on the level of spoilers. Major plot twist or important character dies I'd like to avoid. But if its something in like the beginning then I won't be as mad because I was gonna run into pretty fast anyway.

    However, it also depends on how old the content is. Such as FFVII. Its been 20 years.

    But if its something new, I'd rather hear nothing about it.

  3. Just now, Jedi said:

    Sorry for the call out, its just something that particularly bugs me when someone says all of them are the same game with a different coat of paint is all, it kind of defeats the value of trying to discuss the various differences. 

    I  mean its understandable if you're a fan of the genre. Being able to discuss and prove why things are different, etc. So you're cool.

    Idm them but I wouldn't call myself an expert. I'll be careful in the future of my wording.

  4. Have you actually played the different subwarriors series? Because I can tell you there are quite a number of differences, you're coming off as a very inexperienced or uninformed person. 

    Granted I dont play as much, I've only played a few.

    That was not my intent and I apologize for the misunderstanding.

    However, it will still have the same battle plan of one vs many.

    Though yes you are right, compared to someone people who played the main flagships.




  5. One of Collab Musou games important aspects is the character roster.

    Its like Marvel VS Capcom or Smash series- you want your favorite characters to be in it and play as them.

    Gameplay wise, it will still generally be the same cause its a Musou game.

    Also the name Fire Emblem brands the entire series, not just 3 games.

    It isn't like Hyrule Warriors where there is always a Link, Zelda, and Ganon in every game.

    Most FEs share a different cast of individual characters.


  6. Besides the usual disappointment of having no other characters from other games. Maybe Camus has a chance now.

    At this point, I just want to play and see if it was worth my money. From what I seen, ya it should be.

    I'll pick up the season pass. Besides liking Warrior games in general, I'll be satisfied at the very least.

  7. with the log in bonus.

    I had enough for a summon so y not. All 3s and 4s till the last Blue Orb on top. I'm hoping for Lucina as shes top priority. At a 3.25% chance, I was blessed with Brave Lucina (2nd one).

    Had an +attack, -Defense. Decent but better then the 1st one.

    So now I got all the braves with IVs I'm fine with except Lyn cause idm Neutral.

    Finally I can start saving for the next banner that interests me.

  8. Should get enough orbs for another summon once I cap Tempest. then probably rely on dailies then spend like 15$ or sometihng at the end.

    Priority would be looking for a better IV Lucina. Everyone else is fine.

    Yesterday pulled an Eldigan and BIke at a 3.75% in one session.

    Eldigan had the worst IV with -attack,+Res.  but I'll level him anyway and more BIke merging for me. Think hes at a +2 or 3 now.


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